ix. The Flower Girl (not Aerith)
Celine Darling stepped through the doorway of the bar she had found. Pulling her aviators from her nose and sticking them into the low hanging shirt she had put onto her body to enjoy the night. The spaghetti straps that were on her shoulders felt a bit lose but she liked that as one of them fell down her shoulder and laid on her cheeks. She pursed her lips once, letting the rose lipstick she had put onto them get smeared a bit more while her hazel eyes looked around the place.
"What can I get you?" a lady at the bar asked as Celine walked towards her. Hand on the counter as she looked past the older woman without a care. Her eyes going over everything that she could be drinking and everything that was different to other bars she had visited in the last few years that she was known for living her life and not wondering about work.
"Could I get a water?" Celine finally asked with a smile on her lips as she met the green eyes of the woman. Eyes that seemed to analyze her every move to see what she was doing in a bar for mostly people from the Navy.
"Course." The barmaid walked a bit away from her and put water into a glass for Celine. The hazel eyes of the pilot traveled to a sign that had rules on them: No disrespecting of the Navy or Women as well as not leaving your smartphone on the counter of the barmaid. "You new to the area?" Celine raised her eyes from the sign to meet the green eyes of the lady.
"Not really," Celine replied, sitting down on one of the many empty seats that were settled around the whole of the bar. Her fingers slowly wrapping around the cool beverage before she took a sip of it. "Lived here as a kid, now I am back. You know how work is."
"You are in the Navy?" the lady asked as if she could not figure out what Celine's job was from simply hearing that she had lived here and had to come back because of her job. Celine nodded her head as a reply as she let her eyes go to a group of men boasting with laughter as if they could not laugh quietly and had to have the attention of the whole room on them. Celine was annoyed and if it showed on her expression or how she exhaled that was not her fault, it was just her body letting everything out without working with her brain. "They are always that way . . . But let me guess. Mechanic?"
"Nope." Celine smiled at the assumption of the woman older than herself. She drummed her fingers slowly on the glass so that they would not make any sound that could annoy anyone else like the barmaid. "More dangerous."
"Weapons Officer?" Celine chuckled as she watched the bright grin spreading over the woman's face as she snipped her fingers once and pointed at the pilot with a wide grin growing. "I got it. Naval Aviator."
"You got me," Celine said as she shook her head slightly with a grin of her own. Another sip from the cold water entered her lips, the pad of her thumb running over the faint lipstick mark which was created when she drank from the glass. "Naval aviator in active duty since," Celine pulled out her phone and looked at her phone, "Circa 9 hours."
"You seem a bit old for only starting the naval academy." The lady looked unconvinced about the words that Celine had given to her.
"Sorry. Once again in active duty after 5 years of babysitting." Celine swirled her finger at the rim of the glass as she watched the lady in front of her move around to fill up beers that were ordered by men all around.
"You have a kid?" the lady asked as her voice rose into a higher octave, her eyes wide as she stared at Celine. Celine put a finger to her lips before she leaned a bit over the counter.
"No, my captain is just a pain in the ass." A giggle left the lips of the older woman, her head tilting back as she laughed her heart out without a care for anyone else. "You know how it is, not listening to anyone."
"Sound like someone I know." Celine laughed at those words and leaned a bit back on her seat, her hands on the bar. Her eyes closing as she enjoyed the conversation because she was never truly able to talk to anyone except Hondo, she was sure that Hondo got sick of her talking as well as keeping her and Pete a secret because he could now clearly see that they were not good at hiding after a certain time. Their eyes always seemed to linger on the other one whenever they had to look at their counterpart while they were speaking. "I am Penny."
"Celine." Hands were shaken as they both smiled at each other, continuing their conversation about anything they wanted. The glass of water being refilled by Penny over time after Celine had finished the first one. The call of Penny's name made both of them stop talking, Penny had to walk away and apologized but Celine made sure she had nothing to worry about.
Celine leaned her head on her hand as she turned her head to look into the depth of the bar. She could still see the group of old men (older than Maverick) they were still cackling as if there was no end to it, shaking her head she saw two frames clothed in a brown she was all to familiar with — a brown she was forced to wear on the day that would follow this night.
A younger brunette stood at the other end of the bar (near the door that Celine had left behind when she had arrived herself) with a bright smile on her lips as she stared at Penny. She had flowers in her hands that Celine could not make out while speaking to the older woman with a softness in her gaze. The flowers were held out to Penny, Celine could see a small interaction between the two brunette's before the girl left Penny alone to walk deeper into the bar.
"You got some flowers?" Celine teased, pointing at the small bundle of flowers in the hand of the older woman. Penny chuckled slightly as she laid the flowers next to Celine.
"Gotta find a vase, watch them for me."
"Will do, Ma'am." Celine pressed her open hand against her forehead as a salute as she watched Penny walk away. She let her gaze go down to the bundle of flowers that consistent of a few flowers she did not know and daisies as if they were the best flowers to have graced the earth.
Celine took a sip from her glass of water as she raised her gaze, landing on Pete Mitchell sitting at another side of the bar. He had not yet noticed her as he stared down at his smartphone without a care, Celine's eyebrows furrowed together. She had not seen him looking so full of thoughts since a long time and she knew that he was a type to not think and just do, especially in the sky, but now she was seeing so much concern and worry in his full expression.
"Thank you." Penny's words threw her out of her staring, turning her head quickly to see Penny putting the flower assortment into a glass vase that she had already filled with a bit of water.
