sixteen | a dangerous game
"So, you ready?" Esme asked with a wide smile on her face.
Imogen gave her a slightly confused look. After all, Imogen was only watching the game. For one, she couldn't participate with humans due to the oxygen tank she had to have hooked up to her at all times, let alone play against vampires. Esme knew what she was thinking and let out a small chuckle, "To watch with amusement at these idiots chasing after a ball."
Imogen chuckled and joked, "Like dogs with their tails between their legs?"
"Don't ever refer us to dogs again, little lady," stated Emmett, although a partial warning was attached to it.
Jasper came to stand besides Imogen, a small smile on his lips as he said, "It's nearly time. Alice will give a call when it is."
Imogen looked at him confused, "Why can't you start now?" What were they waiting for? Well, apart from the obviously missing player who was on his way with Bella as they spoke.
Jasper's smile widened, something he had been doing a lot of lately. "We need a thunderstorm to be able to play."
Esme added, "One of the many reasons we love this small town. Lots and lots of thunderstorms."
Imogen was even more confused and her eyebrows scrunched up to prove it, "Why a thunderstorm?"
Jasper winked, which was so out-of-character for him to do and slowly backed away towards the field, stating, "You'll see." Imogen just stared at him in disbelief, a small smile on her lips.
Everyone was getting into position when Edwardo and Bella arrived. Edward walked to his place as Bella joined Esme and Imogen. Esme smiled and stated, "The umpire has arrived."
Emmett walked by the girls and drawled out, "She thinks we cheat."
Esme looked back at her son and stated, "I know you cheat." Imogen chuckled at the same time Bella let out a small laugh. Esme, put her arm around Bella and stated, "Call them as you see them, Bella."
Imogen could tell that Bella felt slightly under pressure as she let out an unsure, "Okay." Imogen shook her head and stood by Bella's side, giving her a slight nudge and a small smile. Even though Imogen wasn't really the best at making friends, she's happy she could call Bella that, and best of all, actually have a non-vampire who wasn't her family to talk about all the vampire stuff with.
A lighting strike appeared above and thunder followed, a smile gracing Alice's face as she partially shouted - mainly for the benefit of Bella and Imogen - "It's time."
Imogen sat down on the grass, tired of standing, just as Alice threw the ball. As soon as it clashed with Rosalie's bat, she knew exactly why they needed a thunderstorm above. Jasper, who was waiting for his turn, came to crouch besides her, "You see?" Imogen just nodded with a bright smile. Teeth and all.
She was completely mesmerised. She got to see them in their own element, not hiding who they were. And she loved it. Rosalie, however, was obviously not loving it. She came to stand besides Imogen with a scowl on her face.
When it came to Jasper's turn, he walked away swinging his bat around and turned to give a small smile to Imogen before his bat connected with the ball. The scowl that had been on Rosalie's face lifted when Emmett basically ran up a tree and caught the ball, and she stated proudly, "My monkey man." Imogen just shook her head at the blonde with the still ever sparkling smile on her face.
However, the game came to a halt after a few turns as Alice turned around and shouted, "Stop!", a worried look covering her features. Imogen rushed to stand up, and managed to do so with the help of Jasper who appeared in front of her. The others weren't far behind.
Alice stated worringly, "They were leaving but they heard us."
"It's too late." Carlisle came straight up to Imogen and looked at her with worry, stating, "Trust me." His hands came up to her nasal prongs and quickly discarded them in the bag on her back. She shook her head at him quickly as he stated, "There's no time." His eyes then rested on Jasper, "Keep your arm around her."
Carlisle then stated to both the girls, "Be quiet and stand behind us."
That's when Imogen's eyes landed on the three intruders: vampires. She pushed herself into Jasper's side and tried to keep her breathing steady. It was hard to do and she had to put quite a bit of weight on Jasper, but if he noticed, he didn't show it. He was just glaring at the three vampires.
Imogen watched as the dark-skinned vampire threw their lost baseball at Carlisie, "I believe this belongs to you."
Carlisle caught it and stated, "Thank you."
Imogen surveyed these three vampires, instead of keeping her eyes down like Bella. She noticed that these vampires had red-blood eyes, something that Imogen put down to them not being vegetarian like the Cullens. She wasn't really focusing on the tense conversation Carlisle was holding with them because she was too busy trying to focus on not being obvious that she was breathing, which was a massive weight on her now that she had to breathe without her oxygen tank.
Suddenly, Jasper was guiding her away, as was Edward with Isabella. The blood was rushing to her head and she was about to faint, when she suddenly fell to the ground once Jasper who had been holding her up had disappeared. Her head turned to look behind as she witnessed both groups of vampires holding an attack stance.
"You brought a snack," stated the blonde one whose name Imogen hadn't caught because she had previously been too busy in her own mind. His red eyes turned to Imogen on the floor and his nose scrunched up in disgust, "And a mutt."
Carlisie stated, "They are with us. I think it would be best if you leave." Imogen just stared at the three vampires, hoping that if they did attack, they wouldn't stand a chance. But, the Cullens were vegans, so numbers may not play a part if they did.
The dark-skinned vampire said, "I can see the game is over. We'll go now." He began to retreat, but his vampire companions were not. "James," he said, and they all walked away slowly.
Imogen was still on the floor, struggling to breathe. "Get them out of here. Go," Carlisle stated to his children. Jasper turned around to see Imogen on the floor and within a second the nasal prongs were back where they were supposed to be and Imogen took a deep breath before collapsing back. But, instead of hitting the floor, Jasper's arm cradled her and he picked her up off of the floor and jogged to the second vehicle that was there...the one that Alice had drove Imogen to the field in and buckled her in.
Imogen could only recall hearing Carlisle say to Jasper, "He's not after her. Take her home. She'll be safe there," before darkness descended.
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