Recap and Showing Off
"Hey little girl. Are you alone?" A boy with black hair and glasses walked up to me. Compared to me, he looked like a baby. He was about my height when I was sitting and I bet if I stood up, I would be towering over him. "No... my pappy inside that big building," I pointed behind me with my thumb.
"Oh. Do you skate?" He asked me again. "Mhm. Everyday my pap takes me here. When I grow up, he wants me to compete," a smile grew on my face.
"When I grow up, I want to be like Victor Nikiforov," the kid sat down. "Who's that?"
He looked shocked, "he's a famous skater. I saw him on TV once... he was amazing! He even won the gold medal!"
"(F/n)! Time to go home. I got your skates and jacket. Say goodbye to your friend!" My father called from the door.
"Nice meeting you...-" "(F/n) (L/n). Nice meeting you too!"
"I'm Yuri Katsuki! Bye!!" He waved to me as we left.
"You excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" My father asked as we walked home. "Nvm..." I bit my lip," I guess."
*timezy skip through the past!*
I looked up at the building stood before me and saw kids entering and exiting. I knew no one and felt lonely as they all talked to their friends.
Teachers helped me to my class. The main teacher was really nice and she told me where my seat was. When the school day started, we started with a simple question: what do you want to be when you grow up?
We went in alphabetical order and I heard simple answers like: "policeman! Firefighter! Vet! Teacher!"
Then it came to my turn. My heart thumped in my chest loudly.
T P. T
"I-I want to be a figure skater and win gold medals for my parents..."
Laughing erupted in the room and some girls gave me looked.
"She just wants to copy that cutey, Victor Nikiforov! I bet she wants to be with him!"
I instantly sat down and covered my face. Some people gave me weird looks and nobody sat by me at lunch or played with me at recess. By the end of the day, I was shoved towards the way to my home with some kids laughing at me.
"Go back to where you came from! Wannabe!"
I took a deep breath and started walking home. Don't cry. Don't cry. Be strong. These people are only jealous. Be a tough cookie.
I took in a struggled breath and kept walking. My (h/c) hair covered my eyes as I dragged my feet. This always happened. People always made fun of me for wanting to be a skater.
I lifted my head, "I'll show them when I get my gold medal."
"I will win my gold medal."
My feet were now gliding across the ice. My music for my self-choreographed program traveled through my body.
Shink, Shink, Shink.
You couldn't hear my ragged breathing through the music and the sound of my skates hitting the ice. For some reason, I was feeling angered. My mind just wanted to be alone and I wanted to smash things.
A smirk flashed on my face as I think of all those kids who are now about my age and are probably watching their tv screens, amazed that a girl is winning in a men's skating championship.
I'll show you all. A girl can do anything a guy can do.
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