The First Day
(cover art not mine)
Six's P . O . V
The next day, I woke up with my vision a little blurry, I blinked a few times and saw I was in a crib. I looked around and saw that Two turned my room into a nursery. I tried to figure out how to get out of the crib, cause I don't know how. I found the way to slid down the crib rail, but it was locked.
I looked around and noticed there was a paper on the wall, it was the rules I had to follow. The rules were,
Rule 1 : always call Two, Mommy or Mama.
Rule 2 : always use the your diaper.
Rule 3 : cry to let her know you are awake or you need a changing.
Rule 4 : always listen to Mama.
After I finished reading it, I thought it's stupid, and crying to let her know is not what I want to do. I looked around and saw knitting needles in the ball of yarn. I took hold of one of them and suddenly cut my hand from a paper tab that I did not see.
I looked and my hand it has a big cut on it, I felt myself getting ready to cry. I tried not to cry by breathing in and out, but I could not help myself. So I slowly start to cry, I cried out so much tears, then I heard someone walking to my room. I looked up whimpering in pain to see Two in the room.
"Aww what happened~" she said in a motherly tone.
Me crying like a baby, I showed her the cut on my hand.
"Ohh, you poor thing"
Two then took down the crib rail, picked me up and craddled me just like a baby.
"Ok baby girl, let's fix that cut on your hand"
She took me to the living room and took out her first aid kit. She put a pink bandaid on my hand and kissed it.
"There you go, your cut is now cured"
Two kissed my forehead, causing me to blush slightly, then, she boop my noes making my nose flinched slightly.
"Oh, look what I have~"
Two plugged my mouth with a yellow pacifier. I sucked on it a few times, and it makes weird sounds. Then Two rubbed on my diaper to check if I wet it.
"Looks like someone did not made a mess, good job baby girl"
I blushed slightly.
Hours later....
I was in the living room, drawing some pictures just to comfort myself. Then my stomach starts growling at me. Just because I felt like it I crawled to the kitchen to get something to eat. I got up on my legs and opened the fridge. Before I could get something, Two then picked me up from behind.
"Baby girl if your hungry you could tell me" she said.
She went to the microwave and took out a baby bottle of milk. I started to make a shocked face and tried to get out of Two's grip, but she was stronger than me. Then I managed to escape and ran to Two's bedroom.
I hid under the bed and covered my mouth, I could actually feel my diaper getting wet from being so scared. I could see Two's feet enter the room, I stood quiet and watched.
"Baby giiirrrll, come out, come out were ever you are~" Two said in a playful tone.
(Messy diaper warning!)
Then suddenly, my belly starts to growl painfully, then I knew something is not right. I clutched my belly, then I "burst" in my diaper. I sighed from relieve, but it smelled awful, I covered my nose trying to not smell it.
I felt my legs being grabbed, then suddenly I was dragging out from under the bed. I turned to see Two looking down at me.
"Found you- *smells it* ughhh that smells so bad" she made a desgusted face.
"Looks like I have to change you, baby girl"
She picked me up and took me to my bedroom. She placed me on the changing table and got the items she needed. Two put on gloves, and started to take off my messy diaper. She gaged a little, but she put it in the trash, she then start to wipe my private area. I blushed and moaned softly, knowing that it feels so good.
Two threw away the wipes, put the baby power on me, and rubbed it in. Then she put the clean diaper on me and patted it, I got up and moved my bottom slightly to get it comfortable.
I sighed from satisfaction, she then plugged the pacifier in my mouth. I blushed and sucked on it, my stomach starts making growling. I looked at the bottle beside me and grabbed it, it start to drink it fast. Two then took hold of the bottle, allowing me to take my hands off of it.
I loved the feeling of the warm milk going down my throat. I was not expecting the milk to taste creamier when it's warm. When I finished the bottle, Two took it out of my mouth. Then I got the hiccups, I blushed slightly, thinking that this is embarrassing.
"Oh, looks like someone got the case of the hiccups~" Two said motherly like.
"N-no, I don't *hic* " I mumbled.
Two picked me up, placed me on her shoulder, and start to pat my back. I lay there with a satisfied expression, I love my back being patted of rubbed.
"My God that feels so goo- *loud burp* " I burped out.
Two giggled.
"Excuse you, baby girl"
I blushed slightly, I yawned, I claimed the milk cause warm drinks make me tired. Two then craddled me and put my head on her chest.
"You can take a nap, sweetie" she said softly. I snuggled in her chest, took the pacifier, and put it in my mouth. Two start too hum a sweet lullaby, I thought it would not work, but I was wrong. I slowly started to doze off to sleep, I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. Then I slowly, fell asleep.
(To be continued....)
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