i'm not too far and you're my favorite place
Here's the promised update, hope you enjoy! <3
The camping trip leaves Yuuji feeling a little disoriented. His life goes on, but somehow, it feels different.
There's a restlessness in him now, a longing that he can't quite place. He finds himself drifting through the days, his mind elsewhere. Their next adventure is on the horizon, and Yuuji finds himself counting down the hours.
Megumi's been a little distant since the camping trip, but he doesn't seem angry or upset. Just... reserved. Like he's pulling away. And Yuuji can't blame him. He doesn't know what happened between them, or if anything really did. All he knows is that the air feels different, charged with something he can't name.
Yuuji is sitting on Nobara's couch, half-watching a movie, when she speaks.
"So," she begins, her voice hesitant. "Megumi, huh?"
Yuuji's head whips around to look at her, and she meets his gaze with an arched brow.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, Yuuji," she huffs, rolling her eyes. "The two of you spent a lot of time together on the camping trip, and then, after, you barely said a word to each other."
"I... don't know," Yuuji says, his voice trailing off.
Nobara frowns, studying him.
"Come on," she says, nudging him with her foot. "Out with it."
Yuuji sighs, leaning back against the couch.
"Something happened, I guess," he admits. "But I don't really know what."
"What do you mean?" Nobara asks, her brows knitting together.
"We just... connected, I guess," Yuuji says, struggling to put his thoughts into words. "I felt like I really got him, you know? And he got me, too. It was like we were on the same wavelength. But, then, after the camping trip, it was like he closed off. He started avoiding me, and we barely spoke. It was like a wall went up between us."
Nobara hums, nodding.
"Yuuji, do you... have feelings for Megumi?" she asks, her voice gentle.
"What?" Yuuji says, turning to face her. "No, of course not. I mean, I care about him, obviously. But not like that. We're just friends."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," Yuuji insists, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice. "The way I feel about him, it's... different. I don't know how to explain it. Like we're connected somehow. Like we're meant to be in each other's lives, you know?"
"Hmm," Nobara muses, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I'm not sure I understand, but... whatever. If you say there's nothing between you, then I believe you."
"Thank you," Yuuji sighs, relieved.
It's not that Yuuji hasn't thought about it. When he first started feeling this intense connection to Megumi, he'd wondered if maybe there was something more there. But, as time went on, and the two of them grew closer, Yuuji realized that the bond between them wasn't romantic. Maybe it was because Megumi never seemed like the type of person who could feel those kinds of feelings, or maybe it was because Yuuji had gotten so used to their friendship that he'd stopped looking for anything else. Whatever the reason, the connection between them is something deeper, something that transcends romance.
"So," Nobara continues, changing the subject. "What are you gonna do about him?"
"I don't know," Yuuji groans, scrubbing his face with his hands. "Even though he's kinda distant with me, he doesn't seem sad or anything. You remember how he used to be? So dark and moody, all the time. I feel like maybe the camping trip helped him, you know? He opened up a little. And that's enough, right? I can't ask for more."
"Yeah," Nobara nods, smiling. "I'm sure it was good for him. And, he's coming along with us again, isn't he?"
"Yeah," Yuuji agrees, grinning.
"Well, then, I'm sure it'll be fine," she says, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Their next adventure is a road trip. They managed to rent a minivan that's big enough for the whole group, and they're going to spend a few days driving across the country. There are some towns and cities along the way that have cool stories or history, but mostly, they're just planning on taking in the scenery and having fun.
Nobara and Yuuji took the responsibility of booking the accommodations for the group. They were lucky enough to find a series of small, affordable motels along their route. Nobara had been very particular about choosing places that were clean and looked relatively nice, even though their budget was limited. She wanted to avoid places where they'd have to deal with bugs or weird stains or anything like that, and, honestly, Yuuji can't blame her.
As the days tick by, Yuuji finds himself getting more and more excited. This is going to be the biggest and most elaborate adventure they've ever planned, and he can't wait to see where it takes them.
And, if Megumi happens to have a seat next to his on the way, well, that's just a coincidence, right?
