eleven | she's on the war path
"She's asleep," Rosalie stated as she walked down the stairs and into the room where all members of the family had congregated. Vampires didn't sleep, so normally the house was quite noisy throughout all hours of the day (well, apart from when it is actually empty) so they were all trying there best to sit around quietly instead of starting petty fights or using their full speed to move around (which also ended up causing a lot of noise as things tended to get broken).
Esme looked at her 'children' and questioned, "She doesn't know yet, does she?" Something both she and Carlisle were certain on, was that Evelyn and Thomas King knew that they Cullens were vampires, so they were unsure as to whether Imogen knew too.
"If she does, she hasn't said anything or indicated that she knows," Jasper stated. He kind of hoped that she didn't know, because then she wouldn't know what a monster he was. He didn't want her to think of him as a monster.
Alice smiled brightly, "She will know, very very soon."
Emmett clapped his hands together very lightly and rubbed them, making his muscles bulge. "Alice, are you keeping a secret from us?"
Alice just smiled and bobbed her head, giving off a small giggle. Then Rosalie narrowed her eyes at her, clicking on, "You didn't just have that room decorated like that for fun, did you?"
Alice just shook her head and popped out the word, "Nope."
Carlisle sighed and ran a hand down his face, tired already with her not telling them without them having to ask the questions first. "Did you have a vision of her coming here, to see me and befriending you?"
Alice smiled and decided to just tell them what she saw because they would find out soon anyway, if not from Alice speaking of her vision, then of it actually occurring. There should be no harm in it anyway, considering that they were still on the correct course for the vision to take place. "I saw an ill girl in your office, speaking with you. Then it flashed for a second to her sitting with us in the cafeteria. Then to her in hospital withering away. And then finally to her sparkling."
"Where the hell were you, Imogen?!" Evelyn cried out, evidently upset at the daughter that had been missing throughout the night. However, the two parent's had been informed by Carlisle Cullen about Imogen's whereabouts, but Evelyn wanted to express how absolutely pissed off she was at Imogen for lying to her.
Imogen gave her a cold look, her mood completely changing, "I spent the night at the Cullens. Shouldn't that please you?" She then brushed past her mother quite briskly and stomped up the stairs, regretting it slightly once she reached her bedroom and was absolutely shattered.
Alice was the one to have dropped her off, dropping her off just at the end of the road, which meant that Imogen had to walk for a minute or so to actually get home. Alice had explained it as her not wanting to face the wrath of Mrs. King, but Imogen knew that it was something to do with the treaty that the Cullens and the Quileute tribe had going on.
Imogen took a seat at her window seat, pulling out her laptop and opening it up to find an e-mail from Isabella. As she clicked on it, Imogen heard someone walking up the steps and towards her door, opening it without so much as knocking.
When Imogen saw it to be her father, she placed her eyes back on the glowing screen where, attempting to read the e-mail, but not managing to do so with the feeling of her father staring at her. She heard his footsteps walk slightly till they ceased and she heard her bed creak slightly.
Thomas stared at his daughter, waiting for her to look at him, but she was being stubborn. "Your mother wants you to stay home today."
Imogen's head shot up, "And she hasn't told me herself because?"
Thomas sighed and clasped his hands together, resting his elbows on his thighs. "She's upset."
Imogen rose an eyebrow, "And?"
Thomas wasn't going to lose his cool. He would never show anger in front of his daughter. "She's only doing what she thinks is best for you, what we think is best for you-"
Imogen tried to break in "-So, why the f-"
Thomas rose a finger and his voice, "Don't you dare use that language. Like I said, she's your mother and she's doing what she thinks is best, just like she has you whole life. You didn't see how she was the day you were diagnosed. That day, Evelyn changed and was set on a path to doing everything she could for you, and you've been so ungrateful and undeserving of Evelyn for you mother."
Imogen chuckled slightly, shaking her head in disbelief. "I know how she was that day. The drugs didn't take effect straight away."
Thomas shook his head as his daughter, with the same disbelief that she had at him. "Then if you saw how she was that day, why are you so disrespectful towards her now?"
Imogen's eyes found a spot on the floor that looked real interesting, "Because she doesn't seem to care about what I want. She doesn't seem to care that I don't want to live anymore. My childhood and teenage years has been wasted on trying to fix me, when they should have only been half that and half living to the fullest in case I never ever get better. But it's all wasted and I grew up too soon, all because she couldn't love an ill child the same as she would a healthy one. All because she wouldn't take me for ice cream or swimming or to the movies, but instead dragged me off to the doctors every single second she got."
Thomas knew what Imogen was trying to get through to both of them, he had always understood her side of things, but he knew that Imogen was strong and Evelyn was weak and Evelyn needed him more.
