I hate planes, fangirls, and media.
We had to catch a plane to L.A., then I had to greet fans when they came for the fan greeting. Media made it much worse.
"So he really gave you this necklace?" One fan frowned, taking a close look at the half heart.
"Ne," I gave the fan a forced smile. This was so annoying.
"He really kissed you?" She asked again, standing back up.
"Ne," I put my hands in my jacket pockets.
She just glared and went to sit down. Thank god she was the last person. Taking a breath of relief, I went to sit down. But my chair wasn't in its original spot.
"Noona!" Jimin pat the seat between him and Yoongi. It was the chair I had set up for me...
Slowly taking a seat, I nervously played with my necklaces, then I remembered I brought my lyric diary. Taking the small book from my pocket, I opened it to the last place I stopped.
Reading the lyrics over again, I frowned. This was the new song Yoongi and I were working on, but it sounded wrong. We were rapping against each other, and the words were so hateful.
"What are you reading?" Jimin leaned down to look at the book.
"The new song I've been working on with Yoongi. We were supposed to be rapping against each other. We even had the music video planned out, but now that I'm reading it again... it just sounds harsh," I gave him the book. Yoongi had written in his parts, and I had written mine, and you can tell who wrote what by the different handwriting.
"Omo, were you mad at each other?" Jimin pursed his lips, handing me my book back.
"I don't think so," I bit my lip.
"Is that the rap?" Yoongi put his head on my shoulder, looking down at the music.
"Yeah," I gave him a fake smile.
"I think it fits the album, but remember... I can never say things this hurtful to you," he whispered in my ear.
"I know..." I closed the book, looking at him.
Did I really know, though?
"Suga! Are you guys dating now?" One fan called out from their seat, and some gasped. I guess they haven't seen the latest video where Yoongi and I both say we've kissed.
"Aniyo," Yoongi shook his head at the fan, who gave him a slight pout. "But you guys kissed!" More gasps.
"I don't believe they kissed!" One shouted, and I felt myself feel slightly angered at the comment.
"They announced it on a video, stupid," another fan scolded the first one.
"I don't believe them. Maybe they should kiss, since they kissed before... if they even kissed."
Frowning, I looked at the crowd. All of their eyes were on me, even the guys' eyes were on me. I felt someone poke my cheek, and looked at Yoongi. Damn it... Right when I looked at him, he grabbed my chin quickly, yet gently, making me looked up at him. Placing his lips on mine, I blushed, not being able to believe he would kiss me again, much less kiss me in public. Then I remembered that he didn't like people doubting him.
Some girls screamed in happiness, some in jealousy, then the rest in surprise.
"Hyung!" Jimin reached over and slapped Yoogi in the side of his head, making him break the kiss.
"Suga, do you have an explanation for kissing my sister?" Jin-oppa said in his microphone coolly.
"Does 'swag' work?" Yoongi spoke in his, laughing a bit.
"Ani!" Jin-oppa sounded frustrated.
"Then my reason is because I've actually been wanting to kiss her for a while," Yoongi frowned.
"You don't really mean that, right Yoongi?" A girl stood up in her seat, in tears. It was Nijila.
"Whatever," he rolled is eyes, putting his microphone down. Sensing his frustration, I poked his arm, grabbing his attention. "I'm going to go get water for you guys."
"Let me come with you," he stood up with me.
"Stay here, Mr. Swag. Your fans need you," I giggled, trying to push him back in his chair. He sat back down, before standing back up, making me roll my eyes.
"I don't want you to be alone. Especially with Nijila around. Now let's go, we're distracting everyone."
"They're going to be suspicious," I pointed out, but Yoongi only glared, grabbing my hand and letting me lead the way.
"Do you remember where you put the water?" He rolled his eyes.
"Of course I did!" I playfully whacked him on the shoulder. "It's behind the stage, that's also where my bag and purse is."
"Do you have anything worth stealing?" He frowned at me, probably wondering how stupid I could get.
"Only the CD, but I have that with me," I pulled out the thin, square case. I hadn't listened to the songs yet. I wanted to listen to them with Yoongi...
"Then your purse and bag are empty?"
"Well, my bag has clothes in it, just like your suitcases backstage have your clothes in it," I almost face-palmed. Almost.
"But your purse is empty?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Ne, besides chap-stick and my phone. But no one would steal my phone, since it has a lock," I grabbed the things of water. Yoongi took is out of my hands and carried it himself. I could see his muscles as he was straining to carry two large boxes of water. He was wearing a black leather vest, a white tank top, black skinny jeans, and some converse. How was he not freezing? I'm not sure.
"Do you need me to carry one?" I went to grab a box, but he shouldered me away. "Ani."
"But I can't let you get hurt," I whined.
"Boxes won't hurt me. Now open the door before I kick it down," he scoffed.
Doing as he said, I shimmied flat against the door so he could get through, then followed him.
"That was quick," Rap monster noted.
"Yeah! I thought you guys were going to take ages!" Hoseok smirked.
"All we were doing was getting water. Dangchyeo," I crossed my arms, following Yoongi and helping him unpack the water. They were half frozen, since the stage was freezing because it was outside.
We both handed out drinks. Yoongi gave the fans bottles of water (I was too scared to even to even have eye contact with those crazy girls...and boys, but the fans were happy it was him), while I was giving the guys water.
"Thank you, Noona!" Jimin gave me a big smile.
"Thank you, (Y/n)-ah," Jin-oppa took the water from my hands, taking a big drink.
"Thanks, (Y/n)," Rap Monster nodded to me. The other members said their thanks, and I grabbed Yoongi a bottle. I hadn't realized he had also gotten me a bottle until we were giving the bottles to each other.
"Gee, thanks," I laughed, taking the bottle from him, as he did the same. On the lid of mine was a small heart, making me smile.
Looking over at Yoongi, I saw him down half of his bottle. I probably should've grabbed water earlier.
"Hey, (Y/n)-ssi... want to go eat after this?" Jimin gave me one of the cutest smiles.
"Sure," I returned the smile, then took a sip of my water. I would've asked if it was a date, but Yoongi was laughing with Nijila, distracting me. For him supposedly hating her, he seemed to be happy talking to her.
Puffing out my cheeks, I retrieved the album from my coat pocket, looking at the photo on the front before looking at the photos in the little booklet. The first photo was me and Yoongi both looking at the camera. We both looked fed up. The second photo was us sitting. I was in between Yoongi's legs, and he had his arms around me and his head on mine. We both had smiles.
"(Y/n), let's go," Jimin helped me out of my chair. Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, and when I found him, I saw him and Nijila talking up a storm.
"Yup, let's go eat," I tore my gaze away from the two, linking my arm with Jimin's as we walked out of the building.
-ah - Added to someone's name when they're younger
-oppa - Indirect of Oppa
-ssi - Added to someone's name when they're older
Aish - Used when mad or annoyed
Ani - No (informal, usually used by someone older or close)
Aniyo - No (formal, usually used by someone younger)
Dangchyeo - Shut up
Hyung - What a younger male calls an older male
Ne - Yes (formal, usually said by someone younger)
Noona - What a younger male calls an older male
Omo - Oh my...
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