Guyyys, I can't express how excited I am to share this with you all! I'm not gonna lie, I'm super nervous, too, because I really care about this story. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
There are some things that I can't tag yet (because spoilers), so just be aware that this story will have some angstier elements later on. But, the main theme will be comfort. I swear.
By the way, I'm a loser who never got over her emo phase, so if you're wondering whether the title has anything to do with Six Feet Under The Stars by All Time Low, the answer is yes. Actually, I kinda came up with the story while listening to ATL, so. Expect some other references.
I'll update every Sunday, as all the key scenes are already written, so even if I get myself into another writing slump, we should still be able to keep up with the schedule.
Aight, I'll let you read now. Enjoy!
The cool summer air blows across the lake, and the campfire crackles pleasantly. There's nothing to do, and nothing to worry about. Just the sound of laughter ringing through the night and the faint scent of wood smoke. It's the perfect evening, really. Yuuji can feel his mind going pleasantly blank, a comfortable warmth spreading through his body.
He's stretched out on a folding chair, letting the gentle breeze ruffle his hair. Nobara, Maki, and Yuuta are chatting loudly by the fire, while Toge and Panda play a game of cards. Yuuji doesn't really care who wins. He's happy to just watch.
Megumi is sitting in the chair next to him. They've both had a bit to drink, and Yuuji can feel the buzzing sensation in his chest, the one that makes him feel so... present . His cheeks are warm, and his lips curl up in a lazy grin as he watches his friends. It's just nice, is all. Nice to see everyone smiling and having a good time.
"Something funny?"
Megumi's voice is low, calm, cutting through the night air. Yuuji turns his head, still smiling, to find Megumi watching him with that unreadable look he always seems to have.
"Huh?" Yuuji blinks. "Oh, nah. Just... this."
He gestures around at the scene in front of them, and Megumi tilts his head, considering.
Megumi always looks at him like that, like he's trying to solve a puzzle. Like Yuuji's some sort of strange, impossible thing, something that shouldn't exist, and if he just stares long enough he'll figure out the answer. But Yuuji doesn't mind. He doesn't know what the question is, but he likes the way Megumi looks at him.
Megumi shrugs and takes another swig from the bottle in his hand. He doesn't take his eyes off Yuuji, and Yuuji stares right back. The world is pleasantly hazy.
The fire crackles, sending up small embers that glow briefly in the night sky before fading. Yuuji can feel the pressure of the camp chairs, the slight ache in his shoulders, the feeling of his heart beating steadily. He can feel the air leaving his lungs, the weight of the earth beneath his feet. It's grounding.
Yuuji takes a deep breath, enjoying the taste of the cold night air. There's a soft smile on his face, and his eyes are half-closed. He looks up at Megumi, whose face is illuminated by the flickering light. Megumi's lips are turned up at the corners, his expression soft, and his dark hair shines in the warm glow. He's looking down at his drink, seemingly lost in thought.
Yuuji sighs happily. He feels content. The semester ended a week ago, and the summer is just beginning. They made so many plans for the next few months. Nobara had insisted they make a list. A list of things to do before they start classes again, a list of places to see. He has so many things to look forward to. So much to live for.
It's incredible how during the past short nine months, Yuuji has met so many people who have become important to him. People he cares about, and who care about him. People who make him happy.
It's almost too much, to have everything he wants, to be able to experience life in such a vibrant, real way. Sometimes it's overwhelming, the intensity of it all. The love, the laughter, the tears. Sometimes it's hard, knowing he's only human. Knowing his days are numbered, and he won't be here forever.
But sometimes...
Sometimes, it's okay.
Because there are people in his life, people who make it worth living.
And when he sees the way Megumi's gaze flits up to meet his, the way his dark eyes are lit up by the flickering firelight, the way his lips quirk up in a soft smile, the way he shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts, the way he leans back in his chair and takes a sip from his drink...
Yuuji can't help but think that it's going to be a great summer.
Because he's never felt more alive.
He'd met him when he moved into his new dorm, on the first day of the semester.
Yuuji never really understood what people meant when they said a person's presence fills the room. But the first time he'd seen Megumi, he had understood. Megumi was the kind of person who commanded attention. Not in a loud, brash way. More like... a quiet, steady, unwavering force.
