Bounce! Bounce!
Jessica & Pennywise: *getting ready the bouncy house*
Zina: Hi guys! And welcome back to-*balloon pops and looks back* Stop it, Clown on crack!
Pennywise: Aww!
Zina: *rolls eyes* Yeah Pennywise is here, cause he always invites himself. Anyways, welcome back to Six: reacts! Jessie and Penslyvania over there, are fixing up the bouncy house! Also to make sure, we don't look like crazy people, I invited the Queen's kids over
Ages(Eldest to youngest)
Mary: 26
Elizabeth: 24
Edward: 20
Jessica: 16
(Also I made up the ages that would make sense. Also they all live with Henry and visit their mothers on the weekend except for Jessica who Jane has full custody of)
*Doorbell rings*
Zina: Oh! Must be them! *runs to and opens door*
Mary: Hello
Lizzie: *looks around excitedly*
Edward: *smiles*
Zina: Nice to see you guys, again
Edward: Nice to see you too, Zina!
Jessica: *yells* The bouncy house is almost ready!!
Zina: Ok! Well guys, let's go make fools of ourselves
Jessica: *hugs her siblings*
Zina: Ok! Let's do this *looks up at a giant bouncy house* Jessie why is it so big? It's not like we are gonna use it again!
Jessica: There a lot of people here! Plus it was cheap
Zina: Fine *jumps in with Jessica and the rest*
Boleyn: Woo! *doing cartwheels*
Pennywise: *blowing balloons to annoy Zina*
Howard: *throws a dodgeball at Cleves*
Cleves: *smirks and throws one back*
Howard: You are good!
Cleves: *blushes a bit*
Lizzie(Elizabeth's nickname): Woo!
Mary: *jumps with Elizabeth* This is actually fun
Edward: Yeah! Also race you, Jess!
Jessica: Oh! You are on!
Boleyn: *racing with Lizzie*
Zina: Ok! That's it! *destroys his balloons*
Pennywise: Noooooo!
Zina: Oh yeah! Take that!!!!
Jessica: Auntie Anne literally destroyed the bouncy house...
Zina: Yeah. I already called backup
Jessica: Oh god..
Jessica: Thank you Glittersilver for requesting! And thank you for reading
Zina: Have you ever been in a bouncy house? If so, have any fun stories?
Jessica: Well bye! *whispers* Guys! Fix the bouncy house!!!
Comment what they should react to next!!!
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