Oh my Heathers!
Jessica: *watching Avengers with Edward*
Zina: Jessica Mary Seymour!
Jessica: You don't have use my full name, Zina Veronica Demon
Zina: *rolls eyes* Sorry Edward, but I need her to work with me. We need to work, hmmm..actually you can stay
Edward: Cool. Come on, let's go react to something with mom
Jessica: Fine...but right after, the Avengers do that epic legendary shot! *star eyes*
Zina: Jessica...fine. But I want to see it too *sits down next to Edward*
Jessica: Ok guys, after watching the whole franchise, we are gonna finally react to Heathers now! Finally, I was praying we get this request!
Zina: Ok! To the theatre room!
Jessica: *jumps on Edward's back* Onward!
Edward: *runs to the theatre room*
Zina: Ok guys! Now that we are all here! Let's begin!
Everybody: *sits down*
Aragon: Alright you get it girl!
Boleyn: Ooh I like Heather Duke's outfit.
Aragon: *mutters* Of course you do
Parr: I really like Veronica! She seems like a cool girl
Jane: Those poor kids, I wonder why their parents are not there
Jane & Edward: ......
Cleves: Can I just that I like this song already?
Howard: Agreed
(Candy Store)
Jane: So much sin!
Boleyn: Aww poor Heather Duke
Aragon: Why do you keep rooting for the characters who can't keep their mouth shut!?
Boleyn: Just cause
Howard & Cleves: *singing along*
Parr: I already love Veronica!!!
(Fight for me)
Aragon: Why is everyone saying 'holy s-
Jane: *covers her mouth*
Zina: We have children here!!!
Edward: I'm 20...
Jessica: I'm...17
Parr: Still counts
(Freeze Your Brain)
Aragon: What is cocaine?
Boleyn: I don't know, I heard that it's very popular with the kids
Jessica: No! No! No! You do not want to find out!
Queens: ????
Zina: To be honest, I do not like slushies..
(Big fun)
Jane: Oh my god...
Boleyn: I did not know, teens are very...acoholic
Jessica: That's how teens are
Edward: Agreed. *secretly dancing to Big Fun*
Zina: Edward, we can see you.
Edward: Dang it...
(Dead Girl Walking)
Jane: I take back, what I said about Candy Store
Edward: *covering Jessica's eyes*
Jessica: ???
Zina: Yeah..that was interesting...
Parr: *relaxing*
Howard & Cleves: *just wondering why*
(Me inside of me)
Jane: It really does have a good message, if you look past the jokes
Aragon: Yeah. Agreed
Aragon: *facepalms*
Jane: Jessica! Edward!
Jessica & Edward: *singing along*
Zina: Jane..control your children
(Blue (reprise))
Aragon: You big bunch of-
Queens: *holding her back*
Edward: I really don't like Heather Duke
Jessica: Stop Duke!!!
Zina: Oh boy...
(Our Love is God)
Jane: Poor JD...
Aragon: Why do you feel sympathy for him?
Jane: His mom died and his father doesn't care, he's had to move schools so many times, he's a loner, and Veronica is the only one to show him kindness
Aragon: That's-a very solid point
Jane: Thank you..
(My Dead Gay Son)
Queens: *dancing*
Jessica: Why are they dancing?
Edward: Because they are dancing diva queens
Zina: I really don't like to babysit these people..
Aragon: Oh yeah, we killed a lot of people, but now let's be seventeen
Jane: Shouldn't they be traumatized?
Jessica: Maybe JD but Veronica, I'm surprised *messing with Edward's hair*
Parr: Ok, do I take back what I said about Henry? No. But now, I am glad that our relationship was not like this
Boleyn: *mutters* At least, you didn't lose your head
Howard: I heard that! Also Anna, wouldn't this be a nice duet to do?
Cleves: Yup! I agree
(Shine a Light)
Aragon: Shine a light!
Boleyn: Ok we get it, you sing
Jessica & Edward: *laugh*
Jane: Awww! It's a really cute song!
Howard: Dang, that teacher can sing..
Cleves: Get it girl!
Parr: *writing it all down*
Queens: *crying*
Edward: Poor girl
Jessica: Heather Mcamara is my favorite..
Zina: Mine too..
(Shine a light(reprise))
Aragon: I hate you Duke!
Queens: *holding her back while trying to restrain themselves*
Boleyn: I still want her outfit, though
Jessica: *crying*
(Kindergarten boyfriend)
Jane: Aww Martha!
Jessica: Yay! Some more Martha!
Aragon: No Martha! Don't jump!
Queens: *crying again*
Zina: Oh dear...
(Yo girl)
Jane: Ok, I judges this song way too hard
Boleyn: I thought it would be a fun pop song!!!
Aragon: Well Heathers is deceiving
Zina: *stuffing Deceit into a corner*
(Meant to be yours)
Aragon: Well, we were wrong again
Boleyn: *jumps at the 'Veronica!' part* That's terrifying!
Jessica: *hides behind Edward*
Jane: *gets out some holy water*
Edward: You should have done that during Dead Girl Walking
Zina: Well..I can never normally see Heathers
(Dead Girl Walking (reprise))
Cleves: Get him, sister!
Howard: Still..I am still recovering from Meant to be Yours
Cleves: *pats Howard on the back*
Aragon: Dang, Veronica can sing!
Parr: Yes stop JD!
(I am Damaged)
Pennywise: I like this song!
Zina: Dang it! *bangs head on table*
Parr: We literally have cameras! How are you here!?
Pennywise: *wiping off blood*
Aragon: Should I feel bad for JD? Or should I be glad? *confused*
Jessica: Both
(Seventeen (reprise))
Everyone except Pennywise: *crying*
Zina: *trying to force Pennywise out the window*
Pennywise: *jumps out* Bonjour!
Zina: Don't like him..
Jessica: So happy but sad!
Zina: Thank you Ari_Doggo
For requesting this!
Jessica: And thank you for reading! We appreciate your love and support...so...
Zina: We decided to people can guest star! Ocs or anything!
Jessica: Thank you for reading#
Zina: Who is your favorite Heather?
Comment what they should react to next! Also check out my new Musical Randomness book!
I promise you won't live to regret it!
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