He'd been standing by the window on the hallway, staring out at the campus, his arms folded. The afternoon sun streamed in, lighting up his dark hair. He'd looked so serious, so intense, that Yuuji had wondered what was running through his head. What could make someone look like that, on the first day of college?
So he'd walked up, put on his brightest smile, and introduced himself. And Megumi had just stared at him, his green eyes narrowing slightly.
But after a moment, he'd sighed and held out his hand.
"I'm Fushiguro Megumi."
And, that was that. Yuuji had soon learned that Megumi is in the dorm room next door. He'd learned that he's a literature major. He'd learned that Megumi has a sister, and that she's moved abroad to study art. He'd also learned that Megumi lives with his guardian, a professor at the university, outside of term. Apparently, they're kind of close, though Megumi's complaints about him suggested otherwise.
Yuuji had learned all this because, over the course of the semester, he'd become Megumi's friend.
The first few weeks had been difficult, with Megumi being distant, and Yuuji struggling to break the ice. He'd felt like he was chasing a ghost, the elusive shadow of a person.
But, slowly, they'd started talking. Started spending time together. And, slowly, they'd become friends.
Yuuji hadn't expected Megumi to be so easy to talk to. He hadn't expected the hours of conversation they'd spent, late at night, sharing their thoughts and opinions on everything from politics to philosophy. He hadn't expected the way Megumi had opened up, slowly, over time, sharing more and more about himself.
Although there was always a wall between him and the rest of the world, one that he seemed to erect instinctively, Yuuji could tell that Megumi valued their friendship. That he trusted him. That he wanted to spend time with him.
Then, Yuuji had introduced Megumi to Nobara, who he'd met in his introductory media class, and the three of them had started hanging out together.
And, suddenly, it was like they'd always been a trio. Like they'd known each other for years.
Later, when Nobara had started to date a sophomore girl named Maki, their friend group had expanded. Maki had a group of friends who quickly became a part of their lives. Yuuta, Toge and Panda had welcomed Yuuji, Nobara, and Megumi into their little circle, and they'd formed a bond. A real friendship.
So, this plan is the culmination of everything. This is the result of months of planning, of scheming, of trying to get everyone's schedules to line up. And, Yuuji has never been happier. He has the best friends in the world. They're always there for him, no matter what.
They're his family.
As the fire begins to die down, Toge and Panda start yawning, and Nobara announces that she's tired. The group decides to call it a night, and they clean up the mess and make their way to their tents. It's late, and the forest is quiet. The only sound is the soft chirping of crickets and the occasional rustle of leaves.
Yuuji is just about to head into his tent when he notices Megumi standing off to the side, staring up at the sky. Yuuji can't see the stars through the canopy of trees, but he knows Megumi loves the night sky. He often wonders if that's why Megumi is always staring off into the distance, like he's looking for something far beyond the horizon.
"Hey, you okay?" Yuuji asks softly, walking up behind him.
Megumi turns his head slightly, glancing at Yuuji over his shoulder. His eyes are distant, and Yuuji can tell that he's lost in thought. The drinks they had earlier are probably catching up to him.
"Yeah," Megumi replies, his voice quiet. "I was just thinking."
Yuuji nods, stepping closer. He's a little buzzed, and his heart is warm, and the night air is chilly. He wants to be near Megumi. He always does. It's not something he can explain. It's just a feeling, a tugging in his chest. An irresistible impulse, a compulsion. He doesn't think about it too hard. He just goes with it.
Megumi sighs and looks back up at the sky. He doesn't move away, and Yuuji stands beside him, gazing up at the endless expanse of darkness above. He thinks about how Megumi is like the night sky. Unfathomable. Impossible to truly comprehend.
Megumi has a certain gravity, a way of pulling people in. Yuuji has never been able to resist it. He's always wanted to be close to him, ever since the first time he saw him. That day, when he'd seen him standing outside on campus, Yuuji had just known. Something had clicked inside him. A sense of certainty, of purpose.
"Do you ever wonder if we're all alone?" Megumi asks suddenly, his voice a soft murmur.
"Hmm?" Yuuji turns his head, watching him curiously. Megumi is still looking up, his expression thoughtful.
