Waking up
Ok, I have decided I would at least post 1 chapter each month. My life get's in the way of things, and I have mainly been working on a video I'm planning to post soon, so I won't be posting frequently. But here's the chapter of the month. Oh, and also, should I make an ask blog about this. I seen other people make ask blogs for their stories, and I especially loved Nonsensely's "Ask the Bet than Game characters", and I want to try that. Comment down below!
(time skip to, like, after an hour and a half of crying)
"Oh, you poor dear…" Said the goat woman, who told me her name was Toriel, after I calmed down.
Apparently my name is Sans, and I found out that I was a skeleton like Papyrus after I cried, and we are brothers ,and I'm the older one. I still can't believe I had a family, and I don't even remember…
"S-sans, how do you feel?" Said the reptile monster, who said that her name was Alphys.
"I'm just fine, uh Alphys, right?" I said, still trying to remember their names.
Alphys nodded, and wrote something on her clipboard.
"And you are Toriel?" I asked the goat woman. Toriel nodded. "And you are Asgore?" I point to the goat with the beard. "And Undyne and Papyrus?" as I proceed to point to the fish lady then the skeleton. They all nodded simultaneously.
"And you are Frisk, right?" I asked the child, who was still hiding behind Toriel(and who turned out to be a girl).
"Y-yeah, that's right." Frisk, said showing her face but still holding toriel's skirt tightly.
"Frisk, what's wrong? You're not usually this shy around Sans." Toriel said, looking at Frisk's Hazel brown eyes.
"N-nothing mom…just didn't want Sans to freak out since… you know…"
Apparently there was this war between monsters and humans, and Frisk apparently saved the monsters from being trapped in a mountain for who-knows-how-long.
"Well, I didn't even remember what the difference between a human and a monster, so you're ok kiddo…" I said, hoping to cheer the human up.
Frisk looked a bit relieved, but she still clutched on Toriel's skirt. Though, I feel weird just looking at her, like she is about to pounce, and i'm just expecting it. I wonder why…
"Ok Sans, I-I just got the result," Alphys started saying " and you didn't get physically injured. It a-also looks like you didn't get mentally damaged either… s-so I-I don't know how you lost your memory…"
"Oh…ok…" I said, feeling disappointed that there's no way to get my memory back.
"Uh, can I ask a couple of questions?" They all nodded. "Ok, great. So, 1. How did I end up here? 2. How long was I asleep?"
"W-well" Alphys started to say until Undyne intervened by saying(shouting really) "YOU'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR 3 STUPID DAYS YOU PUNK! PAPYRUS HAS BEEN WORRIED SICK!"
Now THAT made my head hurt.
"Oh, right, sorry about that." Undyne said, remembering my condition.
"It alright." I said, recovering from the headache. I then proceeded to look at Papyrus "Were you really that worried about me?" I asked him.
Wow, he is so cool, I thought. That was a random thought, but it was true.
"Anywho," Toriel started "to answer your 2nd question, you were taking care of Frisk while I was in a school board meeting, when Frisk called me in the middle of it saying you are having a freak out. By the time I arrived and wouldn't wake up, so we decided to take you to Alphys to examine you. Then Papyrus heard the news and never left your side."
I didn't know what to say. What exactly did I freak out about so much about that it caused me to have amnesia?, I thought.
After a while, I finnaly responded."W-what did I freak out about?"
Everyone's eyes were on Frisk, since she was the only one who could know what had happened.
"I…I…" She started to say, then looked at me with hesitant eyes. "I… don't know what happed. You just started to freak out out of nowhere."
That was…off, I thought. Why did she looked at me like that?
"Hey, Asgore, are you alright?" I asked.
Everyone was now staring at Asgore, with Toriel giving him a stern look.
"Ahh! Y-yes, uh, well…" Asgore started to say, stuttering. "I-I'm only here because Frisk is friends with you, a-and since Frisk considers me as a step-dad…"
Everyone in the room(except Frisk and Sans) were all giving Asgore a 'Really' look, with Toriel raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, really? Who are the parents?" I ask.
They all looked at Toriel, probably hinting that she is the mother. I wonder how monsters could have humans as children, but I decide to dismiss it. Probably best not to think about it.
"Alright, then who is the father?"
They all now looked at both Toriel and Frisk, most curious themselves.
"Well, you see," Toriel started to say. "I'm an only mother, and Frisk likes to keep who she considers "father" to herself for some reason." Frisk nodded, confirming the information.
How in the world does Toriel not know the father? Again, I feel like it would be best if I dismiss it.
"Oh, I see. I guess being the 'savior of monsters' doesn't give you a skele-ton of privacy, huh?"