"I know sweetheart." He sighed out loud and stood from the bed, though he didn't advance towards Imogen, only started taking steps to the door, "Could you please just try to see how she feels and maybe be a little less harsh?" He didn't wait to hear her answer.
"No promises," Imogen whispered to herself. She did know how her mother felt, as she felt it everyday. The fear her mother held at losing Imogen, at never having another child or having grandchildren. She had known how her mother felt from the moment she was born, but she could never forgive her for ruining her childhood.
Imogen's eyes focused back on the e-mail and finally managed to read through it this time.
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Imogen, this is going to sound utterly crazy, I know. But, I've been thinking a lot about everything that I've noticed and it's starting to come together in something that can't be possible. I need to know, have you noticed anything strange about the Cullens? Please, I think I'm going crazy.
Sent at 22:12pm.
To: <[email protected]>
From: <[email protected]>
What do you mean, Bella?
Also, I'm not coming in. A bit ill.
Sent at 06:32am.
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
I'm going to find out today if what I believe is true, and if it is, I'll tell you too.
And hope you feel better!
Sent at 06:59am.
Imogen stared at the screen and slammed her laptop shut, really wishing that she was actually going to school today, but knew that it was best to stay home. Especially if Bella was on a war path.
Imogen was reading peacefully when there came a knock at the door. Her eyes flickered to the door that was still closed, the person waiting patiently on the other side, "Gosh am I popular today." Then a little louder, so that the person on the other side of the door could hear, Imogen invited them in.
The door opened swiftly and in walked Jacob Black, with hair that Imogen truly was jealous of. Jacob looked around at the room and let out a low whistle which Imogen placed as out of his character.
Imogen placed a bookmark in her book, and closed it, holding it in her lap. "I guess you like my room?"
Jacob nodded happily, appearing slightly childish, "Yeah! You've got wolves and dream-catchers and-" then he looked up, "-are those glow in the dark stars I see?"
Imogen chuckled, "Why are you here, Jacob?"
He then looked towards Imogen to see her wrapped up in a fleece blanket that also had wolves across it, wearing fluffy socks and curled up into a ball, sat on her window seat, a book held firmly in her hands. "Though I'd come and see my favorite girl."
Imogen chuckled once again. This morning was definitely at the back of her mind. "Oh, pish posh. Don't lie to yourself. I know, as well as you do, that Isabella Swan is your favorite girl."
Jacob placed his hands over his heart, acting wounded, "You're my favorite girl too. I can have two favorites."
Imogen smirked and stood up, something which took a few seconds due to how entangled she was in the blanket and the pins and needles she had acquired. She took a step to the side, where a bookshelf was built into the wall and pulled out a dictionary, something she had to find definitions of words she sometimes didn't understand.
Jacob saw what she was holding and his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "And why do you have a diction-"
But he didn't have time to finish. Imogen held a finger up and without looking, read off the definition for favorite, "Favorite: preferred to all others of the same kind." She slammed it shut and placed it back where it belonged before turning to face Jacob with her hands on her hips and a devious smile playing on her lips, "Therefore, you cannot have two favorites."
Jacob scowled at her, "I can. I don't care what the dictionary says. Dictionaries are stupid."
Imogen chuckled and rose her eyebrow, "Seriously? Dictionaries are stupid?" She then took a seat back at the window, "So, what are you really doing here?"
Jacob motioned towards the floorboards, "My dad," then her pointed his fingers at himself, "and I, are here for some dinner."
Imogen's face then fell, "Does that mean I have to come downstairs too?"
Jacob rose an eyebrow and gave her an awkward smile, "Yup. Your dad asked me to ask you to play nice, well, told me to tell you." He then shrugged his shoulders before holding his hand out and slightly bowing, "Will you escort me to dinner?"
Imogen chuckled, trying to hide to dread of eating dinner with her parents, "It would be my honor."
"-so then Charlie was all like-"
"-Jacob, I see you've located our daughter," Thomas stated suddenly, cutting off Billy from another one of his stories.
Jacob saluted, "Sir, yes, sir." Thomas rose and eyebrow at him but Imogen just chuckled at the idiot. She guessed that he was acting that way as her father had 'ordered' him to bring Imogen down and topped it by saying 'located'.
"Shall we eat then, now that we're all here?" Imogen stated, wanting to eat as fast as possible and run back to her room, despite there being guests who could possibly make it more bearable.
There was then another knock at the door, but this time it was the front door and not Imogen's bedroom door like before. Evelyn came rushing in from the kitchen which was adjoining to the actual dining room where they had all taken a seat, before Imogen noticed that there was another place set, "Who else is coming?"
Before anyone answered her question, Evelyn returned with Bella in tow, making Imogen's eyes widen slightly. Questions running through her head as to how she was invited, until she realized her mother probably cornered her while at school.
