Through the Door
(A Whimsun & Papyrus Oneshot. Requested by @Unamzi. Hope you like it!)
Papyrus followed the snowy footprints in the snow before they could be swallowed up in piles of icy layers. He caught Sans sneaking out somewhere, and got curious, leaving out after his older brother came back under the guise of 'just training.' Who knows, maybe he'd find where Sans finds all those cursed hotdogs.
Coming to a stop, he looked up at a pair of huge purple doors.
What was this place?
Tears spilled from his eyes, and he fluttered off somewhere faraway, somewhere where he could be alone. Loox, that bully. Oh he hated Loox. Loathed, even. He just made him so upset. Calling him those names, shoving him like that, spraying that icky, terrible lavender...
He flew, and flew, and flew, the argument replaying in his head as he shut his eyes, trying to blot out the horrible memory. Why did that one-eyed—
He flew right into a door. A large, purple door.
Reeling, he looked up at the towering structure, slightly scared. Just how far had he ventured...? He was upset but... he was probably overreacting. The giant door stood just in front of him, making him feel small. His wings stopped fluttering as he dropped to the ground, settling a trembling hand on the door. The stone was cold as ice. He pulled away immediately.
Just what in the world was a—
Knock! Knock! Knock!
A booming voice drowned out his thoughts, and he cringed at the volume. Why so loud?
The wetness on his cheeks reminded him that he didn't exactly have the right to question it though. After all, who was he to keep this mystery stranger waiting, right?
"H-Hello?" He winced at the sound of his own, raw, tear soaked voice. The words came out wet and slightly guttural. He took a moment to clear his throat before trying again. "Who's there?"
"OH!" The voice seemed surprised. "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! WHO MIGHT YOU BE?"
The Great Papyrus... something about the title made Whimsun just want to curl up and dust. He wasn't worthy of a presence so significant paying him any mind.
"I'm...Whimsun..." He muttered in his small, meek voice. A noise of confusion came from the other side.
"WILSON? YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO SPEAK UP!" The voice thundered. Distantly, Whimsun wondered if everyone in the Ruins could hear this monster mispronounce his name like that. "TRYING SPEAKING GREATLY LIKE ME!"
Greatly...? Whimsun didn't even know if he deserved to be speaking at all. Sweat gathered on his brow as he let out a small, anxious noise. He still had all these stewing, rotten feelings inside. Could he really manage that?
"I-I'm sorry!" He squeaked. He didn't know if he could do this today. No, not today. "I'll stop bothering you!"
"Hey, Hey..." The voice came back softer, lower to the ground as Whimsun's started to hyperventilate. "Don't Worry About It."
Don't worry.
"Take A Deep Breath." The sound of lungs filling with plenty of air filled Whimsun's ears, and he followed along. "And Release."
Repeating the action a little more caused the tension in his shoulders to dissipate. The erratic pounding of his SOUL to slow. The sweat slipping down his brow to evaporate.
Suddenly, Whimsun didn't feel so anxious. He didn't feel the need to just disappear... he felt... calm.
"Th-Thank you." He whispered, awestruck. How did he just...
"OF COURSE!" The booming voice was back to full volume. Whimsun felt, like he could handle it better this time. "NOW THEN, I DIDN'T QUITE CATCH YOUR NAME."
Such a wonderful person... someone who cared...
"Whimsun!" Whimsun said, extra loud, doing his best to match that of this visitor. "Not Wilson." He added, just for clarity.
The other voice laughed. "NYEH HEH HEH! I AM SORRY FOR MISNAMING YOU, WHIMSUN!" The stranger bellowed, the Ruins trembling slightly. "IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN."
When was the last time apologized to him...?
The urge to say 'it's ok' or 'I'm fine' surged up within him, but he decided to say something more meaningful. Something true.
"I forgive you, Papyrus." He replied, not shouting, but keeping his voice audible. "Where are you, anyway?" The Ruins stretched and stretched onwards for a very long distance. How did anyone end up outside...?
"Neither have I..." Whimsun whispered. Was this fate? Two strangers, on different sides of the same door. "But I know we call this side the Ruins."
"RUINS..." Papyrus sounded the slightest bit puzzled. To think that where Whimsun grew up was completely foreign to another. "I BELIEVE I HAVE READ ABOUT THOSE IN THE LIBRARBY."
"Librarby?" Whimsun echoed. Did they have new words outside the Ruins too? "Do you mean library?"
When was the last time he attempted to correct someone?
"I BELIEVE THAT'S WHAT THE SIGN IS MEANT TO SAY." Papyrus agreed, Whimsun could conjure the image of this mystery monster nodding. "BUT SOMEONE MISSPELLED IT, I ASSUME."
The conversation went on with Whimsun putting in bits of input when Papyrus would talk about his town. Some things were the same, others were not. In the end, Papyrus had to go back to his home, but they'd agreed on speaking again another time...
Whimsun could barely wait.
Oh how little I knew about Whimsum before I did my research... my little dude there is deep guys. Him and Pap are practically opposites dude.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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