teikoku days. 05
[ note/ this is the 5th part of this, um, comedy series? slice of life series. fifth part, i know i have a problem, i write too much. ]
"For none other than my lady!" With a hand dramatically at his forehead, the boy offered a single red rose to the white haired girl in front of him. Well, there were many, many things wrong with this situation right here. For one - that was not his lady, that was hardly even a lady at all. In fact, she was someone else's lady, but this kid would not let up. Shimerigawa Kageru was the 'decoy' goalkeeper of the team, and probably the reason they lost in the FF.
"Uhm, thank you." Afraid to hurt his fragile feelings, Park accepted the rose. She didn't even like roses all that much, maybe she'd give it to her grandmother or something.
". . . You're being way to nice to that fucker." Fudou inched closer to her, a disgusted look on his face. It was no secret he absolutely loathed that kid and would rip his throat out at any given chance. The one thing that Sakuma and Fudou can agree on, was that they hated that spoiled brat with a passion.
"I don't know what else to do- his father is our sponsor." Park grimaced to herself, giving the rose a small sniff. "It's a rose, do you want it?"
"Ew, gross. Hell no." The gremlin responded, crossing his arms. "I don't feel like running eight hundred more laps."
Ah yes, the wonderful trainer for Teikoku was biased and had no problems showing it.
"Oh, whatever." Park huffed, twirling the flower in her fingers. "I'll give it to Genda." She chirped, scampering over to the rest of the team. Just for the fun of it, she'd dramatically bowed to the brunette, handing him the pretty rose. With a small smile, Genda had accepted it and pat her head in return. Now, who said Teikoku was a school for horrendous and terrifying children?
Exactly one day later, this same scene played out again. Shimerigawa confidently approached the female, and offered her a rose - this time he'd even kissed her knuckles. The poor girl shuddered, but couldn't possibly let him down. So, she took the rose again. . .
"Thank you, Shimerigawa." Forcing a smile, Park bowed her head in thanks to him. At this rate she'd end up with dozens of these fickle things. It was sweet of him though, to offer a rose every day - but it would only go on long enough until a certain someone found out. That day being exactly today.
Kazemaru caught her with the flower in her hands, and had to ask, "where'd you get that?" There was a small smile on his face, but Park felt terribly awful for him.
". . . Shimerigawa gave it to me." The white haired girl muttered, "would you like it?" With a hopeful smile, she handed it over to him with both hands. Kazemaru pulled a tight smile, gently moving her hands back to herself.
"Thank you, but you should keep it," the tealette breathed out, rubbing at her cheek with the back of a finger. "I'll take care of him though, don't worry." With an absolutely alluring, charming beam, Kazemaru took off to the boys locker room. Both his office and the dressing room. Park watched him leave before frowning at her flower. Just a few seconds later, Shimerigawa was heard shrieking at the top of his lungs.
"That can't be good." Sakuma muttered under his breath.
"Shouldn't you go see what happened?" Genda asked quietly.
"I should. . ." Sakuma nodded nonchalantly, before literally doing absolutely nothing afterwards. Alright, fair.
The next day, as soon as Park stepped onto the pitch, an entire bouquet of pink and white carnations were thrust towards her. She blinked, lifting her brown hues to the person behind this gift - Kazemaru Ichirouta.
"You like these better, isn't that right?" He chirped.
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