Evelyn smiled brightly and clapped her hands together, finally getting her breath back, "Now, let me get the food and we'll eat."
As Evelyn hurried back and forth for a minute, bringing in the food while refusing to have anyone assist her, Imogen turned to speak in hushed voices to Bella who was seated beside her. "Did you find out that thing you believed to be true?"
Bella smiled slightly and nodded her head at Imogen, "I'll explain a bit later."
Imogen nodded. At that second, Evelyn took a seat at the end of the table, opposite her husband who sat at the other end. She smiled brightly and looked at everyone's faces and slapped her hands together, rubbing them. "Alrighty everyone, dig in."
And everyone did just that, well, the males did. Bella and Imogen just ate slowly and very little considering they both didn't eat much. The only thing other than this meal Imogen had seen her eat was an apple. An apple a day keeps the doctors away. Maybe I should try that, thought Imogen as she chewed a mouthful of spaghetti bolognese.
As everyone was actually silent and all that could be heard was the clinking of plates and chewing and swallowing, Jacob attempted to make conversation. Funny that it's the teenager who takes initiative to try and start a conversation instead of the adults.
Looking at the two girls across from him, he asked, "So, um, how's Forks High?"
Bella shrugged at the same time Imogen did.
Jacob then decided to try something else, "Those friends of yours seem, um, nice."
Imogen chuckled at his awkwardness while Bella just said, "Yeah."
Jacob just continued, "So, anyone ask you to prom?"
Bella smiled and looked down at her lap, which made Imogen gave her a look, questioning who was taking Bella if she was going considering she hadn't said a word about it to her. That's something you would mention, especially when you've said you wouldn't be going.
"Imogen?" questioned Evelyn, generally interested and also slightly scolding her in her head for ignoring Jacob's attempts at a conversation.
She gave a small glare at her mother before turning to Jacob, acting as though her mother didn't exist. "I might be going. Alice is definitely not giving in at trying to get me to go."
Billy paid special attention now, not being so focused on eating as he had before. This definitely caught Imogen's attention. "Alice Cullen?" questioned Billy, "I know Carlisle."
Imogen nodded, "Yeah, she's even given me a dress for the prom."
Evelyn spoke out shocked, "And when were you going to tell me." Thomas gave his wife a look from across the table, a look that was also warning her to play nice.
Imogen let a sickly sweet smile cross her face, "When I decided to actually go instead of just pondering on the thought of going." Evelyn just nodded and sighed.
The rest of dinner went on in the same awkward manner, generally Jacob trying to talk to the girls who would reply if the answer required words. Imogen didn't feel like having a full blown conversation in front of her mother, or even a conversation that would include her. And Bella was just awkward in social situations and so remained quiet like she normally would.
After dinner, the Blacks left with gratitude (well, mainly Billy who looking like the button of his jeans would pop off with how much he ate).
Bella stayed to speak with Imogen, so the two girls went upstairs to the bedroom, where Imogen knew her parents couldn't listen in without alerting them with the steps up the creaky floorboards of the stairs.
Imogen took a seat at her window while Bella stood in the middle of the room, her arms crossing as she ran her arms up and down as if to warm herself, but Imogen could tell it was from nerves, possibly due to the upcoming conversation.
Imogen decided it would be better if she started it off lightheartedly to calm Bella down a bit. "So, you got a date to the prom?"
Bella shook her head, "No, but if I do go it will be with Edward...if he asks me."
Imogen rose her eyebrows and let out a 'ooohhhh'. "And why would Edward ask you?"
Bella smiled nervously, "Because we're kind of, um, dating?"
"That sounds like a question," Imogen said pointedly.
Bella then walked over and took a seat on the bed, "Well, I think he said courting."
Imogen pointedly stated, "Courting's an old fashioned word."
"Well, he is old fashioned." Bella put emphasis on the old.
Imogen knew without a doubt that Bella knew and that she was trying to tell her without sounding utterly crazy by coming straight out with it. Letting out a sigh, Imogen stated, "Cold one."
That made Bella's head snap up, her eyes coming in contact with Imogen's before narrowing, "You know what I know?" Imogen could tell that Bella didn't know if she actually knew or if she was maybe messing with her and thinking that Bella had taken a legend too far.
So, Imogen didn't beat around the bush any longer. "I know that they're vampires, but the Cullens don't know I know yet and I'd like them to find out that I know from me."
Bella nodded her head and let out a deep breath, as though a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders. "How?"
"I worked it out when Jacob told us the legend, but my parents confirmed it that night. You see, because I'm terminally ill, my parents moved us here because they knew what Carlisle was and hoped that her would turn me...still hope that he will turn me."
"Is that what you want?"
Imogen shook her head and let out a deep exasperated sigh, "I thought I didn't, but I don't know anymore."
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