L.Minho 😳 @EdgyBoi.J
"Does someone think I'm hot?" Jisung teased, hugging Minho from behind.
Minho blushed, but quickly shook his head in denial.
"N-No I just..."
"Just what, baby?" Jisung hummed into the elder's ear.
Minho melted into the other's body, feeling his knees give in.
Jisung chuckled, running his lips slowly up the edge of Minho's ear to tease him. The elder gulped loudly, feeling his eyes flutter close against his will as Jisung's hand moved to touch him in a way no one had touched him before.
"Ssssh, be quiet baby. Your parents are downstairs." Jisung whispered, continuing what he was doing.
Minho nodded submissively, reaching his hand back to lay It around Jisung's neck.
"Sssh, you sound so beautiful but you gotta keep quiet."
Minho's hips moved in rhythm with Jisung's hand as the elder desperately clutched onto the sheets with his free hand.
"Ji- aaah! Hyung!"
"I love you, gorgeous."
"I love you t-nng-aah."
"My hair is so long, I should get a haircut."
Minho shot up from where he was laying on the bed, looking around wide-eyed.
"Right?" Jisung asked, looking at the elder.
"Huh?" Minho asked, confused.
Last thing he remembered Jisung's hand was buried deep within his pants, had it really all been a daydream?
"My hair. I should get a haircut, right?" Jisung said, ruffling his bleach-blonde hair.
"I- Yeah s-sure. I mean it looks good long too. It's h-hot." Minho stuttered, blushing madly.
"You think it's hot?" Jisung casually asked, looking back into the mirror.
"I-I mean yeah." Minho muttered, glancing up at Jisung hopefully, as he held a hand over his hard on.
"Aww you're too cute." Jisung cooed, ruffling Minho's hair on his way over to the door.
"Imma go get a snack, be right back." Jisung informed before leaving.
Minho slumped back into his bed, disappointed.
'Do I really wanna have sex with Jisung this bad? Just because he's incredibly hot and sexy and dominant and his blonde hair makes me so horny because it suits him so well?'
Minho shook his head, trying to empty it. The latter stood up, dragging his feet over to the bathroom. He had to get rid of his boner before Jisung came back, or else he'd be deadly embarrassed.
"Just a sec, I'm... Washing off my makeup." Minho shrugged to himself, turning on the faucet.
Jisung hummed to himself in reply, plopping down on his stomach on Minho's phone, pulling out his phone.
After a couple minutes Minho came out, his cheeks faintly red and his breath kinda staggered, but Jisung just brushed it off, thinking his skin probably was sensitive and his breath short because he had held his breath when washing off the soap.
"I didn't realize you were wearing makeup earlier." Jisung said, munching on his chips.
Minho plopped down right next to Jisung, stealing a chip from his bag.
"Yeah, just to cover a pimple." Minho said, looking at Jisung's phone.
Jisung carefully grabbed Minho's face, turning it to face himself to look for said pimple.
"Where? I don't see any."
"Uuh, I put some new concealer on it. Don't worry about it." Minho smiled awkwardly.
Jisung smiled back, pecking Minho's lips casually before letting the elder go, and moving his gaze back to his phone.
Minho snuggled up against Jisung's shoulder, playing with his blonde hair as he watched Jisung scroll through his phone.
Minho poked Jisung's cheek with a pout, wanting attention. The latter didn't react.
Minho let out a small whine, nudging Jisung with his head.
Jisung only hummed questioning, not breaking his eyes away from the screen.
"Sungie~" The eldest whined with a pout, hugging Jisung's arm.
Jisung mumbled a quick 'what' in return, still not looking at Minho.
Minho pouted even more at that, quickly grabbing Jisung's phone from his hands, moving it away.
"Pay attention to me!" Minho pouted, looking up at Jisung hopefully.
Jisung grinned widely, wrapping his arm around Minho and laying on top of him instead.
"You wanna do something?" Jisung asked, brushing the bangs out of Minho's eyes.
Minho's face immediately turned bright red.
"Do something?"
"Yeah, like find something to d- WAIT-OH-OH! Minho! I didn't know you had such a dirty mind!" Jisung laughed.
The elder rolled over, hiding in his covers.
"I don't! Stop that! I didn't mean it like that!" Minho whined, muffled by his bedding.
"Is Minho perhaps horny?" Jisung teased, playfully squeezing Minho's ass cheek.
The elder squirmed, trying to get away.
"Ji-aah! Jisung stop!" Minho whined, hiding his face on embarrassment.
"But you like that, don't you? It felt good right?" Jisung seductively whispered into Minho's ear as he caressed his right ass cheek.
Minho whined, but nodded either way, not daring to look at Jisung.
Fucking hell Minho get a hold of yourself!!
"We could play some video games." Minho suggested.
Jisung smiled and nodded, ruffling Minho's already messy hair.
Jisung stood up, pulling Minho along down the stairs and towards the living room where the gaming console was plugged in.
"Hey, Lix, mind if we join?" Jisung asked, plopping down in the couch behind Felix's beanbag.
Felix shook his head, still focused on the game he was trying to win.
Minho went over to the tv, grabbing the second controller. His mind was still groggy with thousands different thought rushing around every corner of his brain - every single one of them acting out a different scenario of a heated moment between himself and the boy he had developed such strong feelings for.
"H-Here you go, Ji." Minho softly muttered, handing the controller to the boy.
"Thanks cutie." Jisung smiled, bopping Minho's nose softly.
Minho sat down next to Jisung, looking over at him anxiously. Felix was sitting on the beanbag in front of the couch, so he couldn't really see the two, especially not since he was so focused on the game.
Minho subtly glanced down on Jisung's body, seeing the natural bump in the crotch area that formed on every male when they wore tight jeans.
'What if I sucked Jisung's dick right n-'
'But he looks so big. I bet he can make me feel so full.'
'I really wanna touch him. I wanna make hyung feel good.'
'What if I just touched him a little bit. Hyung wouldn't mind, right? I wanna be so good for hyung.'
"Minho?" A soft whisper asked.
Minho immediately snapped out of his head, looking back up at Jisung's eyes with his cheeks dusted red.
Jisung looked Minho up and down, raising his eyebrows at him before focusing back on the game.
"What are you doing there, babes?" Jisung silently asked, gesturing towards Minho's hand.
The elder looked down, immediately pulling back the hand he had placed on Jisung's crotch sometime during his internal argument. Minho's eyes widened, threatening to spill over with tears of embarrassment.
"Y-Your fly was a bit open, I just thought I'd close it for you, I'm sorry." The latter choked out, acting fine.
Jisung looked down, seeing that his fly was indeed only halfway done.
"Oh, thanks."
Minho sat in the awkward silence for a while, just stewing in his own embarrassment. How could he do something like that? How could he touch Jisung's friggin crotch just out of the blue in a public part of the house, let alone without consent.
"I'm going to the bathroom, be back in a bit."
And with that Minho ran away from the situation, preparing to cry all his feelings out in his bathroom behind two locked doors.
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