Author's Note
Life of a College Student be like
SCHEDULE—studying, class, free time etc.
italics=study time/free time depending on test dates, homework, essays, etc.
8 a.m.—wake up
8-9 a.m.—breakfast (in dorm or on campus depending on time, distance, etc.)
9-9:30 a.m.—get stuff+snack just in case, last minute studying, etc.
9:30-10 a.m.—head to class (depending on distance)
10:10-11:05 a.m.—Beginning Spanish I
11:05-12:05 p.m.—study/homework if any/free time
12:05-12:45 p.m.—lunch? (Depending on hunger, in dorm or on campus depending on time, distance, etc.)
12:45-2 p.m.—study/homework if any/free time
2-2:30 p.m.—gather stuff/go to class
2:30-3:25 p.m.—Music In Western Culture
3:25-4:30 p.m.—study/homework if any/free time (extra hour IF test within next three days, or essay)
4:30-5:30—extra hour of studying IF test within next three days or essay/free time
6:30–7:30 finish up homework if any/free time
6/7:30-11/12—free time
********get any homework done Friday night
8 a.m.—wake up
8-9 a.m.—breakfast (in dorm or on campus depending on time, distance, etc.)
9-9:30 a.m.—get stuff+snack just in case, last minute studying, etc.
9:30-10 a.m.—study+head to Spanish (depending on distance)
10:10-11:05 a.m.—Beginning Spanish I
11:05-12:05 p.m.—study/homework if any/free time
12:05-12:45 p.m.—lunch? (Depending on hunger, in dorm or on campus depending on time, distance, etc.)
12:45-1:20: go to class
1:25-2:20: Intro to Liberal Arts
2:20-2:30 p.m.—gather stuff/go to class
2:30-3:25 p.m.—Music In Western Culture
3:25-4:30 p.m.—study/homework if any/free time (extra hour IF test within next three days, or essay)
4:30-5:30—extra hour of studying IF test within next three days or essay/free time
6:30–7:30 finish up homework if any/free time
6/7:30-11/12—free time
8-9 a.m.—wake up
9-10 a.m.—breakfast (in dorm or on campus depending on time, distance, etc.)
10-12 p.m.—shower+study/homework if any/free time
12-12:30 p.m.—snack if needed/go to class
12:30-1:50 p.m.—The West & The World Since 1500
1:50-3 p.m.—lunch if needed/study+homework (free time if lunch isn't needed
3-3:30 p.m.—go to class
3:30-4:50 p.m.—Comparing Non-Western Literature
4:50-5:30—study/homework if any/free time
6:30-7:30—extra hour of studying/homework IF test on or before Monday, essay, OR leftover homework to do
7:30-11/12—free time
If you don't think you'll be micromanaging like this in college, bitch you will be
Buuuuuut this gives you an idea of when/if I'll be on Wattpad depending on homework load, test dates, essays, etc.
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