"Don't make me the reason you aren't working." Celine pointed her finger at Penny who simply slapped it away with a smile on her lips, the older woman shook her head at the antics of the blonde before she turned around to serve the new costumers. Penny did not think she would find a known face to her in Miramar after many years of them having an off and on relationship before and after she had married once and had Amelia and yet she was confronted with the man that she had spoken her heart to many years before.
I found it, now I am waiting.
Celine chuckled, he did not have a bad eyesight and yet he had not noticed her sitting in the corner of his eye. She let her fingers type words before she leaned onto the bar, taking a drink from her water so ti would be empty. She after all knew Maverick well enough to know he would want to buy her a drink even when they were not together in public, he always tried to flirt with her one way or another. A smile playing on her lips as she leaned on her arm once again while the other hands played with the straw she had asked for.
Her eyes watched his every move with a teasing smile on her lips. He was still speaking to Penny but his eyes were slowly traveling the woman that was around his age while she spoke about him not even trying to ask her out when he had not even planned it, after all he had a girlfriend he loved. A girlfriend he had been living with for most of their relationship, a woman that he had adopted a cat with and understood him. He shook his head slightly as Celine pointed at the lady that he was talking to, she wanted him to focus but how could he focus when Celine's eyes were on him. Those pools of hazel that made him want to sink deep into the ocean as long as they were her eyes, he would always be able to find stars in them.
The sound of a fresh glass filled with brown substance. Celine turned her head to Penny that looked at her with worried eyes if she was able to read anything in them. Watching Penny glance over her shoulder and Maverick before turning back to her seemed fun. "From that Old Bloke. If you want me to ring the bell again because you think it's creepy I will totally do it."
"It's not problem." Celine smiled as she waved Penny off. "Free drinks are always appreciated." Penny laughed at the words of the younger woman before she did the work she had to in her own bar. Celine smirked at Pete as she looked at him with the root beer he had gotten her, she slowly pressed the glass against her lips as she took a sip from it.
Are you a creepy old man?
The only respond she got when she looked back up from the phone she had used was a scowl. The smile that had been on Maverick's lips leaving him and the wrinkles between his eyebrows increasing as his eyes narrowed. Celine continued to smile sweetly, pressing one of her fingers against her lips before blowing the kiss to him so that no one would really notice them interacting. Her mouth moved as she looked into his eyes but no sound left her, the smile that had left his lips slowly coming back as he nursed his beer.
"What do we have here?" the loud voice of a man called out. Celine turned her head to see the blonde of the two Navy Lieutenants grinning at someone walking towards him, his friend and another man sitting near them in the same beige robe at the pool table. She was interested about the people she would be forced to fly with, people she did not know in any kind of way. Her hazel eyes slowly moved to see a dark haired lady, in the same uniform as the two men, strut through the bar with two men following her lead. "If it ain't Phoenix! And yet here I thought we were special Coyote."
Celine put a hand over her mouth as she snorted at the words of the younger man. She had no recollection of him at any point of her career but it seemed as if he was some ego trip that she would love to slap out of him especially if he dared to speak around her. Eyes rolling as she suddenly heard the voice right next to her, she really did not want to look at the boy and met Pete's eyes for a second as he was doomed to pay for more drinks of the night.
"Hello, new here?" Celine inhaled once, plastering a smile on her lips as she turned to the blonde on her left. Her hazel eyes meeting the green ones that were very near to her own, she wanted this man to vanish.
"Not really." Celine smiled simply at the confusion on the man's face. She was sure that she had never seen him and if he continued his attempt at flirting with her she would happily knock him a bit down because she would never go for someone like him. "Used to live here."
"I am Jake." He held his hand out to her, Celine narrowed her eyes on him before letting him shake her hand. He tried bringing her hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it but she pulled her hand out and looked at him with a certain disgust all over her face. Her eyes going over his figure as he stood up straight enough with a smug expression on his face.
"Not interested," she said sharply, her smile falling in seconds as her eyes landed on the two flowers he had sticking out of his pocket. One was a white peony, she would not know the name even if she had learned it in school but she knew that the person that had given it to Jake was sure that it was perfectly white. The other flower was a pink hydrangea, she enjoyed those flowers whenever she had been in the gardens of her grandparents and yet she would not know what the meaning of those specific colours were if she was not someone working with them.
"What do the flowers mean?"
"I don't know," Jake admitted to the lady that had already rejected him and yet she had asked about the flowers he carried over his heart, "My best friend gave them to me."
"The dude at the pool table?" Jake chuckled at her little joke, at least he thought it was a joke on her side.
"No, a female friend from my childhood living here. She gave them to me and said she wished me luck before leaving."
"She must really like you." Celine had a softness in her gaze as she saw the faint pain in his green eyes. She knew that the man had feelings for the woman that had given him these flowers and yet he thought she had no feelings at all when she went out of her way to get him them. "You should go look those flowers up, maybe they have a hidden meaning. Most flowers do."
"Thanks for the advice, Not Interested." Jake chuckled as he took the four beer he had ordered before leaving her. Celine shook her head, maybe she would enjoy his company more than she thought, after all she had a small conversation with him and if it meant not him trying to flirt with her or even flirt his way through his own feelings for that lady friend he had. She should have become a counselor for people, she was good at giving advice.
Celine turned back around in her seat (not hearing the words Jake spoke to Pete) wrapping her hand around the glass of root beer and bringing the glass to her lips to take a sip but before she was able to she saw a familiar face walk through the doors of the bar.
i have no remembarance of anything but I can let you guys know that hate that I can't copy paste what I have written into wattpad just for it to be one block when there are spaces!! Everywhere else it is able to do it--
and yes, i turned lazy.
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