One year. She could not believe it was one year ago that she married Isaac Curtis.
Icee wanted to fly her away to an island somewhere, like their honeymoon, but one, she was far along in her pregnancy and did not want to be off somewhere swollen and uncomfortable that was not her bed. Two, she was not leaving her baby boy. He was only seven months old, and she was not going to keep leaving IceeJay.
She did it for her sister's birthday in Jamaica. She did it for Grammy weekend. Now she wanted to stay home and take it easy. Having twins was a different experience, and it was humbling for her. She was tired all the time.
Of course, Icee was not going to let their first anniversary go by without a fuss. He planned a big party that was nearly as big as the wedding itself. At least he considered her wishes, no travel. All her family, friends, and special guests would come to Springfield.
The city was not ready for that explosion of celebrities. Top hotels and Air BnBs were booked, and her mall was closed to the general public, only open so her celeb friends could shop. A few local people got chances to win meet-and-greets with the celebs but not many.
The big concert at night at Club 417 was private and invite-only. Icee liked to show out and he did not need an excuse to do so.
Victor was not down to do all of this.
"Too many people. Too many big known people in one place. I can't protect you Icee, not like this." Victor was at their place at a pre-celebration dinner with a few guests including all her sisters, T-Zack and his wife Michelle, Freezy, AKA, Tone, her little brother CJ, Lady J, and of course her girl Ginger.
"That little mother fucker ain't doing shit to my fam on my anniversary. Best believe that!" Icee stated. "I got the smoke with me, he don't want none."
"See, that's the kinda shit will get yo ass, that cockiness," Victor said. "This ain't a game. Do you think he wrote that song about you and Kitty because he wants to hold your hand and walk through daisies? You know what he wants to do to my sis. What he already did to Lil sister."
"Man, don't bring that shit up today!" Icee flashed his anger at him, The whole ordeal was taking a turn on them all. She was so tired of living in fear over a boy that did not deserve a single thought.
"Vic, Icee is right. Today is not about him. There's enough guards on this house it's more protected than the White House."
"Kitty, stay out of it." Victor flashed her a look and she shut up. Just stood there and listened. Victor focused his attention back on Icee. "I feel better with you all here...but at the club? That's another matter. Crowd control, too many people in and out. Everyone's guards down because they having a good time. Don't nobody know outside of fam what that nigga capable of. We ain't put our business out there so no one knows he's a rapist and-"
She walked away from them, not wanting to hear more talk of what that monster did to her sister. What he wanted to do to her that night.
She rubbed her belly, talking to her girls. "I will protect you, no matter what."
After Icee and Victor discussed whatever needed to be discussed, Icee came over to her sitting on the sofa.
"You good, ma?"
"Hey, Victor not going to ruin our night baby. We've made it through some shit this year, and this is just the beginning. Many more years to go."
He leaned in to kiss her and she smiled. Yes, stop thinking of sad things on their special day. Nothing was going to happen to her or anyone else she cared about.
"Yo Kitty!" Ginger walked into the parlor, wine glass in hand. "There yo ass is, girl, come back to your dinner. Shit!"
"Stop all that cussing around my babies," Icee said, rubbing her stomach then kissing it. "Don't listen to Aunt Gin, she cusses like a man."
"Fuck you Icee!" Ginger went on, walking about the room in her high heels and tight little dress, stumbling on nothing "They can't hear shit in her stomach. You're ignorant, my dude."
She shook her head at her friend. "Gin, they can, and will you please lay off the alcohol."
"Why?" She slurred. "I'm drinking for you since you can't drink, won't drink, don't drink. It's a party, right? My two best friends, all lovey-dovey and shit building a family and all that jazz...why can't I celebrate that?"
"Ice," she said to him. "Ginger is cut off from any more alcohol. If she keeps it up, she won't be at the party tonight."
She stood and went over to her friend, and took the glass from her.
"Ginger, I will not do drunk as fuck Ginger tonight. I won't!" She stood in her face. "You know that's not what I'm all about, and I don't want to be around that. If you want to stay and celebrate with us, go lay down and rest before the party, sleep this off."
That gave rise to Ginger, throwing her hands up, and rolling her eyes. "What? You can't-"
Icee came over and pulled her away. "Act up around my wife and babies again. Girl, get over that boy you're still hung up on, it's not cute. Be happy for us or leave."
Ginger looked down, and stomped her foot. "I hate y'all sometimes."
"And we love you even more," Icee said, "Now come on, go take a nap. You have a few hours before you and my girls perform. Don't fuck this up."
