Self‐Fulfilling Prophecy
Virgil sat down in the living room, for a moment just staring at the digital clock that was displaying "3:23 AM" in bright red, blinking lights. He couldn't sleep, neither could Remy I guess.
He sighed and rubbed his head. "God damnit." He muttered, tucking his legs into his chest absentmindedly, trying to hide from the darkness.
Slowly, he got off the couch, his arms now feeling rather weak, trying to lift himself up. He grimaced. He couldn't help but wonder if it was his weight, which was now just over 120 pounds after he, well, he didn't like the term starved, so he forgot to eat.
It started about 1 and a half months ago when Logan had yet another idea for a schedule.
"We are teetering on the edge of being overweight. We cannot have that. My plan is this practice called fasting, where we... Skip, a day of eating, then eat again. How does that sound?" Everyone went quiet.
Patton looked a bit intrigued. "Is that healthy?" He asked softly. "Well.. somewhat. Not for long, but a day won't hurt. We need lots of water and sunlight, almost like a plant. We are simply draining out anything bad left in our system." He said, shakily pushing up his glasses. You could tell he was worried about it.
"Can we be a rose? I love roses... " Patton said softly, rubbing his hand. The air was filled with awkwardness and thick tension.
Logan smiled at this, then quickly returned to his normal look of borderline disinterest. "Yes, a rose is fine. According to the Harvard Health Blog, Studies have shown that IF done safe, it can be incredibly effective." He quoted. Roman sighed. "Well, I suppose a prince has to look his best-" He said in an arrogant, silly way, making Patton giggle.
//Btw, that is taking the phrase out of context. you can see here> that it is kind of a fad. Its not anymore helpful then a regular low-cal diet. Be safe my gems <3
Virgil sniffled, then excused himself, sinking down. The two glassed sides continued the conversation, but Roman was staring at Virgil's now empty spot in confusion.
Virgil felt himself tear up slightly thinking about that, but he knew he probably wouldn't cry. Dehydration is a bitch. He finally stood up properly, stretching a bit and cringing at the sound of his bones practically crunching. He felt brittle, like usual.
He felt like shit truly, but its worth it.
He grew ignorant towards the sound of his stomach calling out. If the sound and feeling of him yawning weren't so incredibly distracting, he wouldn't notice it either.
He walked to the cabnet and got a big cup, then filled it up with water from the tap. He took a deep breath, then downed it so quickly he started hacking it up everywhere, leaving a mess of water and saliva on the floor, then did it again, more successfully this time. He heard this "hack" from a weird puppet video he found of someone singing about what to do if there's no food in the house.
He grabbed paper towels off the counter, whincing at the feeling of water sloshing around his slightly caved-in belly. He cleaned his mess, then dropped out to his room.
Soft sounds of sobbing came from his room, him huddled in his hoodie and muliple blankets, shivering aggressively. He was always fucking cold. At least he cant move around as much with so many blankets on, and he'll eventually bore himself to sleep.
The other sides only heard him once, he said he was having a panic attack to get them off his back. Patton noticed the discoloration in his fingers, and turned up the heat for him. Hes always been sweet.
His eyes squeezed shut. He wanted to scream, throw his body off the bed and bash his head into the wall until he resembled a cracked egg. He just laid there though, clutching his hoodie sleeves with all his strength, which wasn't much admittedly.
He eventually fell asleep at the ripe time of 6:34 A.M., having no dreams as per usual.
His eyes opened gently, his eyes adjusting to the clock. He stared at the jumble of numbers and letters until his brain caught up, seeing 8:57. He cursed himself, cause he couldn't even get 3 fucking minutes more. It was unsatisfying enough already, but now he cant even sleep until 9.
He heard a soft knock on the door. "Virgil, are you awake? Patton made breakfast and he was really sad that you didnt eat dinner yesterday." He heard... Roman? Yeah that was his voice, call out. "Yeah, ill be down, give me a second." He said groggily. "Great! Ill tell him the good news!" Roman said, then Virgil heard steps getting quiter. He never said guilt-tripping didnt work.
He got dressed, wearing his normal outfit, and sank to the kitchen. "Hey Kiddo!" "Hello, Virgil." "Gooood morning, sleeping beauty!" He threw up a peace sign to say hello. Patton made pancakes, which almost made him gag, but he fought through for him.
He sat down next to Roman, getting served 2 huge pancake, he almost didn't know what to do with them. "Dig in, and there's plenty more!" Patton said. He glanced to the side, he didn't want this, he wanted to go, he had to do something... or he could just deal with it later, for Patton. He cut a small piece, closing his eyes and shoving it in his mouth, chewing it softly. It tasted fine, he supposed, he didn't know how he was gonna swallow it though.
"Virgil, why are you eating so slowly? Trying to keep your figure?" Logan said making all of them chuckle. One was much more forced. They seemed to have completely forgotten about the prevous months conversation. Perhaps it was a joke, something that nobody would believe unless they were an idiot. Virgil didnt know, but it didnt matter now.
He slowly ate half of it, before pushing it away, he felt sick. "Thank you Patton, have I told you your a great cook?" He said with a small smile. "Aww! Your too sweet kiddo! You're already done eating?" He asked softly. "Yeah, I couldn't eat anymore! It was filling." He said with a reassuring smile. Patton looked happy enough for him. "Im gonna go to my room, thank you again!" He said, sinking out before he could be questioned.
He immediately went to his bathroom, glancing around to make sure nobody suddenly appeared next to him, then put his head over his tolet bowl. He stuck his pointer and middle fingers down his throat.
From this perspective, he was glad he had such a major gag reflex. It got the job done in record time. It wasn't all great though, as he could only do so much in... ya know, the bedroom.
He got up and laughed at himself for thinking about that, mostly because nobody would want to touch him. He not really... desirable yet. Maybe one day, but now. He was being optimistic.
But for now, he's disgusting.
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