Competition and Coach
"YAA! Mom! Hurry! Today is Yuri's competition! Plus Victor will decide if he's staying or going!" I tugged on my mom's hand. "Go on without me sweety," mum smiled and ruffled my hair. "EEEHHH! Mom! Don't play with my hair!" I giggled and waved, grabbed my purse and ran off to the Ice Palace.
I had my camera and wrote on my arm to remind nyself to take a video with my phone and take pictures with the camera. Though excited I was excited, I kept thinking. What if Yuri Plisetsky won? Victor would leave to coach him and I may never see him again.
I shivered at the thought and saw the Ice Palace. It was very packed, may I say.
Taking a deep breath, I shoved past everyone and finally felt free in the locker room. "I mean, I know Yuri vs. Yuri sounds amazing, considering Victor Nikiforov will be there, but someone might have their face smashed into the ice," I grumbled and walked in.
"Hey (Y/n)! Don't worry about tickets. I know about how hard money is for you and your mom since your father well..." Yuko stopped and looked at her feet.
"Don't worry Yuko. I don't mind paying for tickets," I handed her the money.
"Stubborn," she grumbled and took the money. I laughed and saw Victor. A blush took over my face and I was thankful it was dark or Yuko would tease me.
"Hey Victor. Am I allowed to know how Yuri is doing on his exercising?" I brushed my hand through my hair and felt my heart thunping. "Yeah. Yuri is doi-" he was caught off by a ton of middle aged, and young females screaming his name. Rolling my eyes at the females, I turned my attention to the rink.
"Yuri is doing just fine," he whispered in my ear. I nodded slightly and my face probably looked sunburnt. Trying the find my breath, the show started.
Yurio stood in the middle of the ice, in a snazzy lookin' leotard. It was a very pale blue with shimmery stuff on it. Very eye catching.
A sweet, yet sad melody played and I was instantly felt my eyes snap towards him as he skated. It was gorgeous.
Next up was Yuri. I smiled and rested my cheeks on my hands. The song, Eros, played and Victor flashed in my mind. It feels weird to say this, but Yuri looked very hot. He stared at Victor. Victor, still kind of close to my ear, whistled and I felt slightly jealous.
Stop. No need to be jealous because let's be honest, even the straightest person would find Yuri hot. Watching silently, it felt forever. I hadn't even noticed that Yurio stormed off, until they were announcing the winners and Yuri was the only one there.
"YAY!" I cheered. I was extremely happy for Yuri, but a sliver of happiness was from the fact that Victor was staying.
*timezy Skipzy*
A few days later, my mom was forcing me to try for Grand Prix. It got to the point that she filled out my information for it and got me a coach. "Mom, it's men only, though!" I complained.
"Hush! They shall allow you because of your abilities. You're better than a typical female," my mom waved me off.
"Hellllooooo!" A loud man's voice boomed. "Ahhh! (C/n)! [Coach name] you're here! Take my daughter and please help her for the Grand Prix.
The man smiled at me and we left. "Let's see how faster you are running and skating," he cracked his knuckles, "I'll head to Ice Palace and you'll head there after I send you a text."
I nodded and waited and waited. Finally, he texted me that he was there. "Let's run with all you got," I breathed and ran towards the rink. I have no idea how long it took, but I finally made it.
"You're actually pretty quick, (Y/n)," he he looked confused, "no wonder your mom wants you to compete against men."
Shrugging, I slid my backpack off and dug my skates out. "Ahh white skates. Flashy," he chuckled sarcastically. I bit my cheek to stop myself from being rude and we went inside the rink. Inside was Victor and Yuri.
"Hello, Victor Nikiforov. Coach Victor now, I guess, but can we have half of the rink?" (C/n) asked. Victor just stared at us and Yuri spoke up, "Victor won't mind, and may I ask, why do you have a coach, (Y/n)?"
"My mom wants me to practice for the Grand Prix because she thinks I'll win," I felt awkward. Yuri seemed awkward too, because he shut his trap and focased on his side of the rink.
"Okay first things first, one, you can't be distracted by them. Two, I want you to go as fast as you can," my coach said, sounding bored. Nodding, I spun as fast as I could. I felt myself get dizzy, but I kept going, going faster and faster, until I collpased. "Ugggghhhh. I don't see the point of doing that unless you want me to pass out," I groaned. Victor and Yuri were just staring at me.
"Stop staring!" I grabbed my head and helped myself up.
They did their own things, while I was obviously getting frustrated with my coach. By the end of our first lesson, Victor had already gone through, like, a million. "Urg!" I growled and felt my feet blistering up.
"Don't get frustrated, you'll get it!" He smiled. Rolling my eyes at my coach I tried the first half of the choreograph again. I was getting better at it, but my feet were killing me. This is only half of it too... what has my mother done?!
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