Death By... (Part 3)
"She...She's...d-dead-" Blurted out Vile. Dexter looked plain afraid now. Excellent. Dexter went to stand up but Vile pushed down his shoulder, cutting off his sobs and drying his face using water manipulation.
"Not so fast." Vile said his voice now even and cold but not as cold as his heart. Vile watched in delight as he saw the confusion leap onto his face and become friends with all the other feelings fighting for room on his face. "You're not going anywhere. Ever."
"But Ghas-" Dexters plea was cut short at the same time as his life. Vile smirked. Dexter really should have listened to Ghastly's desperate pleas to run away from him.
"Oh wait. He can't hear you. Whoops." Thought Vile back to an extremely distressed Ghastly. There were enough people and noise that nobody saw Dexters lifeless body hit the ground. No body cared.
"I never really liked you anyway." Lord Vile said to the shell of man Dexter used to be before putting his depressed facade back up and slouching back into the crowd. Dexter died thinking Ghastly had betrayed them all. That Ghastly killed Valkyrie. Perfect. As Ghastlys body neared Ravel and Tanith he silently swore that Dexter would have the most peaceful death out of everyone in the room.
"One by one they will all fall." Thought Vile, Ghastlys pathetic little yelps of distress music to his ears in much the same fashion as his familys was to Serpines and Ghastlys mothers was to his.
Ravel turned his head slowly around upon hearing Ghastly's footsteps and smiled. Ghastly would be excellent company, all Tanith wanted to talk about was leather and steak. Ravel tilted his head in thought, a trait he had picked up from Skul- Lord Vile. So, she essentially just wanted to talk about dead cows. Weird. Worry crept in when he saw Ghastly looking so... so panicked and depressed. Like he had just done something unspeakable. Ghastly stumbled over closer and Ravel rushed forward and caught Ghastly just before he fell over. Ravel could feel the damp from Ghastly's tears spreading like a bloodstain on his crisp white shirt. Something has seriously wrong if Ghastly would dare dirty this shirt.
Ghastly collapsed forward onto Ravel shuddering, crying, not bothering to hold himself up. "Ghastly! What happened?!" Ravel yelled panicked. He had not seen Ghastly like this since, well, Hopeless or Skulduggery died. He was Skulduggery then. A good and noble man who had lost everything. As far as Ravel was concerned their friend died at the same time as his family and the husk that came back was Lord Vile.
Ghastly tiredly raised his head, still chocking on his sobs he was barely holding back. His eyes glinted with what Ravel assumed was tears but look suspiciously like malice. Later Ravel learnt he should never assume anything.
"I killed Dexter." Ravel very slowly released his hold on Ghastly and looked at him very seriously. Ghastly had stopped crying. Now, he seemed perfectly fine. He remembered seeing Ghastly talking to Dexter at the bar. Ravel quickly glanced over too where they were chatting and noticed Dexter wasn't there. He could have just gone to the bathroom. His eyes glanced down and saw something he would never forget. The body of Dexter Vex. Ravel backed away from Ghastly his hands up. This was the first in a long time he was genuinely afraid.
"What? What are you talking about?" Questioned Erskine, his voice beginning to quiver. He didn't even want to know what Tanith looked like now, Ghastly's evil smirk was enough to overwhelm him. He didn't think he wanted to know the answer.
"Well, I went over, and my new friend killed him. At the time my friend was an enemy and I desperately tried to stop them killing Dexter. But when Dexter was killed by the thing possessing my body, something in me snapped. I realised how much fun watching things burn and squirm and curl up and die is. I'm me right now but as soon as I get bored of you, I'm going to let you meet my little friend." Ghastly calmly explained, delivering the death threat to one of his oldest friends in the same tone you would use to invite them to drink coffee. Ghastly had changed, Ravel knew that much, but who was responsible for this was still a mystery. When he got his hands on that person, they would pay for turning Ghastly into some demented version of Serpine. Ravel had to know who this person was.
"Who's your friend?" Ravel spat in disgust.
"We are the same person."
"Who are you then? I know Ghastly Bespoke, but I have no clue as to who you are. I only know you're a monster."