Yuuji is practically vibrating with excitement as he watches his friends loading their bags into the car. The weather is perfect for their road trip, clear skies and warm sun, and Yuuji can't wait to get on the road.
"Okay," Nobara says, standing beside him. "Everyone ready?"
"Ready," Maki confirms, her hands on her hips.
"I was born ready," Panda says, giving her a thumbs-up.
Everyone else nods, and Nobara grins.
"Let's do this."
Megumi and Yuuji climb into the back, and Toge and Panda take the middle row. Maki and Nobara take the front seats, as Nobara had insisted on driving for the first stretch.
"Alright, everyone," she calls over her shoulder. "Buckle up, because we're in for a hell of a ride."
The van rumbles to life, and Nobara pulls out of the parking lot, merging onto the main road. The sun is shining brightly, and the radio is playing a peppy pop song, and Yuuji can't help but smile. It's almost as if the world is conspiring to make this trip the best one ever.
"Okay, losers," Nobara calls, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. "Here are the rules. First, no messing with the music. It's my playlist, and it's perfect, and no one is allowed to touch it."
There's a collective groan from the back, and Yuuji shakes his head, smiling. Nobara can be a little intense sometimes, but that's one of the things he loves about her.
"You know you can only make rules if you're the driver, right?" Maki points out, a smirk on her face.
"Shh," Nobara hushes her, waving her hand. "I'm driving now, so the rules apply."
Maki rolls her eyes, but she's smiling.
"Second," Nobara continues, "no fighting over snacks. Toge, you're not allowed to have a monopoly on the snacks. Panda, you're not allowed to eat everything. Maki, you're not allowed to eat exclusively gummy bears. And, Megumi, you're not allowed to complain about anyone's food choices."
Megumi makes a face, but he doesn't say anything.
"And, finally," Nobara says, a mischievous smile on her lips. "If we stop for gas, you're all required to get out and stretch your legs. I will not have anyone complaining about cramps."
"Aye, aye, captain," Panda jokes, saluting her.
Nobara sticks her tongue out at him, and the two of them share a grin.
"Okay, seriously," she says, her voice softening. "Let's have fun. It's a long trip, so let's not fight, okay?"
There's a murmur of agreement from the back, and Yuuji grins.
"Now, everyone shut up," Nobara commands. "It's time for the best playlist ever."
Yuuji laughs, leaning his head back and letting the music wash over him. He glances over at Megumi, and their eyes meet. Megumi smiles, and it's like the clouds part and the sun shines through. Yuuji can't help but think that he'd go to the ends of the earth just to see that smile.
The relief Yuuji feels at seeing Megumi smile at him again is palpable. He's not sure why, but he's been worried that the distance between them would become permanent. He's not sure if he can handle that. Not after the way they bonded at the campfire.
The first hour of the drive passes quickly, and Nobara's playlist is, admittedly, pretty good. There's a good mix of pop, rock, and alternative, and it seems like everyone is enjoying it. Yuuji can't help but sing along, earning an amused glance from Megumi.
"What?" Yuuji chuckles, a grin spreading across his face. "I love this song."
Megumi shakes his head, an unreadable expression on his face.
"You're a dork, Yuuji," he says, his voice low.
"So, sue me," Yuuji shrugs. "It's fun."
"I'm glad you're having a good time," Megumi says, his eyes fixed on the window.
"Yeah," Yuuji murmurs. "Me, too."
Yuuji glances at Megumi, and there's a small smile on his lips. It's barely a twitch, a mere flicker of the corner of his mouth, but it's enough. Yuuji feels like he's won some kind of prize, a trophy that no one else will ever know about. He's happy just to have that smile directed at him.
As the hours pass, the atmosphere in the van grows more and more relaxed. There's laughter and joking, and Yuuji feels like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. It's the feeling he gets when he's around his friends, a sense of comfort and belonging. It's the feeling he always gets when he's with Megumi.
"Hey, Nobara," Maki says, poking her arm. "Can we pull over at the next gas station? I need to pee."
"Sure," Nobara replies, grinning. "Anyone else need to go?"
There's a chorus of assent, and Nobara changes lanes, exiting the highway.
