Mrs. Lee rushed through the front door, practically throwing her jacket and shoes off. Mr. Lee and Felix followed close by, hurrying inside as well. Who could blame them for being worried, when Minho called them at 11pm, saying that Jisung was going to move in with them temporarily because of urgent personal problems.
"Minho. Dear? Mrs. Lee called out in a shaky voice, looking around hurriedly.
"Couch." Felix said, hurrying past his mother.
The 3 all rushed up to the couch, where Felix has spotted two bodies. There, Jisung and Minho lay silently in each other's arms, sleeping perfectly still.
"Oh dear." Mrs. Lee said in her still shaking voice, brushing her thumb over Minho's sticky cheek.
Everyone could clearly see that the two had been crying. Dry tears were laying all over their rosy cheeks and Jisung's sleeves were practically soaked in tears.
Jisung laid cuddled up against Minho's side, with the elder's hand tangled into his messy blue hair.
"Let's get them into bed, ok honey? We can talk to them in the morning." Mr. Lee softly told his wife, seeing how worried she looked.
Minho woke up hearing soft bird songs from outside his window. He stretched out his body softly, forcing his eyes open. A long yawn escaped his mouth as he blinked the last drops of sleep out of his eyes.
Minho turned over to the side, seeing a mop of blue hair right besides himself. Jisung was laying facing away from Minho, still asleep.
The elder smiled, shuffling over to spoon the younger. Minho wrapped his arms tightly around Jisung's waist, snuggling his nose deeply into his neck. One of Minho's legs rested over Jisung's hip, pulling him closer.
The elder stayed like that for about 10 minutes, until he started feeling movement from the boy in his arms. Jisung shuffled around for a bit, turning around to wrap his arms around Minho as well.
Minho cooed to himself, running his hand through the younger's messy blueberry hair. His dark roots were starting to grow out, but Jisung looked ethereal either way. Minho would always think so.
"I should probably get ready soon. I have to pick my stuff up and run a couple thousand errands today." Jisung said in his raspy morning voice.
Minho nodded, squeezing Jisung extra tight for a couple seconds before letting him go and rolling over.
The two got out of bed, starting to get ready for the day.
"I'll come with you to your old apartment and help you with quitting your work and everything, ok?" Minho said, earning a nod and a smile from the younger.
"Go use my bathroom, I'll use the one downstairs." Minho pointed towards the door, handing Jisung a hoodie and a pair of jeans.
Jisung smiled and nodded, leaving a small peck onto Minho's jaw before leaving.
Minho re-entered his room, all dressed and ready, with a towel hanging from his shoulders. He sat down on his bed, pulling out his phone and scrolling through Instagram as he waited for Jisung to come out.
The door to Minho's bathroom opened, and out stepped Jisung, wearing Minho's clothes - looking like an absolute boyfriend. He had pushed the sleeves of Minho's hoodie up to his elbows and rolled up the jeans that were slightly baggy and long for his figure. This was also the first time Minho got to see Jisung without any makeup and with straight, wet blue hair.
"Uuuh, do you perhaps have a belt? Your jeans are a bit too wide." Jisung awkwardly asked, pulling them up.
"Yeah of course." Minho answered, jumping up to find Jisung a belt.
The elder grabbed one from his closet, walking over to Jisung and beginning to pull it through the loops.
"Wow, your waist is like non-existent." Minho said, pulling Jisung's hoodie up to look at what he was doing.
Jisung chuckled.
"Yeah I know. I'm kind of slim, mostly because food is fucking expensive."
Minho scoffed out a chuckle, beginning to tighten the belt around Jisung's small figure.
"I didn't mean it in a bad way. It suits you." The elder said, finishing up by pulling the excess length of the belt through the hoops.
"Really, how so?" Jisung asked.
It was the first time anyone had said anything like that.
"You know, your waist is gorgeous and you're gorgeous. It's a perfect match." Minho answered, wrapping his arms loosely around Jisung's waist.
The younger answered by intertwining his fingers behind Minho's neck, resting them on his broad shoulders.
Minho looked into Jisung's eyes, sending him a soft smile. The younger lifted himself into his toes, pecking Minho's lips. Minho immediately started chasing Jisung's lips, kissing them softly.
The two stood still for a moment sharing a series of soft kisses. They were standing a few inches away from each other, with their arms hanging from each other's bodies. Their kisses were soft and light, making them both feel so high.
"Breakfast is ready boys."
Minho and Jisung jumped off of each other, scared out of their own skin.
"OH MY GOD, MOM, WERE YOU WATCHING?" Minho yelled, seeing his mother standing comfortably in the opening of his bedroom door.
"Hey, can you blame me? You're so cute together." Mrs. Lee defend.
"Oh boyfriend, huh?" Mrs. Lee teased, smirking at them both.
"Friend. I meant friend." Minho quickly corrected himself, glancing over at Jisung.
"Well honey, this is my house, i can watch you all i want as long as you're under my roof. Now come downstairs, Felix and your dad is waiting. We're also expecting an explanation to all this."
Mrs. Lee left Minho's room, leaving the two boys to stare awkwardly into the wall.
"So boyfriend, ey?" Jisung teased, bumping shoulders with Minho.
The elder groaned, quickly exiting his room. Jisung followed close behind, laughing and half yelling that he didn't mean it and was only joking.
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