Halloween Special
Ok! So I put the Halloween costume ideas into a random generator. Here's what I got...
Aragon: Punk Mermaid
Boleyn: Female Wolverine
Jane: Groot
Cleves: Hell Vampire
Howard: Pikachu
Parr: Cyclops
Jessica: Catwoman
Zina: Minnie Mouse
Zina: Ok..do you all like your costumes?
Howard: Ahh! This costume is so cute!
Jessica: *adjusts her cat ears* Hmm..I am not use to this kind of tight clothing, but it works
Jane: *messing around with her hair* This 'Groot' costume is very umcomfy but comfy at the same time?
Aragon: *puts on some black lipstick* Hmm..I think I can make this look amazing
Boleyn: I obviously have the best costume!
Aragon: Oh yes! You look just like a rat!
Boleyn: And you look like an emo nightmare
Jane: Emo?
Parr: It's this new slang people are using
Jane: Ohhh..but still, don't fight with each other!
Jessica: Ok! Ladies, calm down..
Boleyn & Aragon: Ok...
Jessica: Good! Now, let's have our Halloween party!
Zina: Ok! So we got a few suggestions!
Jessica: By Glittersilver! Thank you for the suggestions!
Howard: What are we gonna do?
Jessica: Ok! Let me tell me show you the list!
Bobbing for apples
Donut eating contest
Horror Movie Marathon
Jane: That's a lot of stuff..
Boleyn: But I'm sure we can do it all..especially..the Donut eating contest..*gives a look to Aragon*
Aragon: Yeah..very much *returns the look..
Zina: Oh no...
*History Time!*
Jessica: To explain, Auntie Boleyn and Aragon get super competitive!
Zina: Like really competitive!
Jessica: They will do anything to win and beat each other!
Zina: Lesson Learned kids: If you have a rival...grind their head into the ground
Jessica: Wait what-
Zina: End of history lesson!
Aragon: Ok! What's first?
Jessica: Bobbing for apples!
Queens: What?
Jessica: That's right...bobbing for apples isn't exactly what you learn in school...
Zina: It's ok..I will explain. There apples in a bucket of water. So you have to put your head in there and grab an apple with your teeth. Then you have to come out of the water with the apple
Parr: That sound easy but you make to so descriptive..
Zina: Ok..but let's add some rules. You have to get..14 apples. But..there is a golden apple in the bucket. If you manage to get the golden apple, then you are the winner. But it doesn't count if it, somehow, manages to slip out of your mouth.
Jessica: You can either play normal or play for the golden apple!
Cleves: Well this will be fun..
*buckets appear*
Zina: Me and Jessica will be playing too!
Jessica: Well I'm not the best at the game, but I will try..
Aragon: Let's go.....Annie
Boleyn: Bad luck to you
Zina: Ready...set...go!
Queens & Jessica & Zina: *start*
Howard: *manages to get the first apple and puts it on the table*
*Queens continue*
Zina: Ok the winner is...Anne of Cleves!
Jessica: Yay! *claps*
Cleves: *bows* Thank you! Thank you!
Boleyn: How do she win!?
Zina: She found the golden apple
Jessica: Where even was it?
Zina: *giggles* Somewhere....
Jessica: *facepalms and chuckles* Guess we'll never know
Zina: Anyways...time for the donut eating contest!
*Setting up*
Zina: Ok. We are all set up-hey! Where did one of the donuts go?
Jessica: *licking her fingers*
Zina: Jessica Mary Seymour, where did that donut go?
Jessica: O-oh! I think I saw..a...squirell take it?
Zina: *stares at her*
Jessica: *giggles nervously*
Howard & Cleves: *giggling since they stole a whole box of donuts*
Zina: Huh? Where did that box go!?
Jessica: Ok that was not me!
Zina: Wait 'that was not me' huh?
Jessica: *giggles nervously*
Zina: Jessica...*taps foot*
Jessica: Alright! I ate it!
Zina: Why didn't you wait?
Jessica: It was strawberry with rainbow sprinkles! How could I not?
Howard & Cleves: *watching them*
Howard: We should probably not tell..
Cleves: Yeah..Zina is gonna be mad..
Both: *burst out laughing*
Howard: When does she not?
Cleves: *giggles and smashes a donut in Howard's face*
Howard: *smirks and throws a donut back*
Zina: Let's just move on...
Jessica: Since that one was funny...
Zina: *covered in frosting* Yeah..it was...
Jessica: *giggles*
Zina: *rolls eyes and eats donut* Let's end the night with the some horror movies!
Everyone: *sits down with some blankets and snacks*
*Get Out*
Aragon: That wasn't really terrifying..
Jane: *wipes tear* It was pretty sad
Boleyn: *munches on popcorn* I didn't really understand the symbolism at first, but then I got it after a few minutes
Aragon: Smartest word you've said all day
Jessica: I liked how well done and captivating it was. It also gave me a quite a scare! *giggles*
Howard: Wow..I love the movie!
Cleves: Me too! *smiles*
Zina: I liked it
Parr: Ok, ok..I owe you 20 dollars Zina, it was enjoyable
Jane: I think I'm gonna die my hair now...
Jessica: Poor guy..he was killed because he was just a guy in love and..*starts crying*
Jane: *hugs her close*
Howard: *lays her head on Cleves' shoulder* It was an enjoyable movie
Cleves: Yeah. He yeeted himself out the window *giggles*
Parr: Cool..cool. I liked it, I wonder what would happen if it was a cheesy slasher movie..
*IT(the new one also Chapter 1)
Jessica: *grabs Panda*
Boleyn: What the-
Aragon: *covers her mouth*
Jane: Uhh...why? Just why?
Howard: *shaking*
Cleves: Shhh..its ok..
Howard: *smiles*
Parr: *looks at Cleves and Howard and then at the movie* That was not what I was expecting...
*Next morning*
Queens: *asleep*
Zina: *walls by and looks at them* Aww..
Pennywise: *appears* Happy Hallo-
Zina: *punches Pennywise to the moon* Not today....Penslyvania
Jessica: Thank you Glittersilver for suggesting this!
Zina: Thank you for reading! And have a happy and safe Halloween!
Jessica: Question of the day: What are you going to be for Halloween?
Comment what they should react to next!
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