The gas station is small and nondescript, but it has a mini mart, which is enough. They all pile out of the van, stretching their legs and filling their lungs with fresh air.
"Oh, thank god," Maki groans, her arms spread wide. "I needed to move."
"Same," Nobara sighs, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend's waist. "My butt was starting to hurt."
Panda and Toge head into the mini mart, presumably to stock up on snacks.
Yuuji and Megumi linger by the side of the road, taking in the scenery. The air is crisp and clear, and the sky is a vibrant blue. It's a beautiful day, and Yuuji feels the thrill of adventure coursing through his veins.
"Isn't it amazing?" he asks, his eyes sweeping over the horizon. "Being on the road, going somewhere new."
"Yeah," Megumi murmurs, his eyes fixed on the sky. "It's nice."
"Hey," Yuuji says, nudging him. "Did you notice? You've smiled at me twice today."
Megumi looks at him, tilting his head.
"Have I?"
"Yep," Yuuji grins. "And I'm keeping track."
Megumi raises an eyebrow.
"Because it's important," Yuuji says, his voice firm. "Your smiles are rare and valuable. Like a limited edition collectible."
"You're such a dork," Megumi says, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
"Yeah, yeah," Yuuji shrugs. "So you keep saying."
Yuuji glances around the gas station, taking in the sights and smells. It's not exactly the most glamorous place, but it has a certain charm. The air is thick with the scent of gasoline, and there are a few old trucks parked in the lot, their chipped paint and rusting fenders giving them a nostalgic look.
"Hey," Megumi says, a slight hesitancy in his voice. "Are we good?"
Yuuji blinks, looking at him.
"Yeah," Megumi says, glancing away. "I mean, I know I've been a bit distant since the camping trip. But, are we still... okay?"
Yuuji studies his friend, taking in the slight tension in his posture, the nervousness in his eyes. Megumi doesn't open up easily, and it's clear that this is a vulnerable moment for him.
"Of course, we are," Yuuji says, a warm smile on his lips. "We're always good."
Megumi lets out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing.
"Good," he says, a soft smile on his face. "I want to spend this summer with you."
Yuuji can feel his heart skip a beat. Megumi is looking at him with an intensity that he's never seen before, his eyes seeming to pierce right through him. It's exhilarating and terrifying, and Yuuji can't seem to look away.
"I..." Yuuji begins, his words trailing off.
He doesn't know what to say. Doesn't know how to put into words the feelings swirling inside him. All he knows is that he wants this, whatever it is. He wants to spend every minute of the summer with Megumi. He wants to drink in every smile, and memorize every laugh. He wants to experience every moment, no matter how big or small.
"Come on," Nobara calls, interrupting them. "Break's over."
Yuuji glances at Megumi, and there's a strange heat in his gaze. It's not an unpleasant feeling, though. Quite the opposite.
They head back to the van, climbing into their seats. Yuuji's heart is racing, and his palms are a little sweaty, but he can't wipe the smile from his face. The tension between them has dissipated, and he feels lighter than he has in weeks.
"You good?" Megumi asks, a slight smirk on his lips.
"Yeah," Yuuji says, grinning. "I'm great."
And, for once, it's the truth.
As the hours pass, the van gets quieter. Everyone is getting tired, and the excitement of the trip is beginning to fade. They've stopped a few times for snacks and bathroom breaks, but mostly, they've been driving.
"How much longer until we get there?" Yuuji asks, his eyes glued to the window.
"Actually, we're almost there," Nobara answers, a tired smile on her lips. "The next town is where we're staying tonight."
Yuuji perks up, excited at the prospect of a hot shower.
"Oh, thank god," Maki murmurs. "I'm exhausted."
"How many rooms did you get?" Panda asks, stretching his arms.
"Three," Nobara says. "There was only one suite available that had space for three people, and I'm not sleeping in the same room as a guy. So, Maki and me are going to take one of the double rooms, and you guys can figure out who goes with who. The suite has a double bed and a single bed, so whoever gets the suite can figure out the arrangements. It does have a fancy bath, though, so that might sweeten the deal."