"I mean... we're just one tiny speck in the universe, right?" Megumi continues, his voice barely a whisper. "The earth is just a small planet, floating around in an infinite space. Do you ever think about how insignificant we are, compared to the vastness of the cosmos?"
Yuuji ponders the question for a moment. He looks up at the sky, searching the darkness for answers. The stars are far away, and the moon is just a pale sliver in the distance. There's nothing but cold, empty space above.
"I don't know," he admits, his eyes flitting back to Megumi. "I guess I've never really thought about it that way. But... maybe that's what makes life worth living, you know? Knowing that we're not the center of the universe. Knowing that we're not the only ones who exist. That there's so much more out there."
"I guess," Megumi says, letting out a breath. He lowers his head and meets Yuuji's gaze, his expression unreadable.
"It's like, you're not alone, because there's something out there, you know?" Yuuji explains, feeling his cheeks warm. He's not sure why he's suddenly blushing. It's not like he's not used to looking into Megumi's eyes. "It's like... everything has a purpose, in the grand scheme of things. Even if we don't know what it is. Even if we don't understand."
Megumi tilts his head slightly, his eyes narrowed. Yuuji doesn't know what else to say. He just stands there, looking at him. Looking into those dark eyes, filled with questions and doubts. He feels like there's a million things he could say, but none of them feel quite right.
"What do you mean?" Megumi asks, his brow furrowed.
Yuuji pauses, taking a moment to consider. The fire crackles softly, and the wind rustles the leaves. The forest is dark and quiet. He takes a deep breath, and tries to find the words.
"I don't know, I guess..." Yuuji begins, his voice trailing off. "I guess it's just, sometimes it's nice to think that everything has a purpose. That even if you don't know what your purpose is, or what your destiny is, there's something bigger than yourself out there, guiding you. Giving you direction. Helping you find your way."
Megumi's lips quirk up in a slight smile, and he lets out a breath. "That's... surprisingly poetic, coming from you."
Yuuji grins, shrugging. "You know me. Full of surprises."
Megumi looks at him for a long moment, his expression thoughtful. Yuuji looks right back, trying not to blush. He knows Megumi is always doing that, trying to read him. Trying to figure him out.
"What's wrong?" Yuuji asks, after a moment.
"Nothing," Megumi replies, shaking his head. He gives Yuuji a soft smile, and turns away, gazing up at the sky once more. "I just like looking at the stars."
"Me too," Yuuji says, following his gaze. "They're so beautiful."
The two of them stand there for a while, just staring up at the sky, admiring the twinkling lights above. It's a clear night, and the stars are bright. There's no pollution, no city lights to interfere. It's like the whole universe is laid out before them, and it's just the two of them, standing together, enjoying the view.
After a few moments, Megumi yawns and stretches his arms. "We should probably get some sleep."
Yuuji nods, his gaze lingering on the stars for a moment longer before he looks at Megumi. Megumi meets his eyes, his expression unreadable. There's a strange look on his face, and Yuuji can't quite place it.
"Okay," Yuuji agrees, and the two of them turn and head back to their tents.
When Yuuji lies down in his sleeping bag, he thinks about what Megumi had said, about wondering if they were alone in the universe. He thinks about how strange and wonderful the world is, and how lucky they are to be alive.
He thinks about the way Megumi's eyes had looked when he'd been staring up at the sky. How he'd been standing there, his gaze distant, and yet, somehow, Yuuji had felt closer to him than ever before.
And, as he falls asleep, he dreams of the stars.
Yuuji often wakes up early.
It's a habit he developed back in high school, when he was running track. Now, even though he doesn't have practice, he's still used to rising before the sun.
So, when his eyes flutter open, and the light of the dawn begins to creep through the mesh windows of the tent, he finds himself smiling. He loves the morning. It's quiet, and peaceful, and there's something about the fresh air and the crisp morning breeze that makes him feel invigorated.
Yuuji carefully unzips his sleeping bag and crawls out of his tent, taking a moment to stretch his limbs and breathe in the cool, morning air. It's early, and the rest of the campsite is still silent. Everyone is still asleep, and the forest is peaceful.
Yuuji grabs a water bottle and heads over to the firepit, taking a seat on one of the logs. He looks around the campsite, taking in the scenery. The trees are tall, and the morning sun is streaming through the branches, casting a golden glow over everything. It's like the whole world is bathed in sunlight, and Yuuji can't help but feel grateful to be alive.
