Hogwarts AU part 1
A/N this takes place right during the main trillogy also they already got there magic stuff and wands so there kinda familiar with magic
Kaz pov
I walked into the gaudy great hall of Hogwarts. looking around at the floating candles my first thought Was how the hell does no one get wax in there food. My second was that the suli girl next to me who made absolutely no sound When she walked was kinda cute. But hey whatever crazy stuff I do at this crazy place I defiantly wouldn't be socializing with her. We passed a bunch of tables with different colors and symbols draped across them.
"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts" said the grumpy old lady at the table in front of the great hall. "My name is
Professor mcgonnagal and I will be your head mistress now t..." She drained on about houses and rules none of which I cared about especially the rules because I planed to break every one of them by the end of the year.
"Wow this is so cool" I heard I turned to see a red headed guy in a dark suit with a large satchel over his shoulder standing behind me and gaping in awe at evrything. It was like he had never seen a exciting thing in his life. Based on his fancy high class suit he probably hadn't. Then a tall lanky dark skinned kid walked up behind the red head glanced over at him and blushed before grinning and walking over and pourpously bumped the red head.
"Sorry beautiful didn't mean to bump ya there" the dark skinned kid said winking at the red head who blushed furiously at the darker ones terrible flirting. soon the old hag up front was calling names and some one would walk up to a talking hat that could read his mind. now kaz did not like that not one bit. That hat knowing all his secrets his terrible deeds he thought pulling at his leather gloves anixouisly.
"Inej Ghafa" called out professor mcgonnagal and the suli girl from before got up and She walked up to the stage remarkably silent not making a single sound and she passed across the floor.
"Slythrin!" The old dirty hat called out after thinking for a moment and everyone at the green and silver table with the snake banner cheered and she walked over. Slythrin and snakes so wow soo original" thought jax.
"Wylan Van Eck" mcgonnagal shouted. Whispers coarser through the room mutterings of
"Is he really a van eck?" then the red head walked up to the stage and the hat puzzled for a while mutteing "ravenclaw or hufflepuf...hmmmm"
Wylan whispered something inauble the hat molded and shouted "hufflepuff!" Wylan smilies brightly and walkes over to the yellow and gold house with a badger.
"Matthias Helvar"
And then a big blond Russian walked up to the stage. He looked over the crowd with a ice cold glare. The hat thought for a while then said "Gryffindor!" Matthias then walked over to the red and gold table with lion as its symbol"
"Nina zenik!"called out the old hag
And a European girl in a red dress walked up to the stand and the old hat thought for a second then said "Gryffindor!"
"Jesper fahey" and the dark skinned kid who had flirted with waylan sat down on the stool and the hat read his thoughts and called out "Gryffindor" jesper nodded and walked over to the Gryffindor table.
After several other people mcgonnagal called out "kaz breker"
I tugged at my gloves grabbed my cane and walked forward the stage as I passed the tables I heard people muttering "he looks like a delinquent"
And "Ohhh scary." I smiled at that and kept on walking when I got to the stage suddenly the hat started yelling
The whole hall was silent you could hear the fall of a pin then people stood up screaming it was chaos "DEATHEATER HES A DEATH EATER!" Yelled a few pulling wands and pointing them at kaz. The teachers were yelling "CALM DOWN!! CALM DOWN!!"
Then a kid at the red table stood up and said "LETS TEACH THAT DEATH EATER A LESSON!" there were shouts of agreement from the red table until a blond kid with green eyes at the Slythrin table stood up and said
"He's one of us...you don't want to hurt him"
The kid at the red table shouted back "shut up draco! you voldemort supporter!" there was a silence from the green table until a bulky kid with black hair stood up and in a cold voice said
"What did you say?"
"What did you crabbel say you dumb piece of sh..."
He never finished for at that moment he was thrown off his feet by a red bolt emerging from dracos wand
"Fuck you! you griffindor idiot" he said to the unconscious body on the floor in a haughty cold tone. But then the true chaos began as the griffindor retaliated by shooting back.
The green and red tables were flipped over and wizards used them as cover shooting at each other with red bolts fliying through the air and hitting those in both green and red robes and those in yellow and silver were mixed in on booth sides all well the teachers were trying to stop the students from fighting. It was pure chaos
And for the first time since that fateful day, kaz breaker smiled.
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