"Yuuta, do you wanna be roomies?" Toge asks, his eyes fixed on his phone.
"Sure," Yuuta agrees, a smile on his face. "Panda can have the single bed."
"Sweet," Panda nods.
Yuuji glances at Megumi, a grin on his face.
"Looks like we're rooming together," he says, hoping his voice doesn't sound too excited.
"Seems so," Megumi says, his expression unreadable.
The roommate situation is settled quickly and easily, just as Yuuji had hoped. He figured that the second-year guys would end up sharing the suite, and the girls would take one of the double rooms, leaving him and Megumi to share the other. It's the perfect arrangement, and Yuuji feels like things are falling into place.
Nobara pulls into the parking lot of the motel, and they all tumble out of the van, groaning and stretching.
"Okay," Nobara announces, clapping her hands. "Everyone, grab your bags. We're gonna check in and get settled."
There's a collective sigh of relief as everyone grabs their bags and heads into the lobby. Yuuji and Megumi walk side-by-side, their arms brushing together.
"You tired?" Megumi asks, glancing at him.
"A little," Yuuji admits, a yawn escaping his lips. "But, I'm excited, too. I can't wait to see the town. And, I'm starving."
Megumi snorts, a fond expression on his face.
"Of course, you are."
They check in quickly, the receptionist handing out keys and directions to the rooms. Yuuji's heart leaps when he realizes that their room is located on the top floor, giving them a perfect view of the sunset.
"Here we are," Yuuji announces, unlocking the door and pushing it open. "Home sweet home."
The room is small and simple, but it's clean and tidy. There's a queen-sized bed, a television, and a bathroom. Nothing fancy, but more than enough for two people.
"I'm gonna take a shower," Yuuji announces, throwing his bag on the floor and kicking off his shoes. "Then, we can go get something to eat."
"Alright," Megumi says, settling on the edge of the bed. "Hurry up."
Yuuji heads into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He strips off his clothes and turns on the shower, stepping under the spray. The hot water feels incredible, washing away the stiffness and aches of the long drive. He scrubs himself down, letting the water rinse away the last vestiges of exhaustion.
He thinks about Megumi, waiting for him outside the bathroom door. He thinks about their conversation at the gas station, and the way his heart had raced. He wonders if he's misreading the signs, or if there's really something between them.
Yuuji shakes his head, turning off the water. He's probably overthinking things. What he had told Nobara is true: his feelings for Megumi are different, unique. They're not the kind of feelings that lead to romance, or so he thinks.
Yuuji steps out of the shower and dries himself off, taking his time. He brushes his teeth, combs his hair, and puts on deodorant. Then, finally, he pulls on a pair of clean jeans and a t-shirt, and steps out of the bathroom.
"All yours," he says, flashing a smile at Megumi.
"Thanks," Megumi says, standing up and walking past him, their shoulders brushing together.
Yuuji sits on the bed, flipping through the channels on the TV. He settles on a nature documentary, his attention wandering as the narrator drones on. He's restless, his thoughts consumed by the boy in the bathroom.
Finally, the shower turns off, and Yuuji hears the sounds of movement. A few minutes later, the door opens, and Megumi steps out, a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Oh," he says, his eyes widening slightly. "Sorry, I thought you'd be downstairs."
Yuuji doesn't have any feelings about the naked upper body of his friend. He doesn't notice the droplets of water clinging to his skin, or the way the light reflects off the contours of his chest. He's not transfixed by the way his damp hair curls slightly at the nape of his neck, or the faint scent of soap lingering in the air.
"I figured I'd wait for you," Yuuji says, clearing his throat.
"Thanks," Megumi murmurs, turning away.
Megumi digs through his bag, pulling out a fresh change of clothes. Yuuji does his best not to watch, but his eyes are drawn to the lines of his back, the shifting muscles, the smooth skin. He's seen Megumi without a shirt before, but the two of them in this room, alone, feels different.
"Um, you wanna hit the town?" Yuuji asks, breaking the silence. "The others are probably hungry, too."
"Yeah," Megumi nods, pulling on his shirt. "Let's go."