Suddenly, he hears a rustling sound from behind him. He turns his head, and sees Megumi crawling out of his own tent.
"Good morning," Yuuji says, grinning.
Megumi's hair is sticking up in all directions, and his eyes are still half-closed. He looks a bit grumpy, and Yuuji can't help but chuckle.
"Morning," Megumi replies, his voice hoarse from sleep.
"Couldn't sleep?" Yuuji asks, watching as Megumi stands and stretches his arms above his head.
"Not really," Megumi says, stifling a yawn. "Too much on my mind, I guess. Are you always up this early?"
"Most of the time, yeah," Yuuji replies, glancing up at the sky. The sun is slowly creeping over the treetops, and the birds are starting to sing.
The two of them walk over to the fire pit and sit down on one of the logs. Megumi rests his elbows on his knees, his chin propped up on his hand. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is steady. Yuuji can tell he's still half-asleep, but he can't seem to stop himself from staring at him.
"Do you want some coffee?" Yuuji offers, breaking the silence.
Megumi opens one eye, looking at him. "Sure."
Yuuji gets up and walks over to the camp stove, grabbing a pot and filling it with water. He sets the water to boil, then opens a pack of instant coffee and pours it into two cups. When the water is ready, he pours it over the coffee, and stirs it until the mixture is evenly blended.
He hands a cup to Megumi, who accepts it gratefully, and sits down next to him. They both take a sip, and Yuuji can't help but smile as the bitter liquid hits his tongue. He doesn't usually drink coffee like this - he's more of a latte kind of guy - but he has to admit, being here, in the middle of the woods, surrounded by nature, it just seems right.
"Thanks," Megumi says, smiling slightly.
The two of them sit there for a while, sipping their coffee and enjoying the morning silence. It's peaceful, and Yuuji knows the others will be waking up soon, but for now, it's just the two of them.
Yuuji can't help but marvel at how different Megumi is in the mornings.
Normally, Megumi is all business, focused and intense, driven by his passion for his studies. He's serious, and studious, and can often be a bit reserved. But, here, in the early morning, there's a gentleness to him, a calmness, a vulnerability.
Megumi's hair is a mess, his eyes are still sleepy, and his face is bare. There's no sharp edges, no hard lines, no walls. He's soft and open, and Yuuji can see everything. The way his lips are curved upwards slightly, the way his eyelashes brush his cheeks, the way his fingers are wrapped around his coffee mug, the way his eyes are flitting between the trees and the sky.
Yuuji wants to capture this moment, to keep it forever. He wishes he could take a picture, or a video, something that would let him look back on this memory. But, all he can do is commit it to his mind, and try his best to memorize every detail.
"Hey," Megumi says suddenly, breaking the silence. "Do you want to go for a walk?"
"Sure," Yuuji replies, setting his coffee mug down.
The two of them get up and head out of the campsite, following the trail through the woods. It's still early, and the sun is barely over the horizon. The forest is still dim, and the trees are casting long shadows over the path.
Yuuji can't help but think about how surreal it all is, walking through the forest with Megumi. It feels like they're the only people in the world, and that the trees and the birds and the animals are just there for them. It's almost magical, the way the light is filtering through the leaves, the way the forest seems to be holding its breath, waiting for them.
Megumi has his hands in his pockets, and he's staring at the ground. His face is half-hidden by his hair, and Yuuji can't see his expression, but he can tell that Megumi is thinking. He's always thinking, always planning, always plotting. It's part of what makes him so intriguing.
Megumi is an ocean, and Yuuji is always trying to figure out where the shore is. He's always wondering what's underneath the surface, what secrets are hidden there. He wants to know more about him, to dive deep, to swim beneath the waves, to explore the unknown.
He's always been curious about Megumi. Always been drawn to him. Always wanted to know more. But, no matter how much time he spends with him, no matter how many late-night conversations they have, no matter how many movies they watch together, Yuuji always feels like he's missing something. Like there's a part of Megumi that he can't reach.
And, right now, as they're walking through the woods, as the sunlight is filtering through the leaves and the birds are singing and the air is filled with the smell of pine and earth and damp leaves, Yuuji can't help but feel like he's seeing a side of Megumi he's never seen before.
