When We're Dancing
“Nothing really matters when we’re dancing.
Listen to the same sad song playing on repeat,
‘Cuz everytime we come this close,
My heart skips, skips a beat.”
Chapter Two
When We’re Dancing
Elizabeth’s POV
I had been absent from school, for the past week. Apparently I came down with the sudden flu. I didn’t mind staying at home, because I had Twitter to entertain me. The only thing I now feared was the thousands of papers I had to make up.
It was my first day back, after my four days of sickness. Medicine really does work, I suppose. But, I did miss the voting and planning for the big group that was supposed to come in, on Monday. I wonder why they would have something special happen on a Monday. Out of all the days in the week, the school had to pick the worst one.
I was currently wearing one of my favorite outfits. It totally described me. I smiled as I did a little spin in front of the mirror. I was never one for fashion, so I really didn’t care, but it just was one of my best. My hair was pulled into a high, messy bun, with a few tendrils falling down on to my face. No makeup, like usual, it just disgusted me.
I walked down the stairs of my house, to find no one was home, odd. Well, I knew that my parents worked, but I didn’t think I was running late. Maybe I was, I was used to waking up late after spending a lot of time at home.
I grabbed my backpack, to find that it was all ready and packed from the night before. There was no need to bring lunch today. After all, the school decided the whole day was just going to be a party for us Seniors, who actually got to watch the musical group who was coming.
Secretly I hoped it was One Direction, but I knew that was to good to be true. They were simply to good for our school, and much, much to busy. Besides, they were on tour, and trust me, I think I would know if they were in my town.
I walked out the door of my house, completely forgetting about breakfast. I was pretty sure I could make it to lunch.
I arrived at school, in about five minutes. I ran straight towards my friends, as I had missed them while I was sick. Daria and Louise immediately pulled me in for a hug. I grinned, as I hugged them tightly back.
“So, who’s performing?” I asked, carefully. They had been neglecting to tell me, all because they had wanted to tell me in person. Well, here I am.
“You’ll never believe it, but…” Daria trailed off. I wondered what had her excited, must have meant something she actually liked. That crossed off a bunch of artists.
“Little Mix are performing, HERE!” Louise finished, and ended with a small squeal. I finally understood, Daria loved Little Mix almost as much as we did. But, what made it better was that Zayn’s girlfriend was going to be in the same room as me.
Daria didn’t really care about Perrie and Zayn, she just really enjoyed there sounds, so whatever. But, I’m glad Zayn is dating Perrie, because it also gave me more music to listen to. Call me selfish, but it was the truth.
“Perrie Edwards is going to be in the same room… I’m dreaming.” I muttered out, as the whole thing registered. “Oh my God, I hope they perform Wings, I seriously will die on the spot.” I screeched out, with a big smile on my face.
“C’mon, we have to go into the auditorium.” Daria said, rolling her eyes. She didn’t like it when I fan girled, but I couldn’t help it. I was born to fan girl, okay?
The concert was absolutely amazing. They performed two songs, Wings and Cannonball. I couldn’t believe I was standing here, in front of actual famous people in my school. It was seriously amazing. But, they had no time to perform anymore, because of their tight schedule.
But, it didn’t matter to me. They were one of my idols. I was just lucky to stand in the same room as them. As we were all being ushered out of the auditorium, I suddenly had the urge to have to pee. I made a detour towards the bathroom, which was the opposite way then the rest of the group.
I practically sprinted to the bathroom. Sometimes it just happened. One minute you didn’t have to go, and then you did. But, as I was watching my hands, when I done, I took the time to look at the mirror. There were some carvings that girls had scratched into it.
Boy, was I thankful I wasn’t worthy enough to be written about in this bathroom. I slowly wiped my hands, not eager to leave and be bored. They should just end school early for us, but apparently they weren’t allowed. They rather give us free time to sit there and be bored.
I walked out of the bathroom, a bit confused. Where would Louise and Daria go? I was walking along the side of the wall, not really paying attention. I heard a door open, probably some straggler from the show earlier.
But, they would see me, and hopefully they would be smart enough to move, so I didn’t have to. Besides, I was in this hallway before them. Their loss if they aren’t paying any attention.
I kept walking, and suddenly I hit a hard chest. Okay, so it wasn’t a girl. I glanced up, almost to be completely breathless again. Today was just full of surprises, huh?
“Sorry…” The one and only Zayn muttered to me, clearly embarrassed. No way, I couldn’t have just crashed into Zayn Malik, could I have?
“Er, what are you doing here?” I asked, carefully, unsure of what to say.
“The boys and I are here on break, I’m with Perrie, the rest of them backstage.” He said, with a shrug, then looked a bit weary, like he’s given to much information out.
Wait, they weren’t supposed to be here, they were supposed to be on tour. But, now that I think about it, they didn’t have anymore tour dates until next week. So, it was a possibility they managed to get away from the press, for a bit.
I kind of wanted to ask if I could meet the rest of them, only because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. But, I also didn’t want to invade on any of their privacy, that would just be plain rude.
“You do realize that roaming these halls can get you mobbed, even in school, Zayn?” I asked raising an eyebrow, curiously.
“Hm, didn’t think about that one. I just wanted to go see where Lou went.” Zayn replied, and my heart started beating. Just the mention of his name made me want to squeal.
“Do you think, maybe, I could meet everyone? If you guys aren’t busy, I do-“ I started to ramble, but was cut off.
“Of course it’s no problem. Just, don’t go and tell anyone that we are here, at all.” He replied.
A/N: Hey guys!
Can everyone just tap that vote button like it’s Lou’s bum? Thanks :D
Not much left to say to my Unicorns… BUT I LOVE YOU!
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