Yuuji stands, grabbing his wallet and phone, and they head out of the room.
As they walk down the hallway, Yuuji tries not to think about the confusing tangle of emotions swirling inside him. He knows he's not the smartest person, but even he can tell that something has shifted between him and Megumi. It's like a thread has been pulled taut, and it's starting to fray at the edges.
He has no idea how he's supposed to navigate this.
The town is a quaint, sleepy place, the streets lined with shops and cafes. It's not a tourist destination, and the locals are friendly and welcoming.
They chose this location for the history of the town, and also because it's a good stop-off point on their way to the next major city. There are a few places of interest, like a museum, a nature reserve, and an old church, but the real draw is the charm and simplicity of the town itself.
"There's a nice restaurant down the street," Maki says, pointing. "It's apparently one of the most popular places to eat in town."
"Let's try it, then," Nobara suggests. "I'm starving."
They follow Maki's lead, and soon they're seated at a large table, their orders placed. The atmosphere is cozy and intimate, the tables scattered around the room offering plenty of privacy.
Yuuji watches the people around them, his gaze wandering from face to face. He takes in the details, the little nuances that make each person unique. It's a habit he's developed, a way of observing the world and absorbing its beauty.
When their drinks arrive, Yuuji reaches for his glass, taking a sip. He doesn't usually order anything stronger than a beer, but this seems like the perfect night to indulge.
"What're you drinking?" Megumi asks, a curious look in his eyes.
"Whiskey sour," Yuuji grins, his fingers tapping against the cool glass.
"Not bad," Megumi murmurs.
"Want a sip?"
Megumi tilts his head, considering.
"Why not?" he shrugs.
Yuuji holds the drink out, his eyes locked on Megumi's lips as they wrap around the edge of the glass. There's something intoxicating about watching him, the way his tongue darts out to lick his lips, the way his throat bobs as he swallows.
"Hmm," Megumi says, licking his lips. "That's pretty good."
"I thought so, too," Yuuji replies, his voice a little hoarse.
The conversation flows easily after that, their voices rising and falling with the natural ebb and flow of the night. Yuuji laughs and jokes, the alcohol loosening his tongue, just a little. Megumi is relaxed, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, and Yuuji is struck, not for the first time, by the way the dim light makes his eyes sparkle.
When their food arrives, the chatter dies down as they all tuck into their meals. It's a good meal, and Yuuji can't help but hum contentedly as he takes bite after bite. He's not the biggest fan of seafood, but the dish is well-seasoned, and the flavors are rich and satisfying.
"Man," he sighs, setting down his fork. "That was amazing."
"Mhm," Nobara agrees, patting her stomach.
"I'm glad we came here," Panda says, leaning back in his chair.
"Me, too," Yuuji grins.
"Are we going to do anything else tonight?" Toge asks, sipping his drink.
"Not unless someone has a suggestion," Nobara shrugs.
"Actually," Yuuji says, remembering something he'd read not too long ago. "There's a little bar a few blocks from here. It's supposedly got a great vibe."
"How do you know that?" Maki asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I did my research," Yuuji smirks.
"Alright," Nobara chuckles. "Let's give it a shot."
They finish their meal, and head out into the night. The air is cool and crisp, the stars glittering above them.
"This is nice," Yuuta sighs, his eyes fixed on the sky.
"Yeah," Yuuji breathes. "It is."
They walk down the street, their voices soft, their feet light. The world is quiet around them, the streets empty and the lights dim. It's the perfect backdrop for the strange, fragile feeling blooming in Yuuji's chest. Almost as if they've slipped into a different reality, a liminal space where anything is possible.
They reach the bar, and Yuuji holds the door open, letting his friends enter first. The interior is small and cozy, with a wooden floor and exposed brick walls. There's a small stage at the front, where a live band is setting up. The lighting is dim, and there are tables scattered around the room, most of them occupied.
"Wow," Panda murmurs, his eyes sweeping over the scene.
"I told you," Yuuji grins, leading them to an empty table.
The band starts playing, the soft sound of their instruments filling the air. It's a mix of folk and jazz, the notes lilting and dreamy. The music wraps around them, weaving a spell, and Yuuji finds himself sinking into the rhythm, his eyes drifting shut.