He can't put his finger on it, but there's something different about him today. As if he'd finally reached a point of clarity, or peace, or understanding. Like something had shifted, and he was seeing the world through new eyes.
They come across a small stream, and Megumi stops.
"Look," he says, pointing at the water.
Yuuji looks, and sees a frog sitting on a rock. The frog is small and green, and its eyes are wide and curious. It watches them, its head tilted, and Yuuji can't help but smile.
"It's a frog!" Yuuji says, crouching down to get a better look.
"Yeah," Megumi chuckles, crouching beside him. "Actually, I think it's a toad. You can tell by the warts."
"Huh," Yuuji murmurs, squinting at the little creature.
Megumi reaches out a finger and gently strokes the top of the toad's head. It lets out a low croak, and Megumi laughs softly. Yuuji watches, mesmerized. Megumi is so gentle, so tender, and his laugh is like music. Yuuji can't help but think that the universe was made for moments like these.
After a moment, Megumi pulls his hand away, and the two of them stand up. They watch the toad for a few seconds, then turn and continue down the path.
The forest is alive with the sound of birdsong and insects, and the sun is shining brightly through the leaves. Yuuji's heart is beating fast, and he feels like he's living in a dream. The world is warm, and beautiful, and perfect. He doesn't know what it is, but there's a feeling in his chest, a sense of rightness, of belonging, and he knows that whatever happens next, he's exactly where he's supposed to be.
They walk along the trail for a while, stopping every once in a while to admire the scenery, or to look for animals. Megumi has a keen eye, and Yuuji enjoys watching him pick out the details.
By the time they make a full circle and return to the campsite, everyone else is awake. Panda is cooking breakfast over the fire, and Toge is helping him, cracking eggs into a frying pan. Nobara and Maki are sitting on a log, sipping coffee, and Yuuta is sitting on the other side, reading a book.
"Good morning," Yuuji calls cheerfully, and everyone looks up.
"Where have you two been?" Nobara asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Just went for a walk," Yuuji replies, shrugging. "Woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, so we thought we'd explore a bit."
"Well, breakfast is almost done," Panda says, waving a spatula. "Better get your plates ready."
"Smells great," Yuuji says, giving him a thumbs-up.
The group settles down around the fire, and they dig into their meal. The eggs are delicious, and the bacon is crispy, and the bread is fresh. It's a perfect breakfast, and Yuuji feels content. He's with his friends, and they're having a good time, and everything is right with the world.
"So," Panda says, after a few minutes. "What are we doing today?"
"I wanna go swimming," Nobara says, taking a sip of her coffee.
"I saw a sign for a waterfall on the way here," Yuuta adds. "Maybe we could go check that out?"
"That sounds fun," Maki agrees.
"We should go hiking too," Panda suggests.
"There's a lot of trails around here," Toge adds, his mouth full of bacon.
The group decides to make a day of it. After breakfast, they clean up and pack their bags. Then, they head out, following the trail to the waterfall.
The hike is a pleasant one, and the weather is nice. The sun is shining, and there's a light breeze, and the birds are singing. Yuuji can't help but smile. This is exactly what he needed. Some time outdoors, surrounded by nature. It's refreshing, and invigorating, and makes him feel alive.
They reach the waterfall, and Nobara is the first one to jump in. She lets out a shriek as she hits the water, then breaks the surface with a splash. Everyone else follows, and soon they're all laughing and splashing around, enjoying the cool water.
Megumi seems a bit reluctant at first, but Yuuji manages to coax him into the water. He watches, grinning, as Megumi slowly submerges himself, his face screwed up in concentration. Then, he pops back up, his hair sticking to his forehead, and Yuuji can't help but laugh.
"Your hair is all wet!" Yuuji teases, reaching out to muss it.
"Hey," Megumi says, scowling.
Yuuji grins and reaches out again, ruffling Megumi's hair. Megumi tries to duck away, but Yuuji is too quick. He wraps his arms around him, pulling him close, and Megumi's breath catches.
Yuuji looks into Megumi's eyes and sees a flash of fear. He feels his heart skip a beat. He's never seen Megumi like this. Vulnerable. Exposed. It confuses him. He doesn't understand why Megumi would be afraid of him.