At that point, everyone just stared at me. Did I say something wrong? Then I realized…I just made a pun. Just out of the blue.
After a while, Toriel started holding off a laugh, then just busting into laugher. Papyrus suddenly gave me an angry glare, which was so hilarious that I couldn't help but laugh. Soon enough, the entire room was hollering.
"Well, I guess you could say, you goat the idea." Toriel said
"Oh man, that really tickle my funny bone. " I answered
"Oh yes, it was, really humerus."
"Especially Papyrus, he was mad to the bone"
"Oh yes, he's some time's a silly billy''
"Yes! Oh! I'm a teacher, and I just ardor white boards''
"Because they are pretty re-markable"
"What do you call a royal goat wearing denim?"
"Billy Jean King!"
(Please refer to the header of this chapter)
(After whoknowshowlong of puns)
"O-ok, I thi-ink that's enough." I say, trying to calm down after all that.
"FINNALY!! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO LOSE IT! GLAD TO KNOW THAT YOU STILL ENJOY PUNS!" Papyrus said, having a bit of sarcasm at that last line.
"Yes, sorry about that Papyrus. I just couldn't help it, I just had to jump at the opportunity.'"
"Hey, be happy Papyrus!" Undyne said. "At least we know that we could know that he probably didn't lose all of his memories. Ain't that right Sans?"
"Well, proba-" I started, but then I saw some thing. It's vivid, but it was something, like it was some kind of…memory.
"I-I think I'm remembering something!"
"Wait, really?!" Undyne said, surprised at the fact that she technically predicted something.
"Sans. I need you to tell me the memory. This is very important, and it could tell us more about what we're dealing with." Alphys said, without shuddering.
"Well," I start, trying to keep the image in my head. "I see… a lot of white."
"Well that's helpful." Undyne said sarcastically.
"No, it's not just that." Everyone gathered around, listening carefully. "I also see, something… red. And it's on the ground… and…it was probably somewhere cold…"
"Hmm, maybe he's remembering his time in Snowdin with Papyrus, but that's honestly the only thing I could think of." Asgore said, putting his paw on his chin, deep in thought.
"Well, at least you have something to refer to." Alphys said, taking notes on her clipboard. "I'll run some more test tonight, see if you could remember something else. But after that," She looked up, and made eye contact. "I want you to figure out what that memory was. It could most likely mean a lot to you if that is the only thing you remember."
"Yeah, maybe." I answered, glad to know I have something.
"But other than that, you are ok to go. I-I still recommend you stay here for the night, and let me run some final test. A-and after tonight, you could go back home, and try to regain your mem-mory."
I can't believe that I'm free to go. I thought that I would be stuck here for another week or so. Oh well, screw logic.
"Well, we better leave, it's getting late." Toriel said, heading out the door, taking Frisk with her. "Yeah, me too! Don't want to miss my shift tommorow!" Undyne said, following Toriel. "See you soon Sans." Asgore said, heading out the door. Papyrus stayed next to me while Alphys ran some test on me.
The test weren't anything to bad, it was mainly just questions really. It only took a couple of minutes, then she said to make sure I get a lot of food and rest, and to not put much strain in my head. After that, she left the room, leaving me and Papyrus.
We talked for a while, mainly him, as he was telling stories from we were younger, living in the underground, and he would keep asking if I recalled anything else other that the weird vision. "No." I would always respond. After a while, Papyrus drifted off, to tired to continue. I ended up tired to, so I decided to call it a night that's when Frisk suddenly opened the door, holding something in her hand.
"Oh hey kiddo! What's up?" I say.
"Oh! Sorry Sans, was I interrupting something, I-I can always come back later…" Frisk answered, backing off a little.
"No No, y-you're completely fine! Uh, do you need anything?"
"Um, n-no, I-I just felt like giving this back to you." Frisk handed me a blue jacket, with a fluffy edged hood. "You always wore that jacket, and we had to take it off you to do some test when… you know…"
I squezzed the jacket, knowing it meant some kind of sentimental value. If I could only remember…
"Heh, thanks kid. I… I really appreciate it."
Frisk gave me a beaming smile in return.
"Now, you should get back to Toriel, she's probably worried sick."
"Oh, right! Well, bye dad!" Frisk said heading out the door.
"Bye kid- wait what?" Frisk never gave me an answer, as she already closed the door behind her. I'm her, so-called dad? How does that make sense? How does Toriel not know this? I looked at my jacket. Maybe I should keep quiet and ask Frisk later…
I laid my head on to the pillow, and drifted into sleep, still softly holding the jacket. Tommorow, I hope to remember…
Hp: 2/2
Feeling hopeful
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