Jisung's beautiful laugh was like music to Minho's ears. His eyes watched the younger's face form into the most perfect smile - practically shining in pure admiration.
"Hyung? Hyung?"
Minho shook his head, humming a 'yes'. Jisung chuckled, tilting his head to the side.
"Are you feeling ok? You were kind of zoning out, staring at me." Jisung continued, watching Minho's cheeks turn red.
"Y-Yeah. I'm sorry, I just got lost in thought for a moment." Minho answered, taking a bite out of his cookie.
Jisung hummed in understanding, smirking to himself. He watched Minho shyly munch on his cookie, looking down to avoid Jisung's eyes. The younger reached out his hand, brushing Minho's bangs out of his eyes, and tucking it behind his ear.
"You're so pretty." Jisung whispered, watching Minho.
Minho blushed deeply red, keeping his eyes down.
"Aaah, I-I don't know about that..." The elder awkwardly answered, glancing up for a second.
"Shut up, you're gorgeous." Jisung chuckled, watching Minho choke on nothing.
"I'm gonna borrow the restroom, I'll be back in a second." Jisung said, standing up.
Minho was left alone, blushing madly to himself as he thought about Jisung's words. He wasn't gorgeous, was he?
Minho's thoughts were cut off by a phone ringing. The brunette looked to the side, seeing Jisung's phone lighting up.
"Boss." Minho muttered to himself, reading the caller id.
Minho let the phone ring out, not wanting to invade Jisung's privacy by answering his calls. The ringing eventually stopped, but Jisung's phone kept buzzing with messages coming in. It was starting to annoy Minho. He reached over, grabbing Jisung's phone - with the intention of muting it.
Minho's eyes scanned the phones screen, looking for the mute button. "Boss." kept messaging Jisung. Minho let his eyes quickly scan the words, freezing immediately.
Jisung, are you available?
A customer has requested a threesome with you and Mark
They're willing to pay 4 times the normal amount if you both can get here within 30 minutes
And another 300$ if you both lick her
This is the best deal you've been offered in a while, and i know you're quite unstable financially. I advice you accept the offer
[click here to see 8 unread messages from 'Boss']
[1 missed call from 'Boss']
"Hey Min." Minho looked up, seeing Jisung just entering the room.
Minho stood up, unsure of what to do. He brought his free hand up into his hair, looking around the room for something to take his focus.
"Y-Your boss tried calling you." Minho whispered, handing Jisung his phone.
Jisung quickly grabbed it, looking at the screen in pure horror. 'Minho saw'
The blue-haired boy looked back up, seeing Minho pace back and forth in front of him, looking upset. Tears pressed against Jisung's eyes.
Jisung quickly read through the messages, opening his phone to type an answer. His date was ruined and Minho hated him now either way. Might as well go make some money.
Jisung's fingers ghosted over the keyboard. He didn't know how to word it. He needed the money, there was no lie in that.
Two bigger hands grabbed Jisung's carefully, holding onto his hands tenderly.
"Jisung look at me."
Jisung looked up, seeing Minho's eyes right before his own.
Minho's eyes were watery and his bottom lip red from Minho's teeth.
"Jisung, I need you to answer me honestly, can you do that?" Minho quietly asked.
Jisung nodded his head, blinking the tears out of his eyes.
"Do-... Are-... Jisung do-.......... Are you a prostitute, Jisung?" Minho whispered, looking deeply into Jisung's eyes.
A silent tear escaped the younger's left eye. He immediately averted his eyes, nodding his head softly. Minho let out a shaky breath, yanking Jisung into his body, and hugging him tightly.
"I'm so sorry." Jisung hiccupped in a high and broken voice.
He let himself cry onto Minho's shoulder without resisting.
"No, don't apologize. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Jisung." Minho shushed him.
Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho, clinging to him.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Minho continued, stroking Jisung's back.
Minho guided Jisung over to the couch, softly setting him down in his lap. Jisung stayed hidden away in Minho's shoulder.
"Jisung." Minho whispered, brushing Jisung's hair back.
The younger looked up, wiping his smudged makeup with his palm.
"Why did you do it?" Minho whispered, cupping Jisung's cheek.
The younger chuckled to himself, collecting himself for a moment.
"*sigh* because. Not everyone is privileged and lucky enough to grow up in a supportive community. Not everyone has someone to rely on when things get hard, especially when you're left alone in the dust by who you thought was your own very best friend. Not everyone is able to get themselves good jobs.
I moved in with Hyunjin when i was 16, Minho. And he recently left me to move back in with his family. It's so expensive to live on my own, and I have never been able to get a good job that pays enough to keep me with a roof over my head. My family isn't even an option, I have no one to turn to the day I get thrown on the streets... I had no other choice." Jisung explained.
"You're selling your body, Jisung. It never should have gone this far. You don't deserve this." Minho answered, snuggling into Jisung's neck.
"You don't get it Minho. I had to. Without this job I'm as good as dead." Jisung argued, crying silently.
"Can you please quit you job, Jisung? Please, I'm begging you." Minho whispered, hugging the younger.
"I can't, I'm sorry." Jisung whispered back, running a hand through Minho's hair.
"Please. I'll help you out. I'll ask my parents if you can stay here in the meantime. I'll help you look for a real job. I'll pay for anything you may need in the meantime." Minho rambled, looking into Jisung's eyes.
The younger shook his head.
"No that's too much, I can't let you do that."
"Please Jisung. Please, quit your job. Let me help you." Minho begged, holding Jisung's face softly.
Jisung stayed silent, considering it for a moment. It could save his life, literally, and he could finally quit the job he hated so so much.
Jisung quietly nodded his head, making Minho smile widely. The elder sniffled, immediately pulling Jisung in for a kiss. Both boys melted into the soft and tender touch, moving their lips together while wrapping their limbs around each other.
Minho switched their position, laying Jisung down onto the couch while kissing him sweetly. The elder disconnected their lips, offering Jisung a soft smile.
"I'm gonna go call my parents, ok?" He whispered.
Jisung nodded his head with a soft smile. Minho smiled back, placing a lingering peck onto Jisung's soft lips before grabbing his phone and disappearing out of the room.
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