Chapter 9
Three weeks later...
I have still remained my reputation as alpha, and I have advanced in HY, as I secretly call it. Our next job was to leave and go to a farm and run it. The husband was in the army, and the wife was in a factory making ammo. When we arrived by truck, we saw a girl's group was already there.
Our instructor had told us to make sure they got the work done and that we were in charge. A little on the sexist side. The farm was a potato as well as a wheat farm. There were no animals present, and the tractors were scraped into tank armor. We had escaped the nightly raids, lead by our friend. I only saw the others once, at graduation from beginners.
The leader of the girl's group demanded who was in charge of us. I sheepishly raised my hand, and she added me to a mental list of people to look out for, or possibly kill.
She didn't look more than fifteen, but when she spoke, the sounded like an old angry lady.
"Alright! Now! You have your orders, and we have ours! Stay. Out. Of. Our. Way!"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhkay?" I said unsure.
We went into the barn and set up our sleeping bags. The girls had claimed the warm heated house. Nights were freezing in Germany. But, they were worse in Russia.
It was getting night, so we went outside and built a huge fire. We danced and sang horribly. The well water was muddy and chemically. And so we partied well into the night.
"Who?" Someone asked me.
"What?" I replied. It was now dark, the fire was died down, and I was leaned against a tree trunk.
"Glory. You were sayin' somethin' 'bout hoping Glory makes it home safely?"
"Gl-" I started. GLORY! I was talking about the plane! I snapped out of my drowsiness instantly.
I looked at who had asked. It was Flak. Flak was the name given to him because he wants to man an anti-aircraft gun. Everyone else was asleep.
"I guess I was hoping to make it home in glory, I guess. What else was I saying?"
"Xp whatever. Certainly ain't no girl's name!"
I nearly compromised our mission! I had to watch what I was saying from now on.
"They killed my father you know. Those in Riptide. He was in a bomber helping to take over Britain. His plane was gunned down by their AA. That's why I want to man an anti-aircraft gun." Flak said.
I looked at him. What could I say? "I hope you get your wish, then."
I was the first up the next morning, and I spied a massive apple tree. It was next to the farm house, and nobody was out. Making a little gun with my fingers, I stealthily ran to the tree, diving behind cover whenever possible. When I reached the trunk undetected, I looked up. There were dozens of ripe apples!
But there was a problem. I had no skill in climbing a tree. I hugged the trunk and tried to pull myself up. I was actually making progress! When I reached the branches, I pulled myself up and into a little nest of leaves. Then I heard the voices.
I jumped back into the cover of the leaves.
"I don't trust them! What if they were told to kill us!" The leader yelled.
"Well, if we show them we're in charge, we can rule. Peacefully?" another voice said.
"Are you an idiot? That shows them we are just weak! We kill that kid named Alpha or whatever before they wake up!"
The leader took out an assassin's knife, used by the Allies. With their backs turned to me, I jumped down and took the leader by surprise. I knocked the knife from her hand and held it at her.
"Listen! I don't want to hurt you, but nobody is killing anybody!" I yelled. I expected the shorter girl to scream, pull out a knife, run, all of the above, but she just stayed there.
"Fine. You don't mess with us, we won't mess with you!" She said, and they both walked back to the house.
I walked to the barn, where the others had woken up. I told them not to go near the girls, and especially, not the leader. From then on, our groups (clans?) didn't go near each other. The girls picked the crops, we loaded them into crates. Trucks took the crates to the troops fighting.
One day, we were told to practice shooting, because we might need to serve one day soon. We were given rifles and shotguns. One double-barreled shotgun caught my eye. It was the Olympia. An Italian made gun. We set rocks up on the fences and went to town. One day, I had an amazing idea.
"We should divide into two sides, make mud balls, and throws them like grenades over trenches!"
"Alrighty then, Alpha! You take half, and I'll take half. We carve guns from sticks." Boss replied.
I picked Flak first. We went back and forth, and made two groups of six. We set up a No Man's Land area thirty feet wide. Four of us dug the twenty foot long, three feet wide, five feet down, trench. One made bombs, one carved guns from wood.
We spent time whenever we could on this play war. I was put in charge of getting water for mud bombs today, so I took two buckets for the stream on the other side of the farm. I decided to cut through "enemy territory" that was the wheat field. It was the enemy's area because that was the border made by the boys and girls. I planned on being quick.
When I walked through the plain, I started to run. Then, I ran right into the enemy. I nearly dodged the girl. I tripped and fell on my face, scraping myself.
"Sorry! Sorry! Needed water! Needed water! Don't tell your leader I was here!" I said quickly.
"I'm sorry! I was going to look at what they were doing!" She said at the same time.
We stared at each other for a long few seconds. She had long brown hair with dark green eyes. She was kind of pretty. I decided to break the ice.
"Hi. Uh, what's your name?" I said.
"Hannah. What's yours?"
Should I give my real name, or my HY name? HY.
"Alpha." I said.
"Uh, ok then, Alpha. See you sometime soon?"
I got the water I needed and ran back, around the field this time. We made more supplies for the fake war the rest of the day.
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