What's a Dear Evan Hansen?
Zina: Ok. Got our first request.
Jane: By who-
Boleyn: No! He loved me more!
Aragon: Talk a walk, French girl!
Jane: *gives them the 'mom' glare* What did you just say!?
Aragon & Boleyn: Sorry..Jane
Zina: Anyways...wait where's my hostess?
??: Sorry! Sorry! Here! *trips over her feet*
Jane: *helps her up*
??: Thanks mother.
Jane: Not a problem
Zina: Everybody meet the girl solely made for the hostess role, Jessica Seymour
Jessica: Hi! As you may guess, my mom is Jane Seymour. I'm part of the Royalling Stones!
Zina: The cutest oc I ever made-
Jessica: Anyways! *She was brown eyed, heart freckled, dirty blonde with glasses*
Jessica: Wait.. What was that?
Zina: A description so the reader could imagine you better.
Jessica: Oh...anywayd today we are reacting to 'Dear Evan Hansen!'
Howard: What's that?
Jessica: Hold on for a moment! *runs behind and wall and screams*
Jessica: *comes back* Ok! I'm fine! Now..lets just show you!
Everyone: *sits down*
Zina: This will be ideal..
*Anybody have a map?*
Aragon: *rubs forehead* Ugh..I can relate in a way
Jane: Poor Heidi and Cynthia, all they want is the best for their children.
Jessica: *sighs* If only dad felt the same for me..
Jane: *kisses the top of Jessica's head*
Jessica: *smiles*
Parr: Ok..moving on!
*Waving through a Window*
Howard: *wipes tears with hankerchief* Well that was..sad..
Boleyn: Tell me about it.
Parr: Well that's how I feel. I never really felt heard.
Cleves: *gives Parr a hug*
Parr: Thanks
Zina: This is filled with fluff..I like it
*For Forever*
Aragon: *sighs* If only our lives were like that..
Jessica: Well at least you aren't married to a..*whispers*
Jane: What was that!?
Jessica: Uhh moving on!!!
*Sincerely, Me*
Parr: *laughing so hard*
Cleves: *chuckling to self*
Others: *confused*
Zina: I love Jared..*laughs*
Jessica: *claps* Ahhh I love singing!
Jane: This musical is interesting..
Queens: ......
Jessica: Are you ok?
Zina: You seem a bit sad
Parr: It's just that this song..reminds us of Henry...
Zina: Ohh I see
Cleves: It's fine..umm..
Aragon: Well it's not like I was the last one *laughs but is a bit sad*
*If I could tell her*
Jane: Is he expressing his feelings through her brother?
Jessica: Umm..well...maybe?
Howard: *sinks in chair a bit* Thomas Seymour...
Jane: Huh?
Howard: Nothing!
Parr: Well that was sweet
Parr: Relatable
Jessica: Well I'm only known as 'Jane's daughter'. I love my mother but I just also want to be well-known
Jane: *hugs her daughter*
Aragon: I didn't know so many people felt like this...
Boleyn: *mutters* Of course you didn't...
Aragon: *shoots her a glare*
Boleyn: *sticks tongue out*
*You will be found*
Queens: *crying*
Howard: It's too..cute
Boleyn: I didn't know that a song like this would even exist
Aragon: Nobody would be allowed to write a song like this..well done, writers
Jessica: I applaud them *claps*
*To Break in a glove*
Jessica: Just gonna ask..why was this song nessacary? Don't get me wrong..its a good song just curious
Zina: Just to establish a relationship between Connor's dad and Evan?
Jane: Maybe, Maybe not
*Only Us*
Parr: I like this one!
Howard: It's sweet and sentimental..but...is everything gonna be bad afterwards?
Jessica: Well I have seen the whole thing but I'm not gonna tell you
*Good for You*
Aragon: I would like to sing this to Henry
Jane: This is why you never use people for your own benefit
Cleves: Good message to live by
Jessica: Agreed
Zina: I jam out to this song from time to time
Parr: Jam out? Why do you have jam?
Zina: .......
*Words Fail*
Howard: I can get how he feels but at the same time...I feel like the song is a bit..cliche for some reason
Boleyn: Sad songs aren't really my specialty *shrugs*
Jane: *covers Aragon's mouth from saying something bad* Well I like this 'Ben Platt' guy. I just think Waving Through a Window is better
Parr: Agreed
*So Big/So small*
Jane: Now I just wanna call my son
Jessica: I wanna call Edward too
Zina: Ugh, so sad..*wipes tears*
Parr: Haven't you heard this song a few times, Zina? Then why are you crying?
Zina: Regardless of how many times I heard it, it still makes me cry
Parr: Ohhh
Aragon: *removes Jane's hand* I like how it was short and sweet
Boleyn: This is the only time I'm agreeing with you
Jessica: Well surprise, surprise it's my favorite part
Jane: I think it's mine too
Zina: Well ladies, it seems like that's the end
Howard: It was an amazing musical
Cleves: I agree with you, Howard
Parr: I liked it more or less
Aragon: It was fun and silly
Boleyn: I liked it very much. Jared is my favorite *giggles*
Jane: It was adorable!!
Jessica: This is why it's one of my favorites!!
Jessica: Thank you Glittersilver for suggesting this! And we wanna thank you readers, for reading this..this is our first react book and we are excited to share it with you
Zina: Yeah! Now comment what your favorite DEH song is!
Jessica: *scoffs* Its obviously 'If I could tell her'
Zina: Agree to disagree
Comment what they should react to next!
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