the meeting of our charchters
Nina pov:
i ran from cover to cover a explosions and screams echoed around the room and furious bolts of light whipped over my head and explode against walls or students. there was even a seven foot tall man who was throwing students across the room as a huge black dog ran around him pouncing on anyone who got to close.
i slid down behind a broken piece of the griffindor table next to three student s huddled up together flinching each time a bolt hit the table i didn't even flinch this was nothing compared to the gun fights that i had to deal with my entire childhood due to the civil war my country was facing. i looked over the three students one had long hair and glasses the second one had red hair and the third one a girl had a large bunch of curly hair. suddenly their was a large blast from the slythrin side of the room that knocked out almost everyone in the room.
even from behind the thick wooden table i could feel it. the floating candles fell from the sky starting fires across the entire great hall and moans filled the hall but most of the teachers were down as well and the hanging banners had fallen quickly caching on fire. And several screams were heard as students who were trapped under the tarps started to burn but luckly there friends who were still concous dragged them out.
i looked over st the three besides me nodded and said thrusting out my hand "nice to meet you im Nina" the scared kid looked at me with a blank look turned away stood up only to be hit by a stray bolt. and collapse to the ground. "well he got he deserved." i said snicliay as i looked over his unconscious body.
"what did you say said the other red haired student as he pulled a wand and amied it right at my chest but his wand was heald poorly and i just hit him right in his chest blowing him off his feet. i did the same to the other student who was much more confident but constant war had sharped my reaction time and i easily dealt with her.
i dusted myself off and as i walked through the rubble of the once grat hall that was now littered with unconscious students Aurors and teachers i looked around as struggled not to cry it was to similar to actual war.
i could hear the sound of a ministry hit wizard squad assembling out side the door but she could care less for her parents had sent her to this school so she could get away from the raging civil war and the threat of a Russian invasion due to the two ethnicity's that had been fighting for centuries between Russia and my homeland and i didnt even know if her parents and friends were alive.
but i then saw a very curious sight two kids one of them pale and red haired hufflepuff wearing a very fancy and high class robe and a dark skinned grffindor with a smile plastered on his face stand up and make there way toward her in the middle of the room where she was standing. there was also a very quiet girl walking next to a slythrin who's wand also appeared to be of use as a cane and a blond Russian making there way toward the center.
the Russian reached me first and we both had our wands out ready to attack each other. he looked over me spat at my feet and said in a thick accent "dirty ravakan" i bristled and filled with anger whipped my wand up and said " yeah well at least i aint a communist dog!" but before either of us could fire a shot a voice rang out.
"ladies, ladies...calm down were all friends here." they said from our right. we both turned around to see a dark skinned boy with a smile plastered on his face with two wands pointed right at us and a red head next to him his wand pointed at us as well.
then a person as silent as a ghost slipped behind the dark skinned boy and had a wand pressed against his neck so suddenly the red haired kid had his wand pointed at her as she stood behind the dark skinned kid. it was a true Mexican stand off none of dared to even breathe.
then we all heard a thud approaching us we looked over to see a slythrin approaching us resting on his cane/wand as his dark eyes burned into us. " put away tour wands." he said in a commanding yet very quiet voice i looked into those dark and stormy eyes stepped back and did as i was told. he had that same look that the dictator of ravaka often had when he made his speeches and those eyes terrified me.
the others looked around and slowly lowered there wands and stepped back until we were all standing in a circle inside the burning and wrecked great hall
there was just a awkward silence as the six of us stood in a circle then the dark stormy eyed slythrin looked us over and in a quiet yet commanding voice said "you six will do." then started to walk off we all looked around at each other shrugged and flowed the dark robed slythrin away from the great hall.
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