SILAS SIGHS LOUDLY AND REGRETS EVER TURNING UP to this party for the twelfth time in as many minutes as he sips at the red cup in his hand. Again, he has absolutely no idea why he's drinking at said pointless party, but here he is. In a way, he needed to relax, and so a party was the only option that didn't involve Tumblr or creepy YouTube videos.
He hasn't seen Peter (or Ned, for that matter) the entire time, and he's about to raise hell or sue them. The single reason Silas even dared to turn up to this disturbingly overpopulated health and safety hazard of a party.
With another elongated sigh of disgust, Silas forces himself to drink more of the paint stripper excuse-for-alcohol and shudders as it goes down his throat, catching the attention of a girl behind him.
"Oh, hi!" She giggles lightly, and Silas begins to panic. His mind goes into overload and he starts to debate if there is any easy way to not scare her off.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm not into girls." He somehow finds himself saying, and regrets it as every word comes out of his mouth.
She laughs again, and looks back up at him. "I am."
Silas feels like he's in some weird psychedelic dream - it could be the alcohol, it could be the ink fumes he inhaled earlier, it could be the situation. "What?"
"I'm a lesbian, sweetheart. I heard rumors about you and assumed they were true. Silas Maine, right?" She grins and places her drink down on the nearest surface.
He laughs in disbelief, before putting down his drink and thanking himself for one, finally leaving the infernal concoction behind, and two, finding a fellow queer to attach to like a parasite.
"Yeah, that's me! Listen, have you seen Peter? Peter Parker? He said he would be here."
At the raise of her eyebrow, Silas realises that it was a slightly bad idea to mention Peter Parker immediately after talking about their romantic orientations, and he's quick to reassure her that it 'isn't like that'.
"Really?" She laughs lightly, and Silas cracks an awkward smile. "I see how it is. No, he's not here, I don't think. Although I did see Ned--"
He nods frantically, and starts to dart through the crowd before she's even finished her sentence, looking out for any sign of the boy who might know where Peter is.
Finally, after his clumsy side has gotten the better of him and he's nearly knocked multiple drinks out of multiple hands, Silas finds Ned towards the front of the building, talking to someone on his phone.
"No, Peter, I don't think you should come." The other boy is saying as Silas skids to a stop, and his eyes light up at the mention of Peter's name.
Ned catches sight of Silas, and he tries to figure out what hand gestures could accurately form 'where is Peter, he dragged me to this stupid party, and I'm going home now whether he likes it or not'.
"Hold on." Ned mouths as he holds the phone in the rough direction of where Flash Thompson - one of Silas' absolute least favorite people - is stood with a microphone, shouting to a small crowd that's assembled around him.
"When I say penis, you say Parker! Penis!" He chants, and Silas rolls his eyes hard enough for his eye sockets to strain and white rings to appear in his vision.
"Parker!" The audience roars back, sounding like crazy teenage girls at a boy-band concert. Silas definitely cannot relate whatsoever. Definitely isn't getting déjà vu from that one crazy Bring Me The Horizon concert (goddamn it, that was fun).
"Sorry, Peter." Ned sighs, and Silas feels a little bad. "I guess we're still losers."
"Ned, can I borrow that?" Silas whispers, pointing repeated to the phone, and Ned shrugs before passing it across.
"Hello?" Peter asks from the end of the line. Silas can hear the wind whipping past him, and wonders faintly where he is.
"Hey, Peter, were you ever actually at the party? Because I'm going home now, and I hate you for forcing me here. Thanks and bye."
Peter laughs and exhales softly. "No, sorry. I should have, I apologise."
They both stop talking and there's the soft awkward silence that Silas hates, but sometimes loves as well. Sure, he can't deny that he's secretly falling for Peter, and so he lives in these moments where he can forget that he broke his 'don't fall for straight boys' rule, and just stay hopeful.
word count: 784!
thanks for reading!
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