"I think I'm in love with you," Randi whispered in her ear after they went at it in his bedroom for a few hours.
Every bone in her body ached after sex with him. He knew some things her young mind was not ready for. Sex with a woman was great, no cap, she enjoyed it a lot. But sex with a trans man was the best of both worlds.
"I love you too Randi," she said, kissing all over his chest. "Can we go again?"
"Tennille, I'm not saying it just to say it." He pulled her back up to him. "Are you still seeing your girlfriend?"
He knew about AKA, but he just did not want to say her name.
"Then you don't love me, Tennille, not like I love you. I want to be the only one, not just someone you sleep with when you're in town because she's not here."
But sex was great, why did everyone make a stink about it because she liked sex, all the time with everybody. Monogamy was not her thing, she wanted more than just one, she wanted it all. And she did not care if it was a woman, man, straight, bi, or trans. Sex was sex and she liked every part of it.
"Randi, I love my girl too. It's just different with us."
"I'm not into polyamory," he said, pushed the covers away, and stood from the bed. His amazing naked body walked away from her.
"I ain't say I was a polygamist!"
He grinned and shook his head at her. "That's different, but I know what you mean."
"How's it different?"
"Polyamory, multiple lovers Tennille. That's what you're doing, thinking you're in love with everyone."
She lay back in bed with a sigh, stretching her naked body wishing Randi came back to bed and use his tongue on her in places that were still wet.
"Randi, come back to bed...please."
He turned to look at her, as she lay there naked, her brown skin flawless and smooth She knew that look in his eyes. He wanted more of her as well. They had been seeing each other for weeks now. He was the type of guy that if she wanted to settle down with one, he would be it. Smart, funny, sexy, and loved her as much as she loved herself.
He walked back over to the bed. "Move in with me then."
"No, I can't do that." She was happy staying at the family home whenever she was in town. Or sometimes with AKA if she was in town. Now she had a third spot to lay her head, his place. Moving in with either of them. No, never. She would rather buy her place when she was ready.
Randi stared down at her, so serious, yet making her hot all over. "Tell her about me then. That would only seem right."
AKA would flip if she knew she was not only having flings with Randi, but also Lady J. Hell, and any other person that tickled her fancy. Why pick one?
"Randi, can we keep this just between us? I'm not moving in with you, or her, or anyone else. I need my freedom. Besides, I have guards around me 24/7 and fans obsessing over me, especially local. Do you know they know where the Kelly house is and stalk it? We have a good security system and guards, but hell, it's crazy there."
"I'll protect you," he said, kissing her. "I'll do anything for you, Tennille."
She smiled. She liked the sound of that.
They went another round of sexual play before she knew she needed to head out. To work, back to the studio.
"Are you going to work today?" she asked him while they showered and got ready for the day.
"Hun, don't you know it's Saturday."
"So? I thought Kitty was like a slave driver and made you work as hard as she does."
"Kitty has a life and a family...she's not as bad as you think she is."
"Do you want that? A life that includes a family?"
What was he getting at right now? Like having kids? Not her, not ever. She barely liked little crumb snatchers unless they were family, and then she loved them. Not her popping a kid out of her vagina that agonized her and made her feel bad about herself if she was not a good enough mother. No, she would stick to being the cool auntie.
"I have a big ass family, I don't need any more than that."
"What if I want kids? With you."
"Aaw, that's so sweet."
She could not answer that. Not at all. If she told him she never wanted kids, he wouldn't see a future with her and maybe dump her. Maybe when she was old, like thirty, she could reconsider the kid thing...if she found a person she would do all that for. Adoption was even better because she would be damned if she stretched her body out for nine months for a child that resented her.
Though, she had good examples of mothers in her life. Her mother was the best of the best. She could be strict, but she was fun and loving and did the best she could with the little they had. Without any help from a man. Six damn kids. Sheesh! Her mother was her hero.
And Sarena was a great mother as well. To her, as a surrogate mother when her mother was gone, and to her two girls. She was that mix between mother and friend to her girls, the kind of mother that understood it was hard being a kid. And of course, Ashley was the bestie mother, best friends with her daughter.
She could tell Kitty was a great mom, cutting back on working so hard now that she had two more on the way. Tennille could not wait to meet her new nieces. She was going to spoil all three, that's for sure.
Still, kids, her own? Naaa! Play momma to her nieces and IceeJay as needed.
"Randi, let's not talk about that right now. We still have other things to worry about in our relationship than that."
They dressed and she called her guards to let them know she would be leaving soon. They were not circling the block while she was at Randi's or standing guard. They didn't need to, no one knew who he was or that she was secretly seeing him, not even her sisters. Well, Kitty probably knew, she had a way about those things. Victor maybe, he always seemed to have a sixth sense about things.
Well, he was off his game lately, or else he would know his wife was cheating on him.
"I'm going to the studio now. Can we go at it later?" she asked as she waited for her guards to notify her that they were at the door.
Randi grinned, pulling her to him, and kissed all over her face, making her giggle. "On a date?"
She could not be seen with him. Not until she told AKA she wanted an open relationship and wanted to see other people. AKA was not going to like that, but if her sister's two boyfriends could agree to it, why not AKA?
Something about the Kelly girls drove them wild. She chuckled at that thought. She needed to write a song about that, even though she sucked at writing meaningful songs.
"No, let's meet back up here, tonight. You're free? Not seeing someone else?" she asked, playfully pushing him.
His face went serious again, she could almost see the heartbreak in it. "Don't joke about that Nini, you know how I feel."
"Okay, okay."
She opened the door to leave but he pulled her back to him, giving her a long, passionate kiss.
"I love you, Tennille."
"I love you too."
In the studio she made magic. The track was nice, the words flowing from her. She felt like she was on top of the world. Nothing could stop her, she was all the way up, as the song went. Freezy and T-Zack were there helping her arrange the new song, "Girls Drive Em Wild," about how she and her sisters were bosses.
"We gotta get this shit out there like yesterday," T-Zack said, head nodding to her vocals. "Tennille, you're fucking around and making us all rich in here."
"Hot shit, fo sho!" Freezy stated, and she knew if she had him won over, the song was truly a hit.
She smiled, loving the compliments. She wondered if T-Zack was that good in bed, or was her big sister putting it all on the line for subpar dick. She knew her sister was not in love with T-Zack, that wasn't it. Maybe just new dick. Only having sex with one person all of your life must have got boring and she needed to sample another.
That was her new goal! To sample all the dick and pussy she could.
She could still love someone and just want more, right? Who made the rules that monogamy was where it's at? Some old person that was dead and dust right now.
She texted Randi while she was still in the studio.
Can't wait to see you tonight.
Don't text me anymore, BITCH We're done!
What the hell? Why was Randi tripping? She tried to text him again.
What's wrong boo? You still love me, right?
No reply back. Men! One minute loving you and now hating you and calling her names. She was over him. For now anyway. She went back to making her music, she would deal with Randi when she saw him later. Once she laid it on him real good, sex would fix everything.
A few hours later, her security team drove her to Randi's place. They would drop her off, scan the block a few times then leave her. She felt perfectly safe with that.
After dropping her off in front of his house, her guards waited while she walked to the door, but she did not get far and let out a loud scream and fell to the ground.
A bloody Randi lay in front of his door.
A/N: Nooooooo! Randi!
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