He's not usually a fan of jazz, but the atmosphere is just too perfect.
"Can I get you guys a round of drinks?" a server asks, approaching their table.
"Sure," Nobara nods, looking at her friends. "What're you having?"
Everyone orders - Yuuji decides to stick with whiskey - and the server disappears, returning a few minutes later with a tray of drinks.
"Here you go," she smiles, handing them out. "Enjoy."
"Thanks," Yuuji replies, his eyes fixed on Megumi.
He also ordered a whiskey sour, and the golden liquid catches the light, highlighting the sharp lines of his face. Yuuji's gaze is drawn to his mouth, the shape of his lips, the faint stubble lining his jaw. It's a simple thing, to look at a friend, but there's something about the way the light caresses his skin, the way his eyes flicker, that puts Yuuji on edge.
For the first hour, the atmosphere is calm, almost lazy. Everyone is content to listen to the music, letting the night drift by. But, as the evening wears on, the tension grows thicker. The laughter is a little louder, the words a little sharper.
Everything is fine, until it's not.
Yuuji is just walking back from the bathroom when he sees a man at the bar. His hand is resting on the small of a woman's back, his voice a low murmur in her ear. There's nothing overtly creepy about it, but the man has an edge to him, a sharpness that sets Yuuji's nerves on edge.
He's a stranger, so why does the sight of him fill Yuuji with such an intense sense of dread?
The woman shifts away, her expression uncomfortable. The man's hand moves, sliding down her spine. He leans in, his lips grazing her ear. She flinches, and the man laughs.
Yuuji stops, his blood boiling. The urge to step in is strong, but he doesn't want to escalate the situation. He decides to stay close, keeping an eye on things. He hopes the woman will walk away, or say something, but she doesn't. She just stands there, her eyes fixed on the wall. It's almost as if she's not completely there.
A minute passes, then two. Her eyes are glazed, her movements slow and sluggish. Then, the man's hand slips lower, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hip. Yuuji can't stand it any longer.
"Hey," he hisses, moving forward.
The woman turns, blinking. Her expression is hazy, confused.
"You okay?" Yuuji asks, keeping his voice low.
She stares at him, her mouth opening and closing.
"I-I don't know," she stammers. "I feel... funny."
"Let's get you some water," Yuuji says, reaching for her arm.
She doesn't protest, letting him lead her away. Yuuji brings her to their table, setting her down in an empty chair. He's seeing red, his vision blurring around the edges. He needs to make sure the woman is safe, then he's going to deal with that asshole.
"What's going on?" Nobara asks, concern etched on her face.
"She needs some water, and possibly medical attention," Yuuji says, his tone clipped. "Please take care of her. I'll be back."
"Wait," Megumi says, grabbing his wrist. "Where are you going?"
"Just keep her safe," Yuuji answers, his eyes flashing.
He steps away from the table, his fists clenched. He can feel his heart pounding, the adrenaline rushing through his veins. His vision narrows, and the sounds of the bar fade into the background. He notices the man, still leaning against the bar, and he feels a white-hot rage wash over him.
Before he realizes what's happening, he's moving, his footsteps quick and silent. He grabs the man's collar, dragging him away from the bar.
"You son of a bitch," he snarls.
"Hey!" the man sputters, struggling against his grip. "Get your hands off me."
"Did you roofie her?" Yuuji demands, shaking him.
"The fuck?" the man spits, his eyes wild.
"Did. You. Drug. Her." Yuuji repeats, enunciating each word.
"No," the man denies, his face flushed. "Of course not."
Yuuji wants to break his fucking teeth. He wants to make him hurt, to make him pay. He knows it's irrational, but the fury burning inside him is all-consuming.
"That bitch was just asking for it," the man sneers, his lips curling into a sneer. "She was practically begging me to take her home."
Yuuji can feel his control slipping.
"I'm going to kill you," he whispers, his voice cold.
"Go ahead," the man laughs. "I'd like to see you try."
The sound of the man's laughter snaps something inside him. He raises his fist, and he's about to strike, when a hand closes around his arm, holding him back.
