Forms, rules and my OC
All common sense applies as rules
Tag me after one hour or more
Try to tone down any powers that seem OP
Hate the character not the rper
The sparrow flies south for winter
Mortal, elemental, after or cleaver
Powers (if adept)
Appearance (ask to tag)
Name: Joseph Peters// Caliber Omen (prefers Cal)
Age: 16
Mortal, Elemental, cleaver or adept: adept
Powers (if adept): Vector Manipulation: Cal can control movement of himself, projectiles and other objects. This ability allows him flight, a form of telekenisis and the ability to deflect projectiles away from him. The ability does however require his continued concentration, the more complex the attempt, the more complicated it becomes.
Theoretically, Cal could manipulate the vectors of molecules themselves, however such a complicated skill is far beyond his current capabilities as a sorcerer.
Crush: Valkyrie Cain
Weapon(s): Joe is armed with a revolver and a skeleton key.
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