Ginger was supposed to perform with Petite Trois for the first time in years. It was her anniversary gift from Ginger. But she was already turnt up and in a mood, she wondered if that would happen.
She made her way back to the rest of the family, busy at the buffet of food and congregating at the small tables around the ballroom. Since living in the house less than seven months, she liked hosting events at her place and hoped to see many more. Yes, their place was extravagant, but she deserved everything she had and was thankful she could share.
"Kitty girl, y'all too much up in here. Fancy!" Krystle came over with a plate of food in hand.
"Eating enough?" She glanced at her sister's loaded plate. Since she became a vegetarian, that had not stopped her from eating lots of good food.
"I'm eating for two!"
"I'm eating for three!" Kitty grabbed a mini muffin from her plate that she knew was vegan, Marcel of course made all the food, vegan, vegetarian, meat, and whatever else her guests would like.
"Hope I don't get heartburn this food is so good!"
"Girl, don't stuff yourself, we still have a party to get to tonight."
While the dinner party guests were in yellow, her favorite color, the party was all-white because Icee and she always had fond memories of that first white party when they became a couple.
That made her smile. Time flew by so quickly. How was this even her life? Besides the money and the fame, everything in her life was so perfect. All her sisters and new brother were there, safe and healthy. If only her mother could be there.
But her father never tried to reach out to any of them again and she was okay with that. Long as now she had her brother and he was nothing like their father. She still did not know him well, that would be a slow process.
She was looking forward to the party at Club 417.
Icee of course had the deluxe stretched limo that fit her whole family, but it was only him and her riding in style. He gifted her a diamond tennis bracelet, a new Hermes Birkin Diamond bag, six pairs of her fave Manolos, and a trip to Paris when she was ready to go.
Now in the limo, he pulled out another gift, wrapped in a small box the size of a ring.
"What's this? More diamonds? Boy!"
"If you let me, I would buy you diamonds every day for the rest of our lives, but you with that bullshit and don't like to be blinged out like me." He kissed her neck and she giggled. "I love it about you and hate it at the same damn time. Kitty, we are supposed to be blinged the fuck out. That's how ballers do."
"I don't understand your fascination with wearing millions of diamonds on your body when people are starving and homeless and-"
"Open the box."
She let out a sigh and opened the box to see what extravagant diamond Icee bought. There were no diamonds, instead a card that was folded in the ring box. She gave Icee a look before she picked it up and read it.
Icee was donating in her name to ten local charities of a hundred thousand dollars each. That included three homeless shelters, a cancer research center in her mother and Ashley's name, a rape and sexual abuse center, two food banks, a domestic violence shelter, and her church.
"Babe!" She grabbed Icee and pulled him to her, kissing his face all over. "I love you. I love you so much!"
"I listen, and I get you," he said, rubbing her face. "I already have more than enough, things money can't buy. Let's share. Every year for our anniversary, I'm dropping a mil on 'em."
And that was on top of her giving several thousand in the last year and Icee's apology round of giving.
"You know I'd give all this away just long as I always have you and my kids. This shit don't matter Kit if you stop loving me."
"Never!" She gave him another kiss.
She was in a great mood by the time they arrived at Club 417. Her energy level picked up and she was ready to dance. Sure, she was not going to get down like she did for her twenty-fifth birthday when Ice proposed, but she was going to try her best.
Her sister was performing as well as Petite Trois if Ginger got her act together. If not, M'Liyah and Melodie could perform solo without her. She wanted to see all three, having grown up listening to them as a teen. It was a huge ask, to get them to perform together, but Ginger was down for anything if she asked. She was so glad they had become close friends. She had not been this close to another female that wasn't her sister since Fayme.
Nowadays, she and Fayme were not as close. Fayme was too much of a party-girl right now, and that was never Kitty, so she did not get to hang out with her much. But Fayme was loud and clear at the party.
"Yo! I think I'm meeting my husband tonight!" she shouted out over the music, Tennille on stage singing "Biggest, Baddest, Best."
She knew she was not serious. Fayme was happy single and seeing as many guys as she wanted.
Ginger walked over to her, looking better than she had earlier.
"Yo, I'm readdddy! Only for your ass. And my bro. Y'all have my back, so Imma have y'alls."
"No more drinking tonight."
Ginger gave her a playful salute.
None of Petite Trois songs were fit for the occasion of their anniversary. They were teens when they recorded and their love songs were more playful and angsty, but she loved all their songs, so they sang a medley of her favorites. She was so happy to see them together and performing, she was their loudest screamer.
"My wish is they get back together," she told Icee as they were finishing with a standing ovation and lots of cheers.
A/N: Do they get back together? Read Ginger's sequel right after this is done.
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