"Yuuji," a familiar voice says.
"Let go of me," he growls, struggling against the grip.
"Look at me," the voice insists, the words low and insistent. "Focus on me."
Yuuji does as he's told, his eyes flickering up. His gaze locks with Megumi's, and he feels the fight drain out of him. That endless, bottomless green, the dark, unreadable depths seep into him, and suddenly, the world seems a little clearer.
"Good," Megumi murmurs, his fingers brushing along his cheek. "Now, take a breath."
Yuuji does as he's told, inhaling deeply. The anger is still there, simmering beneath the surface, but it's not as all-consuming as before.
"Yuuta already notified a bouncer," Megumi says, his voice soothing. "They are calling the cops and an ambulance."
"Okay," Yuuji breathes, his shoulders relaxing.
"Let's go outside," Megumi says, taking his hand and pulling him towards the door.
They step out into the cool night air, and Yuuji's mind finally starts to clear. He glances down, noticing their linked hands. When did Megumi grab his hand? How long have they been touching?
"Feeling better?" Megumi asks, his tone gentle.
"Yeah," Yuuji exhales, his eyes fixed on their joined hands. "I think so."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Megumi says, a look of sympathy on his face. "But, you did the right thing. You saved her. And, you probably prevented him from doing this again."
"I should've hit him," Yuuji sighs.
"Maybe," Megumi shrugs. "Look, if we weren't in a packed bar, and the police weren't on the way, I would have gladly watched you beat the shit out of him. Don't think of me as some kind of hero who believes in nonviolence or whatever. I would have enjoyed the fuck out of it."
Yuuji's lips quirk up in a small smile.
"But," Megumi continues. "You going to jail would have put a damper on our vacation, so I'm glad you didn't."
"You're right," Yuuji says, his eyes drifting shut. "Thanks."
It's incredible, how much calmer he feels, just being around Megumi. Just a few simple words, a soft touch, and he's grounded again, his rage dissipating. He doesn't understand it, not fully, but he doesn't question it, either.
"You're welcome," Megumi replies.
"Should we check on the others?" Yuuji asks, opening his eyes.
"In a minute," Megumi says, his gaze steady. "Just, let me..."
Megumi lifts his other hand, cupping Yuuji's cheek. His touch is light, barely there, but it sends a shiver down his spine.
"I know it's fucked up," Megumi says, his thumb brushing over his skin. "But, I'm proud of you. What you did, it was brave."
Yuuji can't remember the last time anyone's said that to him. He can't remember the last time he was praised for his actions, or commended for his choices. He doesn't even know how to react.
"Th-thanks," he stammers, his voice hoarse.
"Anytime," Megumi smiles.
His hand falls away, and Yuuji misses the contact immediately. But, Megumi's fingers are still twined with his, their palms pressed together. It's an anchor, a lifeline, and Yuuji holds onto it with everything he has.
"Ready?" Megumi asks, tilting his head towards the bar.
"Ready," Yuuji nods.
They enter the bar, and the first thing Yuuji notices is the change in the atmosphere. Gone is the warm, cozy vibe, replaced by a tense, uncomfortable energy. He looks around, spotting his friends, and his eyes widen when he notices the man, restrained on the ground by two large bouncers.
"He tried to run," Panda explains, walking over. "They caught him."
"Good," Yuuji grunts.
"The cops are here," Nobara says, jerking her thumb towards the front door. "Apparently, the camera footage shows him slipping something in her drink."
"I'm glad," Yuuji says, his voice tight.
"Are you okay?" Maki asks, concern etched on her face.
Yuuji considers his response. He thinks about the way he felt when he saw the woman, drugged and scared. He thinks about the way his body reacted, the primal, instinctive need to protect.
"I'm okay," he answers, his voice steady.
"I'm glad," Nobara sighs.
The tension bleeds out of the room as the officers take the man away, the ambulance transporting the woman to the nearest hospital. They all agree that it's time to leave, the mood ruined by the incident.
