"Minho dear. I got you a doctor's appointment for 12 today." Mrs. Lee softly said, knocking on the door.
Minho nodded his head, sighing. He felt exhausted. His fever was still high and he was cold sweating.
Jisung pouted, running a hand through Minho's hair from where he was sitting on Minho's bed.
"That's the same time as my interview." Jisung pouted apologetically.
"It's ok, dear. You go crush your interview and get that job, while I take Minho." Mrs. Lee patted Jisung's shoulder reassuringly.
"Really?" Jisung asked, pouting.
"Yes, it's no problem for me." Mrs. Lee smiled.
Jisung turned to Minho.
"It's fine, Jiji. I'll be fine. Go to your interview." Minho smiled faintly.
"The appointment is in an hour and a half. You should shower and get out of bed, Minho." Mrs. Lee said before leaving the room.
Minho sighed and sat up, holding onto Jisung as he walked into the bathroom. He was dizzy and nauseous.
Jisung helped Minho into the shower, deciding it would be better for him to join than to leave Minho in there alone. He needed to shower himself anyways.
Jisung and Minho took a long shower together, getting dressed quickly after it. Jisung borrowed some fancy clothes from Felix, wanting to make a good impression on his interview.
"Min, I gotta go now. Will you be ok on your own?" Jisung asked Minho, petting his head worriedly.
Minho nodded, forcing a smile.
"Don't hesitate to call if you need me, ok love?" Jisung kissed Minho's head before heading out, walking towards his destination.
Minho closed his eyes and dosed off on his bed, walking up minutes later to his mother shaking him softly and telling him to get into the car.
Minho did as he was told, getting into the car, and getting ready for his trip to the doctor.
Minho and his mother sat in the waiting room, awaiting the results. After hearing the story the doctor was pretty sure she could confirm their theory about food poisoning, but she ran a few tests either way, just to be sure.
"Lee Minho. We have your results ready." The doctor smiled at Minho and his mother, showing them back into her office.
The 3 sat down together. The doctor read over her documents, smiling sadly.
"The tests we took had quite an interesting outcome, so I decided to look at your birth-record. Are you aware that you were born intersex, Minho?" The woman started.
Minho nodded his head, not liking where this was going.
"Even though there was performed a surgery at your birth to make you male, you still have a uterus, because for some reason it wasn't removed." The doctor spoke slowly, making sure they understand.
Minho shifted uncomfortably.
"It looks like you're pregnant, Minho. Our test results showed positive to the pregnancy test we did." The doctor put her files down, looking Minho in the eyes.
Minho's eyes spilled over with tears, silently feeling them roll down his eyes as he breathed heavily.
"But his symptoms aren't very pregnancy-alike! He's feeling extremely fatigued and has a fever, and it's only been a week since he had sex with partner." Minho's mother argued.
"I am aware of that. It looks like his body is responding negatively to the pregnancy. It's trying to fight off the fetus." The doctor apologetically smiled.
"What does that mean!" Mrs. Lee exclaimed, afraid after hearing that.
"It means, that we have to monitor his health closely for the next months. At any signs of threatening symptoms, we immediately abort the child, but until then Minho is most likely perfectly capable of birthing a healthy child."
"I don't want it! Get it out of me!" Minho yelled, hiding his face in his hands.
"If you decide to get an abortion, we'll arrange that, Minho. But that is a decision for another day. You're upset and sick. You need to go home and rest, and then we can decide if you still want to abort the baby." The doctor gently touched Minho's shoulder.
Mrs. Lee side hugged her son, crying silently herself.
"Let's go home, yeah Minho?"
Minho exited the car, going straight for the front door and throwing it open. His eyes were red and bloodshot, with a burning fire behind them.
The latter waked straight inside, marching into the kitchen determinately. There he spotted Felix and Jisung talking happily.
"Oh, hey Min-" Jisung started walking towards the elder, smiling.
He was cut off by a harsh slap. Jisung stumbled to the side, looking back up at Minho with wide, watery eyes.
"MINHO!" Felix tried to grab the elder, but Minho shoved him away, going after Jisung.
Minho grabbed Jisung's collar, slapping him into the wall.
"MINHO!" Mrs. Lee shouted, looking at the scene in horror.
Minho ignored his whole family watching with wide eyes from behind them, instead pushing Jisung toward the front door harshly.
Jisung slowly backed away, confused as to why Minho was acting like this so suddenly. He had never seen the elder so upset.
"Minho-" Jisung's voice cracked, he was struggling to hold in his tears.
"NO, YOU DID THIS! YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I HATE YOU." Minho slammed Jisung into the front door, getting up in his face.
Minho threw a punch at Jisung, hitting him directly in the face. Jisung's head snapped to the side. He looked back at Minho, now with tears streaming down his face and a scared gaze drilling into Minho in disbelief.
Minho pushed the front door open, making Jisung - whom was leaning on it - stumble backwards.
"I HATE YOU! I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" Minho screamed through tears before slamming the door shut, immediately running off to his room to cry, ignoring everyone's yells.
Felix ran after Jisung whom was walking down the road quickly, yelling his name.
The latter grabbed Jisung's shoulder, about to yell at him for hurting his brother.
Jisung turned around, still holding a hand over his throbbing cheek.
WHAT DID I DO? WHAT DID I DO FELIX? I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID! WHY DOES HE HATE ME?" Jisung broke down, pacing back and forth in panic.
He was shaking his hands hard while waking back and forth in front of Felix swiftly.
Felix's gaze softened. He had never seen Jisung like this. He was usually so strong.
"Oh, Ji." Felix pulled Jisung into his shoulder, letting him cry onto it.
Jisung sobbed into Felix's hoodie.
"What did I do!" Jisung yelled, muffled by the fabric.
"I don't know. I'm sorry."
Felix rocked Jisung back and forth until he calmed down a bit. He knew he couldn't take Jisung back home, not with Minho still being so upset.
Felix grabbed his phone, dialing his older boyfriend's number quickly.
"Chan, can you come pick me up? It's urgent!"
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