Megumi takes a step back, and Yuuji releases him. They stand there for a moment, looking at each other, unsure what to do next. The others are still in the water, splashing around and shouting.
Megumi turns away and walks toward the edge of the waterfall. Yuuji follows, his heart pounding. Megumi stands there, looking down at the water rushing below. He's silent, and Yuuji doesn't know what to say.
Finally, Megumi turns to look at him, and his expression is unreadable.
"What are you doing, Yuuji?"
The question takes Yuuji by surprise. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. He's not sure what Megumi is asking. What is he doing? Why does he have this feeling in his chest, like he wants to jump off the edge, like he wants to do something crazy, something stupid, something that will change his life forever?
"What do you mean?" Yuuji finally manages to ask.
Megumi lets out a sigh, running his fingers through his hair.
"I mean..." he begins, his voice trailing off. "Never mind."
"Megumi," Yuuji says, taking a step closer.
Megumi looks up at him, his expression hard to read.
"What is it, Yuuji?"
Yuuji pauses, thinking. He wants to ask Megumi about the fear he'd seen in his eyes. He wants to ask him what he's thinking, what he's feeling, what's going on inside his head. But he doesn't. Instead, he reaches out and touches Megumi's arm, lightly.
"Are you having fun?" he asks, smiling.
Megumi looks at him for a moment, his eyes searching Yuuji's. Then, he smiles. It's a small smile, barely a quirk of the lips, but it's there. And, somehow, that's all the answer Yuuji needs.
"Yeah," Megumi replies, his voice soft. "I am."
"Good," Yuuji says, squeezing Megumi's arm. "I'm glad."
Megumi nods, and the two of them fall into a comfortable silence. The waterfall crashes below them, and the sound of the others splashing around fills the air. Yuuji watches as a bird swoops past, its wings outstretched. He wonders what it would be like to fly. To soar through the air, free and wild and unrestrained.
"Hey, dumbasses!" Nobara calls, interrupting his thoughts. "Stop staring at each other and join us! We're gonna play chicken!"
Yuuji laughs, and Megumi shakes his head, but the two of them join the others in the water. They spend the rest of the day swimming and playing games, and by the time they return to the campsite, everyone is exhausted.
As the sun sets, the group gathers around the fire once more. They're all tired and a little sunburned, but they're happy. Yuuji leans back on his hands, staring up at the sky. It's getting dark, and the stars are beginning to appear. He wonders how many are out there. Millions, probably. Billions.
Toge rolls a joint and lights it, passing it around the group. Yuuji accepts it when it comes his way, inhaling deeply. The smoke fills his lungs, and he holds it there for a moment, enjoying the feeling. He passes the joint to Megumi, who takes it without hesitation.
Megumi holds the joint to his lips, and the firelight catches in his eyes. His face is bathed in shadow, and his eyes are dark and unfathomable. Yuuji watches as he takes a hit, his eyelids fluttering slightly. He exhales slowly, letting the smoke curl out of his lips, and Yuuji finds himself transfixed.
"Man, it's a nice night," Nobara sighs, leaning back in her chair.
"It is," Maki agrees, smiling.
The group sits there for a while, smoking and chatting. They're all tired, but in a good way, the kind of tired that comes from spending a day outdoors. The weed helps, too. It makes everything seem a bit fuzzy and surreal, in a pleasant way.
Yuuji looks around at his friends. They're all so different, but somehow, they fit together. Nobara is loud and boisterous, Maki is calm and collected, Yuuta is sweet and shy, Toge is quiet but witty, and Panda is the big, friendly teddy bear of the group. And then, there's Megumi.
Megumi is... complicated.
He's brilliant, but mysterious. He's driven, but guarded. He's passionate, but reserved.
He's everything and nothing, and Yuuji is endlessly fascinated by him.
"Hey, Megumi," Nobara says suddenly, breaking the silence. "Have you ever been in love?"
The question catches Yuuji off guard, and he can't help but notice the way Megumi stiffens.
"Why do you ask?" Megumi says, his voice tight.
"Just curious," Nobara shrugs, taking a drag from the joint. "You never talk about stuff like that."
"I don't see the point," Megumi replies, staring into the fire.
"Come on, man," Panda chuckles. "You can't tell me you've never been in love. You've gotta have a type, at least."