As they walk back to the hotel, the group's chatter fills the night air, the voices low and subdued. Yuuji listens, but he doesn't participate. He can't get the image of the woman's dazed expression out of his head.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Megumi asks, falling into step with him.
"Not really," Yuuji replies, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Okay," Megumi says simply.
"I don't understand how people can be so callous," Yuuji mutters, his brow furrowed. "How someone can hurt another person, for their own amusement."
"I know," Megumi sighs. "It's fucked up."
"It's not just that," Yuuji continues, his chest tightening. "I hate that people can be so cruel. It makes me want to... I don't know, fix it? Make things right, somehow."
"You can't save everyone," Megumi says, his voice soft.
"I know," Yuuji sighs. "I just wish I could do more."
"You did the right thing," Megumi says, his hand finding Yuuji's and squeezing gently. "You made a difference, tonight."
"Thanks," Yuuji murmurs, his cheeks warming.
They walk in silence, the night wrapping around them. The lights of the motel loom in the distance, and the thought of sleep is suddenly overwhelming. He's exhausted, physically and emotionally.
He's looking forward to sharing a space with Megumi, to being close to him.
The thought surprises him, but not enough to dismiss it. He wants Megumi's presence, his touch, his warmth. It's strange, and unfamiliar, but not unwelcome.
He'll deal with the ramifications later.
It's strange, how Megumi can read him so easily. Yuuji has never had anyone who could see through him like this, like a transparent glass window, the emotions and thoughts inside him laid bare.
They are laying in bed, the room dark and quiet. Yuuji is staring at the ceiling, his eyes adjusting to the shadows. He's tired, his limbs heavy, but his mind is racing, thoughts swirling like a maelstrom.
"Hey," Megumi murmurs, his voice a low rumble.
"Yeah?" Yuuji asks, not turning his head.
"Do you want to talk?"
Yuuji exhales a shaky breath.
"I can't stop thinking about it," he admits. "About how helpless she must have felt, how scared she was. And, how angry I was, how ready I was to hurt that guy. I'm not a violent person, usually, but... fuck. It was like a switch flipped, and I couldn't control myself. I've never felt anything like it."
"You're not a violent person," Megumi says gently. "I think, maybe, you just have a strong sense of justice."
"I guess," Yuuji sighs. "Before my grandpa passed, he'd told me something. He said that I was a strong kid, so I should help others. That I should save the people I can. I didn't understand what he meant, not really, but I think, maybe, I'm starting to get it."
"It sounds like your grandpa was a wise man," Megumi replies.
"He was," Yuuji nods. "And, I'm going to try and live up to his legacy. I'm going to save as many people as I can, even if it's only one."
"What it some people don't want to be saved?"
Yuuji rolls onto his side, his eyes locking with Megumi's. The shadows obscure his face, but the light from the moon highlights the curve of his cheekbone and the angle of his jaw.
"I can't force them," Yuuji answers. "But, I can offer them a helping hand, and hope they accept."
Megumi is quiet, his eyes dark. He lifts his hand, his fingertips brushing over Yuuji's cheek. It's a tender gesture, the touch featherlight, and Yuuji's skin tingles.
"I know it's silly," Yuuji breathes, his eyes flickering shut. "But, sometimes, when you touch me like this, I feel... different. Like, I'm more myself, somehow. I'm not sure if that makes sense."
Megumi's hand stills, his fingers splayed across his cheek.
"No," he whispers. "It makes perfect sense."
Yuuji's eyes open and meet with Megumi's. The night stretches between them like a thin, fragile veil. And, for a moment, Yuuji thinks he can see past it, to the depths of Megumi's soul, to the things he keeps hidden.
Then, the moment is gone, and Megumi's hand falls away, breaking the connection.
"It's late," he says, rolling onto his back.
"Yeah," Yuuji replies, but the words are coming out choked.
"Get some sleep."
"I'll try."
Yuuji turns, his back to Megumi. He closes his eyes, and he's met with an onslaught of emotions, each one more jarring than the last. He wants to stay like this, their bodies close, their breath mingling. He wants to ask Megumi to hold him, to pull him close and never let go.
He wants things he shouldn't, and his heart aches with the weight of it.
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