The Heist p.2
^^^ don't watch if you are a child or my mom
This conversation begins after they've just broken into the Ice Court. They are waiting to break out of their cells. (chapters 22-28)
Nina: i miss u matthias <3
Matthias: I miss you more <3
Inej: how much longer? nina and matthias are starting to act out of character
Kaz: Wait for six bells, you know the plan.
Jesper: me and wy heard the pop from the other side of our cell
Wylan: I don't want to talk about it.
Inej: i can't believe i missed that
Kaz: Just dislocate someone from your cell's arm. Or tell Nina to so you can focus on listening to the pop.
Jesper: ...
Nina: ...
Kaz: What?
Wylan: Kaz, we've been in these cells for way too long. We're starting to lose our minds.
Kaz: Guys it's been three minutes.
Jesper: kaz, matthias, wy, cover your mouths im about to do the big stink
Wylan: Ew Jes not now.
Jesper: it's part of our escape plan, you'll see
Wylan: Oh okay, you used chloro gas to incapacitate the other prisoners. Nice touch.
Jesper: :))
Kaz: Jesper, do your thing.
Matthias: What's he doing now?
Kaz: Performing an ancient Zemeni ritual.
Matthias: Really?!
Kaz: No.
Matthias: I did not see that coming.
Genya: Neither did eye.
Genya: Get it? Cause I'm missing an eye?
Kaz Brekker removed Genya from the Dregs
Kaz: If the plan is going as it should be, Inej should be about to make her climb up the incinerator shaft.
Inej: uuuuuh about that
Kaz: ?
Jesper: turns out helvar was wrong, they run the incinerator at night
Matthias: Oh yeah. Now that you mention it, they do actually run it in at night. Whoopsies lol.
Kaz: That wasn't very cash money of you.
Inej: i can still do it
Kaz: What?
Inej: im going to do it. im going to climb the incinerator while its running.
Jesper: now that's what im talking about!
Nina: you got this inej!
Kaz: Inej can't make the climb without burning her hands off, so I guess we'll have to find a new plan.
Jesper: good news, guys! i found kaz's gloves in the clothing bin! now inej can make the climb without burning her hands off and we won't have to find a new plan!
Wylan: Yeah!
Kaz: Oh.
Inej: im about to start the climb, wish me luck!
Matthias: Good luck, Wraith.
Wylan: I hope you don't melt, Inej!
Inej: :))
Jesper: okay, she's climbing
Nina: this is so suspenseful
Jesper: oh OH GOD
Kaz: What?
Kaz: What happened?!
Jesper: her shoes have melted to her feet, she's slipping!
Nina: OH NO
Wylan: I can't watch
Jesper: wait
Jesper: it just started to rain! she's safe from the fire!
Inej: i did it!
Wylan: Thank Ghezen.
Nina: okay kaz where the heck r u?
Matthias: He's climbing up the rope right now.
Nina: ew kaz actually you probably don't want to come up here, inej's shoes are melted to her feet and it's super gross
Inej: my calluses :'(
Matthias: Kaz, where did all that blood on your shirt come from?
Kaz: ...
Kaz: I cut myself while shaving.
Matthias: ...
Matthias: Oh, okay :)
Wylan: Aw what's that loud ringing?
Kaz: That's an alarm, Wylan.
Wylan: ?
Nina: SOMEONE gave away our position, someone who definitely wasn't me
Wylan: You mean, what we're doing is...
Wylan: Against the rules?!
Inej: jesper, i though you explained this to him!
Wylan: :(
Jesper: listen, kid
Jesper: sometimes, doing things against the rules is a good thing. because you get money $$$
Wylan: ...
Matthias: ...
Nina: ...
Wylan: Oh, okay :)
Kaz: Guys, the alarm is still ringing!
Matthias: OH NOOOO
Nina: wHerE is bO-yUl BAYEEEEEEER????
to be continued...
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