Suga was extremely hyper backstage. I guess he was pumped for the show.
"AHHH!" He laughed as he and the others had a dance off. I smiled and laid my head on my knees after tucking them close to my chest.
"Noona! Come dance with us!" Jimin gave me a smile for the first time since he found out about me and Yoongi. I gave him a smile back, but made no moves. The guys' makeup artist had me paralyzed in my seat from her glares.
"You okay?" Jin-oppa sat next to me as the others goofed around. I nodded and swallowed my sigh. "I've never seen Yoongi so happy."
"He's always goofy before a concert or an interview," Jin-oppa pat my back. "But that didn't answer my question."
"Mian. It's just that.. I feel like their makeup artist doesn't like me," I nodded my head towards the pretty lady who was now going through her supplies.
"She likes Suga," Jin-oppa gave me a small grin. "Ya, Suga! C'mere."
Suga was laughing and smiling like an idiot as he walked over and sat on the other side of me. "Hm?"
"Ju-Iun keeps glaring at (Y/n)-ah," Jin-oppa nudged Yoongi by reaching behind me.
Suga gave a nervous laugh, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Ignore Ju-Iun. She thinks us two have a thing, so she doesn't come too lightly when it comes to other females."
I gave Yoongi a pout, leaning close to him, making him even more nervous. "But I thought we had a thing," I said with a slight whine.
"We do," he said with the same tone and whine, smiling afterwards. Jin-oppa gave a small laugh before getting up and going over to the others.
"Should I be the same way with other females?" I joked, snuggling up to his chest.
"Nah-" Yoongi was petting my hair before a loud shriek came from 'Ju-Iun'.
"Get her off of you, Yoongi! She's going to mess up your outfit!" I heard shuffling and felt a hand grab the back of my shirt, pulling me back and on the floor.
"Don't hurt her!" I heard Jimin yell and at an instant, both Yoongi and I were pulled from our spots. Ju-Iun was fixing Suga up while the others were making sure I wasn't hurt.
"I'm fine guys," I waved them off, fixing my own clothes and sat back down. Yoongi did not look happy as Ju-Iun 'had' to redo his makeup. "Ju-Iun I'm fine. She didn't even touch my face," I heard the mint haired rapper whine.
"Why would Ju-Iun hurt (Y/n)?" Jungkook tilt his head, laying his elbow on Jimin's shoulder.
"My sister was only playing around with Suga," Jin-opoa crossed his arms.
"They were cuddling~" J-hope laughed.
I said nothing, refusing to even look at the black haired makeup artist.
"I bet if we cuddle, she won't even yell at (Y/n). Why is Suga so different?" Rap Monster frowned.
"Ju-Iun likes Suga. It's obvious," Taehyung hummed.
"Doesn't she know that the two are dating?" Jimin ran his hands through his hair, yet his hair popped back to how it was.
"Should we tell her?" J-hope smirked evilly.
"Tell who what?" Ju-Iun walked over, arm looped with Yoongi's, who looked like he wanted shot in the head.
"It might hurt to tell you," Jungkook shrugged.
"Tell me!" Ju-Iun let go of Yoongi, who snuck away and sat next to me.
"(Y/n) and I are dating. Happy?" He put his arm around me, yet kept his distance so his new coat of makeup wasn't smudged.
Ju-Iun froze, and turned to look at us, hurt and anger flashing in her eyes, before she smiled. "We'll discuss this after the show. You seven better go."
They did as they were told, and when the door closed, Ju-Iun lunged for me, grabbing my neck and hair. I let out a shriek of pain and surprise. She let go of my hair and slapped me, but her grip on my neck tightened. "I've liked Suga before you even let for America. Why doe he pick you?"
"Because you're crazy," I gasped, trying to get air into my lungs.
"So is he. You're not even pretty nor nice," she gave a half-hearted chuckle.
"You don't even know me," I cried out, trying to pry her fingers from my neck. She threw me against the wall. I heart a loud boom as I met with the wall, and I'm guessing everyone else did too, because the singing stopped, all that was playing was background music. There weren't even any screams from fans. I heard footsteps and tried to sit up before going into a fit of coughs.
"(Y/n)? Are you okay in there?" I heard Jimin.
"She just ran into something and created a huge mess!" Ju-Iun didn't have to act angry.
"Let us help," Jimin opened the door, letting go of the handle instantly when he laid eyes on me.
"Mwo?" Jungkook leaned over Jimin's shoulder before his jaw dropped.
"Is she okay?" Jin-oppa pushed the boys aside, then widened his eyes at the sight of me before running towards me and helping me sit up.
"I need to see," Yoongi made his way to the front, then froze, meeting eyes with me.
Namjoon and J-hope soon caught up and all seven of them went around me.
"What happened?" Jimin hesitantly touched my neck, and his cold fingers felt nice against the skin.
"She attacked me," Ju-Iun answered before I could, and I backed up against the wall as she walked closer. "And as you can see, I won."
"(Y/n) hasn't hurt anyone. She's never 'attacked' anyone in her life," Jin-oppa furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yeah, well, she attacked me. I was just sharing stories of me and Suga and she got jealous," Ju-Iun gave Yoongi a smile before frowning at me.
"Is it true?" Yoongi grabbed my hand. I shook my head, crying out in pain before speaking, "aniyo." My voice sounded horrible, and the pain was too much. I started bawling, leaning into Jin-oppa's chest.
"Stay away from (Y/n)," Yoongi stood up along with Jimin and Rap Monster. Ju-Iun looked hurt, but said nothing.
"I wish you could come out on stage with us," J-hope whined.
"I'm fine," I croaked out. "I just need an ice-pack."
"You guys have fans waiting," Ju-Iun whistled. "Leave her here. I'll get her ice-pack."
Yoongi and Jin-oppa shook their heads. Jimin gently picked me up, carrying me out of the room bridal-style. I flushed red and lowered my hands to my chest.
"Get her an ice-pack," I heard Namjoon mumble then caught up with the seven of us. "Set her down here, Jiminie."
Jimin laid me down on our luggage and looked out towards the stage where everyone in the crowd looked confused. On the stage were their mics. I sat up, giving them a nervous smile.
"Go," I waved them away, grabbing the ice-pack in Namjoon's hand.
They reluctantly walked back on stage, getting screams of delight. I gave a small smile and laid back down, staring at the ceiling, and put the ice-pack on my neck.
-ah - Added to someone's name if they're younger
-oppa - Indirect of Oppa
Aniyo - No (formal, usually said in formal occasions and by someone younger)
Mian - Sorry
Mwo - What (Mwo? (What?))
Noona - What a younger male calls an older female
Wae - Why (Wae? (Why?))
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