The Big Day
A flowing white dress, with jewels sparkling from the light. Soft music playing in the background. My feet walked forward toward him.
His silver hair, placed how it normally is, a black tuxedo is what he wore. A hand was reached out to me, and I grabbed it.
From earlier, I saw how my (h/l) (h/c) hair was put into a bun, some strands hanging out that were curled. They had put glitter in my hair and finished it off with my veil.
You could hear my high heel's clicking on the wood as I tried to stand next to him.
The groom, my soon-to-be husband, Victor Nikiforov.
"You look stunning," he whispered next to my ear. Red erupted onto my face, and I smiled, mouthing thank you.
In all reality, my heart was hammering, where as I looked calm with a smile on my face.
*time skip*
My feet glided across the dance floor, in sync with Victor's. One hand was around my waist, and the other was holding my hand. When he pulled me close, I swore he could hear and feel my heartbeat.
I didn't want to let go, dispite how sore my feet where getting, I felt safe and warm close to Victor.
In the crowd I could see Yuri, Coach, Yuko, her husband and her kids.
Usually, next would be the father daughter dance... but there was no dance, so I went to go get a drink and rest my feet for a moment.
"Hello, Mrs. Nikiforov," Victor crouched in front of me, grabbing my left hand.
"Hello, Mr. Nikiforov," I giggled, a new sparkle in my eyes.
"How many times have I told you that I love you?" He stood up, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"I lost count," I hugged him, yet again, enjoying the warmth.
*another time skip. Sorry not sorry*
It was the end. Time to go back to our little (not really) apartment. Tomorrow was also exciting. A day where only I get Victor, and we are alone together.
"I'm tired," I yawned while we walked to the apartment. Victor only chuckled and grabbed my waist, pulling me close. Surprisingly, neither of us had gotten drunk. Victor tried to, but was too busy dancing.
Right when we got through the door, I kicked my heels off and ran to my room, eager to get the stupid dress off.
Victor came in and threw me on the bed when I had just finished unzipping the zipper.
"Victor! I just want to get into something I can sleep in," I whined.
"Then at least let me help you. The most favorite job that a husband gets," he smiled and flashed me his most famous wink.
"We are not doing.. that tonight," I pushed him off of me, getting up and looking through the closer for pajamas. Picking out one of Victor's tee shirts, I finished taking the dress off, aware of Victor watching me, and slipped on his shirt.
"Come here," he opened his hands, where I happily nuzzled into his chest, not bothering about my still perfect hair.
His hand rubbed my back in a soothing motion, making me even more tired.
"You get ready for bed also," I murmured, feeling the fabric of the tuxedo brush my face.
He got up and I yawned, admiring my ring while waiting for him to get back in bed. I knew he was back when the bed dipped.
He pulled me close again, and I could feel his bare chest.
"I love you," he laid his head on the pillow, sudden weariness dulled his eyes. "Love.. you... too," I breathed out, nodding off to sleep.
He chuckled once again and then nothing afterwards, just silence, except his soft breathing, that fully put me to sleep.
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