Megumi sighs, rubbing his face with his hand.
"I guess," he says finally. "I don't know. I don't think about it."
"Well, now's your chance," Panda grins. "What's the type of the great Fushiguro Megumi? Blonde? Brunette? Tall? Short?"
"Come on, guys," Yuuta cuts in, frowning. "Let's not pry."
"Don't worry, we're just messing around," Nobara says, waving him off.
Yuuji shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He knows this is a bad idea, but he can't help being curious. Megumi never really talks about stuff like this, and Yuuji has always wondered what kind of person he'd go for.
"I don't care about all that stuff," Megumi mutters, glaring at the ground. "Looks. That's all superficial. I like a person who's got a good heart. Unwaverable humanity. That's the only thing that matters to me."
The group falls silent. Megumi's words seem to echo in the night air, and Yuuji can't help but wonder how he got so lucky.
"That's such a Megumi answer," Nobara finally laughs, shaking her head. "You're a weird one, man."
Megumi frowns, taking another hit from the joint.
"Whatever," he mutters, his face half-hidden by shadows.
"Well, what about you, Yuuji?" Maki asks, turning to him.
"Huh?" Yuuji says, caught off guard.
"What's your type?" Maki asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh," Yuuji laughs, scratching his head. "That's easy. A tall girl with a big butt. Like Jennifer Lawrence. Man, she's fine."
"Predictable," Nobara smirks, rolling her eyes.
"Hey, I'm a simple guy," Yuuji says, shrugging.
The conversation moves on, and the group falls into an easy banter. Yuuji finds himself relaxing, the weed making everything feel hazy and faraway.
It's not that he lied about his type. He really does like Jennifer Lawrence. But, the truth is, it's not just about looks. He likes people who are genuine. Who are passionate. People who can judge him for his flaws, and love him anyway. People who make him want to be a better person.
He's never had a relationship last longer than a few months. He's not really the type to settle down. But, sometimes, he wonders if that's because he hasn't found the right person yet.
As the night goes on, the group starts to wind down. The weed has made them all sleepy, and the fire is dying down. Yuuta is the first to call it a night, heading off to his tent. Nobara and Maki follow soon after, and then Toge and Panda.
Yuuji and Megumi are left alone by the fire. There's still an unlit joint sitting in the ash tray, and Megumi picks it up, twirling it between his fingers.
"I never really liked weed," Megumi muses, his voice low and husky.
"Why's that?" Yuuji asks, watching him.
"Makes me too introspective," Megumi explains, his eyes hooded. "Too aware of my thoughts. Too aware of my body. It's overwhelming."
Almost as if to prove his point, he brings the joint to his lips, lighting it and taking a long drag.
Yuuji can't help but notice the way the flame casts shadows across Megumi's face. He looks ethereal, his sharp features bathed in firelight.
"I like it," Yuuji admits, smiling. "Makes everything feel kinda slow and floaty. Makes me feel connected, you know? Like I'm part of something bigger than myself."
Megumi snorts, shaking his head.
"You're an idealist, Yuuji."
"Maybe," Yuuji chuckles, shrugging.
Megumi takes another drag, then holds the joint out to Yuuji.
Yuuji leans forward, his hand brushing against Megumi's as he takes the joint. He can't help but notice how warm Megumi's skin is.
He holds the joint to his lips, inhaling deeply. The smoke fills his lungs, and he holds it there for a moment, letting it work its magic. He exhales slowly, letting the smoke curl out of his lips. The smell is strong and earthy, and it reminds him of the forest.
They sit there in silence, the only sound the crackling of the fire. Yuuji can't help but notice that the distance between them is shrinking. They're sitting closer together now, their shoulders almost touching.
"Why are you smoking if you don't like it?" Yuuji asks, his voice low and quiet.
"It's a special occasion," Megumi murmurs, his eyes never leaving the fire. "Besides, it's not so bad with company."
"Is that so?" Yuuji laughs softly.
Megumi nods, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
The two of them sit there, the warmth of the fire seeping into their bones. Yuuji is keenly aware of how close they are, and he can't help but wonder what would happen if he were to reach out and touch Megumi's hand. He feels like that sometimes, when he's stoned. Craving touch, wanting to be closer.
