Boyf Riends
Well I ended up forgetting to post anything else in the month of June. Whoops. Sorry y'all (who even reads this still XD). But here's some late art for you guys cause THESE TWO ARE OTP!! I got really into Be More Chill recently...and extremely quickly. Also Dear Evan Hansen. So I made a drawing for BMC (my first one yay!!) and I thought it looked decent enough to put it in public! I made another BMC drawing like literally right after I finished this one. Then I basically spent all day watching 80s movies and drawing in my basement...jfc I'm such a hermit....
Enjoy my drawings! PLEASE DO.
(Cause I can't draw guys for shit; Marley Mell)
I wrote a poem for this too...sorry if it's bad. My poems are mostly just pretty rants.
Life's what you make it, it's seldom about what you choose
That's what I've been told
And it's true
You choose what to do, what to say, who to like, who to love, who to hate
You may choose to make your life out going and social because that's the kind of thing you're into
You may chose to make it sheltered and safe
That's okay too
But there's always catch isn't there
This much freedom never comes without a fee
So here's something: what if I chose to make my life something they don't want it to be?
What if I chose to make it passionate
Towards ideas they don't agree with
Towards careers that don't pay as well as theirs
Towards an area they don't like visiting
Towards people they seem to dislike for no reason other than for dislikes sake
Cause I can feel myself drifting there
It's like two separate islands of my life
and the sea in between harshly thrashes me around, getting closer to one island or the other every time I make a choice
Each so close yet so far away
And so are they
So are you
I feel the further I drift towards my passions, my interests, my special places and my people
The further I drift from them
You may be thinking who could possibly hinder you from pursuing what you love if they love you that much
You may think it's appalling and if I'm being honest, sometimes I do too
But I still love them regardless
I really do
I know they only have my best interest in mind
They only want what's best for me even if I don't want it myself
So how do I choose?
Do I have to choose?
You may think that because they're my family, I'll choose them every time, but I can't guarantee that
I love my friends like family
But my family have been my best friends throughout my whole life
So please someone tell me how do I choose?
Because I am completely stuck in the middle
Because I know I can't choose both
I feel the pull towards either island at any time
but next time, if I don't stop it, I'll drift all the way
To The island of my personal life, passionate and free to be me
free to like, love and hate whomever I please
...but I'll miss those I'm leaving behind
"life seemed to want to take me there" I'll say
Because I couldn't choose for myself, life kindly chose for me
But Can I live with its decision forever?
I guess I'll just have to wait and see...
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