B&B Part 1: I will NEVER like you!
(Part one of a Lust!Sans X Reader. Calling this ficlet 'Boundaries and Butterflies.')
Tw: Suggestive Dialogue/Behavior (Lust shenanigans), Near-Kissing (Almost.)
Sunlight danced into the room. Questions weigh heavy on your mind. Why were you here? What's going on? What new messes were to be cleaned today? But, you forced your buzzing mind to become silent. Under the heavy stare of Lust, your boss, your mind just... halted.
Perhaps it was how he sat, or how his half-lidded gaze always allured your eyes. Or maybe even the way his pretty, fur-lined jacket slipped off his shoulders, exposing his bone structure. Whatever it was, it made him the only thing you were able to focus on.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you met his gaze.
"Fancy meeting you here."
Your hands involuntarily move to fiddle with something— anything. True, you were early, but what kind of greeting was that? He'd called you here!
"I could say the same to you..." You dismiss casually, instinct begging you to look anywhere but the vibrant, purple eye lights boring into you. Monsters were weird. "Not to be curt but, why exactly am I here...?" Your shift was in an hour. He was still here when you showed up early. Now you're in his office.
"Come here." Slender fingers beckon you. He sits on his desk, legs crossed. You stand at the door, fingers clawing the fabric of your pants. Leaving your mop at door, you make your way over, both skeptical and curious. Just what did he have on his mind? Your boss was hard to read.
Skeletal fingers take your chin, caressing up and down your jawline as those half-lidded eyes gave a slow, sultry blink. Your heart fluttered, face heating. Why did he look at you like that?
"You know," He leans down some, teeth inches from yours. You think you can feel his breath on your lips. The pounding of your heart fills your ears. "You're pretty cute, actually. I'm going to offer you a promotion."
"A wh—"
"Shhh." His thumb gently strokes you bottom lip. "Save your words, Darling."
You don't think you can form any. Your legs shake as he leans closer, closer, the gap between your lips and his teeth shrinking as your heart threatens to come bursting right out your chest. You don't even like your boss like that! What in the world is going on?!
Just before you can be claimed in this unexpected kiss, your body jerks, yanking itself out of Lust's grasp as you stumble backwards, landing on your rear, heart still pounding.
Lust yelps as he goes tumbling from the desk, landing face flat just a few feet in front of you. You scramble over, still slightly shaken but also very, very scared that you might've just lost your well-paying job.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just—"
A bony fist gathers itself around your collar. Pulling you down, Lust glares up at you from his place on the floor.
"Love, you're cute, I'll give you that." He huffs, getting to his feet and pulling you up with him. Surprisingly, he's shorter than you, if only a little. "But you sure have proven dense today."
"I'm the dense one?!" Any butterflies in your stomach quickly succumb to the burning acid in it. "You just tried to kiss me! We don't even barely know each other!" So maybe you didn't mean for that to sound as harsh as it did. You slowly back down a bit, that furious blush on your face calming a little as Lust scowls, appalled.
"Don't play all hard to get!" He shoots back, arms crossed as he puffs out cheeks dusted with purple, rather than their usual white. "You would've liked it!"
"Excuse me?" Your face somehow lights anew, burning hotter. "How are you that... absurd!" That was definitely the right word. "I don't even like you!" Did you though? He did always kind of a fine fellow...
Lust gasps, brows shooting up, hand covering his chest. "Challenge accepted!" His arms then cross, as he tosses his head, missing the point. "Give me six months. You'll be begging for me."
You let out a frustrated mix between a shout and a snarl. Stomping your foot, you spun around, throwing open the door and leaving, but not before sparing Lust one last bit of your mind.
"You are the most disgusting and perverted person I have ever met." You hiss, not meaning every word, but saying it anyways. "I will never like you. You could try for six years."
You shoot a glare over your shoulder at him to find him blowing you a kiss. Growling, you snatch your mop and head out, heart still racing, cheeks still burning. You channel all that negativity into your work, mopping every inch of the floor, scrubbing every bit of grime off the countertops, even spraying down the television and cleaning that too.
Sometimes, you wondered how so much grime got everywhere. But, you supposed, working where you worked, gross substances were bound to seep into every nook and cranny... intentional or not.
Sometime during your lunch break, you observed Lust leaving out, simply skipping by, sparing you a wave before leaving. You distantly wondered if you just missed out on that promotion. What'd it matter anyway? You were just fine with staying out of whatever Lust did all the time, just coming up behind everyone and cleaning their messes was more than enough.
After your shift, you too left out, heading home to a well-furnished apartment. Once home, you took a bath, getting a chance to stew in your thoughts a bit.
Maybe you didn't handle that as good as you could've...
Lust really is just an oblivious little bean (not really. He just didn't wanna start crying right there.)
Oooh the ideas I have for this one. :)
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
(P.s, Requests are still wide open! Feel free to drop one if you want me to whip you up something special!)
(P.s.s funny that I'm listening to a song called 'you didn't have to say THAT' as I'm writing this. :)
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