"Do you ever get lonely?" Megumi asks, breaking the silence.
"Sometimes," Yuuji admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
"How do you deal with it?"
Yuuji turns to look at him, their eyes locking. The firelight is reflected in Megumi's eyes, and Yuuji is reminded of wildfire. Of something that can't be stopped, can't be contained.
"I surround myself with people," Yuuji says, a sad smile on his lips. "You can't be lonely if you're never alone."
Megumi frowns, and the flames dance across his features.
"It's not being alone that I mind," he says, his voice quiet. "It's when you had someone, and they're gone. It's the absence. The void."
Yuuji nods, understanding.
"Yeah," he murmurs. "I get that."
When Yuuji's grandpa passed away, he'd been devastated. He'd lost the only family he'd had left, and he'd been adrift. He'd spent months in a dark place, trying to figure out who he was without his grandpa, and what his purpose was in the world. He tried to live by his last words to him, to keep moving forward, and, eventually, he found a way to make peace with his loss.
He knows that Megumi is an orphan, too, and that the experience has left its own scars. Megumi never talks about it, but Yuuji has seen the shadows in his eyes, the ghosts of the past lingering in the corners of his soul.
"I guess we both know a little bit about loss," Yuuji says, looking into the fire.
Megumi hums, the sound low and resonant.
"I guess we do."
Yuuji turns to look at him, their eyes locking once more.
"Are you lonely now?"
Megumi hesitates, the flame flickering across his features.
"Do you want to be alone right now?"
Megumi shakes his head, a barely-perceptible movement. "No."
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
There's a long moment of silence, and Yuuji wonders if he's pushed too far, asked too much. Then, Megumi's eyes meet his, and there's something new there, something vulnerable and raw.
And with that single word, something changes between them. Something that has been growing for a while, but was finally given life by the moonlight, and the campfire, and the shared pain of loneliness. Yuuji doesn't know what's going to happen, but he knows, deep in his bones, that things will never be the same.
The two of them sit there in silence, the fire burning low. They don't talk, and they don't touch, but they don't need to. There's an understanding between them, a connection that goes beyond words.
As the fire dies, Yuuji's eyes start to droop. He can feel himself starting to drift off, and he lets his head fall against Megumi's shoulder. It's an impulsive decision, but he doesn't regret it. He wants Megumi to know that he's there, that he's not going anywhere.
"Hey," Megumi says, his voice low.
"Hm?" Yuuji mumbles, half asleep.
"Let's go to bed."
Yuuji nods, his eyes closed.
The two of them stand, and Megumi wraps an arm around Yuuji's waist, steadying him. The closeness is intoxicating, and Yuuji can't help but breathe in Megumi's scent. He smells like the forest, and the campfire, and the smoke of the joint they shared.
Megumi helps him to his tent, and Yuuji crawls inside.
"I thought you wanted me to stay with you," Yuuji murmurs, his words slurred with exhaustion.
"I do," Megumi replies, his voice soft.
Yuuji feels the tent opening close behind him, and the space gets darker.
"Then, come here," Yuuji whispers.
He's not really thinking clearly, he's tired, and a bit high, but he's yearning for closeness. For connection.
He hears rustling, and then the tent opens again, and Megumi crawls inside, carrying his sleeping bag. He unrolls it next to Yuuji's and lies down, his eyes fixed on the fabric above him.
"Megumi," Yuuji breathes.
"Are you scared of me?"
Megumi pauses, then turns to look at him.
"No," he says, his voice soft.
"I saw fear in your eyes today," Yuuji says, his voice barely a whisper.
"I..." Megumi begins, his words trailing off. "You caught me off guard, is all."
"What were you afraid of?"
"Yuuji," Megumi sighs, turning his head. "We should get some sleep."
Yuuji's brain is already fuzzy, and his body is relaxed. He can feel his eyelids drooping.
"Okay," he murmurs, his eyes falling shut.
The two of them lie there, side by side, their breaths slowing and syncing. As Yuuji's consciousness fades, he feels something warm and soft against his hand. He wonders if it's a dream, but the feeling lingers, and he lets himself sink into it.
There's a whisper in the darkness, a voice so quiet that it could be the wind, but Yuuji is sure he hears it, and he knows, even if he can't recall the words, that they're important.
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