"I am Lord Vile." He felt himself go cold. Ravel backed up all the way now until he was next to Tanith.
"No..." Whispered Ravel. Wait... why wasn't Tanith moving? He turned and saw her lifeless body slumped on the chair next to him. Her head missing.
"I got bored of her." Simply replied the man that used to be Ghastly.
Ravel reached for his gun, but something cold and sharp thudded into his back and he took a step forward, his gun dropping from his suddenly numb fingers. Ravel fell to one knee. He reached behind his back, clumsy fingers searching for Tanith's sword. He assumed that must have been what he impaled himself on. Instead, he found a knife. It was pulled free before he could grip it, and he toppled, turning over to land on his back. Ghastly was striding towards him now and Ravel noticed a shadow knife retract back to his hand. He could only watch as Ghastly stopped in front of him.
"I'm sorry my friend." Ghastly Bespoke said, bending over him. Ravel closed his hand over Ghastly's wrists, tried to keep the blade away- "No," he whispered, "no, don't" - but his strength was gone and Ghastly easily disentangled himself and pushed the knife into his throat. In that moment, Ravel became aware of a great many things. He became aware of how cold he suddenly was, and how hot his blood felt, splashing onto his skin. He became aware of Tanith Low's head lying on the floor, turned away from him. He became aware of how many regrets he'd stored up over the years, and despite them all and despite his age, he still wasn't ready to die. He looked up into Ghastly's eyes. Those eyes that used to be the symbol for kindness and understanding, that were now dark and malevolent. He may have been dying but Ghastly Bespoke was already dead and this man had taken his place.
Ghastly became aware of Ravel's eyes, brimming with tears, those eyes of his that had many a lady swooning over him through the centuries. Those golden eyes. He saw Ravel's eyes go glassy then dull and knew the job was done. His knife vanished and he straightened up. That had been fun but now Ghastly was bored. Bored with Ravel, bored with this room, bored with the world.
Lord Vile was oddly quiet in the back of Ghastly's head but he could still feel the disbelief but smug pleasure echo through Lord Vile's thoughts. Killing Ravel and Tanith, that had been all Ghastly. Lord Vile had let him surface for a bit to torment him further but Ghastly knew he hadn't been expecting him to do that. He smirked to himself.
"We make a good team, you and I." Ghastly thought to Vile.
"Definitely." Vile replied.
"Now Vile, I don't know about you, but I'm bored with these people so I'm going to ask if I can use your armour to kill everyone. They are staring at us very rudely."
"On one condition."
"Which is?"
"You leave half the world to me."
"Deal." Ghastly turned around to all the shocked faces watching him. He saw Saracen Rue push his way to the front of the crowd.
"How dare you murder them!? What is wrong with you?!" Screamed Saracen.
Ghastly smirked. "I'm ever so slightly possessed at the moment. I was also bored. I don't go by Ghastly anymore. I'm going by the name of my little friend that has possessed me," He bent over and let out a mad cackle, "I'll let you guess what that name is." Darkness leaked from Ghastly's blood stained shirt and covered him completely. The shadows danced at his feet eager to kill everyone for him. To please their master.
The crowd took a step back and Saracen could be heard chanting, "No, no, no, no, no, no...". Ghastly smiled to himself and expanded his awareness to the edges of the room, before drawing it back to his body, taking everyone's life with it.
"You're right Vile, this is fun!" Thought Ghastly joyfully. Everybody flopped to the floor, no more than sacks of meat. Ghastly rose into the air, done with this room and flew off to destroy the world.
The End
Mwahahaahahahahahahahaha! Ghastly is evil! And Ravel's death scene was actually Ghastly's from Last Stand Of Dead Men, I just switched around the names. I am evil. I also listened to awesome songs while writing this and the songs sounded ever so slightly evil sooooooooo I guess if you have to blame someone, blame the songs. Check out Nightcore Back From The Dead, it suits Skulduggery back from the dead or back from Vile soooo well. Also just Skulduggery in general. Bye!
-Your evil author
ps. There will be no part 4. This is actually the end. The next story will be about magically karaoke. Yes, magical karaoke. Mwhahahahahahahah!
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