Sorry if Suga is out of character!
(S/n) - Ship name
"Why are you so clingy today?" Yoongi chuckled. I had my arms wrapped around him, watching him play this boring game, that he was terrible at.
"Dunno," I shrugged and let go, but Yoongi pulled me back gently, wrapping his arms around me, letting me help him with the game.
"Yoongi-ah. This is (Y/n)-ah, right?" The cameraman chuckled, and so did Yoongi, showing off a gummy smile.
"Ne. And the sad part is that I'm still figuring out a Christmas gift for her," Yoongi sighed, playfully putting his head on mine, making goofy faces at the camera while I played his game.
"Oh yeah! Christmas is in a few days, and you're spending it here, in America, right?" The cameraman zoomed the camera in on Yoongi, which I didn't mind. I'm not really... photogenic.
"Mmmm, yeah I think so," Yoongi backed up, holding my waist, and I landed on his lap when he softly fell on the couch in the hotel room. "Aigoo, so heavy!" He then jokes, pushing me off his lap (which I still had his phone), but put his arm sneakily around me. I bet hardcore fans would see it. He rubbed my back gently, then my side, resting his hand at my waist.
"So are you guys dating?" The cameraman asked, kneeling in front of us.
"Aniyo. Jin-hyung would never allow us to date," Yoongi waved the thought off with his right hand.
"So you're saying that if Jin wasn't in the picture, you'd date (Y/n)-ah?" The man pressed, laughing a bit.
Yoongi laughed and smiled, then laughed again as he tried to speak. "Um, aniyo. Still, aniyo." He then turned serious. "My career would hurt both of us. I don't want to put BTS at risk because I'm dating someone and the fans aren't happy, and I don't want her getting hurt."
I tried to focus more on the game, and laid my head on his shoulder, his grip on my waist pulled me closer with a smile.
"Ah, so you care for her, your fans, BTS, and your career?" The man nodded.
"Ne. They are all important to me. Plus if (Y/n)-ah got hurt, her brother would murder me," Yoongi laughed.
"So her brother is really protective?"
"Ne! I remember the day after (Y/n)-ah came back from America and it was her birthday... we were going to the studios. Well, (Y/n)-ah forgot a coat so I shared my coat with her," I looked away from the phone and looked up at Yoongi, who was still talking. "You should've seen Jin-hyung... he was really mad."
"Do you think anyone in BTS has a crush on (Y/n)-ah? Gossip?"
"Well, I think maybe Jiminie... he may have one. There are times that I'm curious if he's going to ask her out," Yoongi hummed.
"There are pictures and videos of (S/n), how do you feel about? That people think you're secretly dating?"
"Well, it makes me happy that the ARMY is starting to accept (Y/n)-ah... and I'm okay with people think we're dating. It's no different than Yoonmin or Yoonkook," Yoongi rubbed my waist a bit before moving his arm around my shoulder again.
"If people found out you were dating, how do you think some of the fans would react?"
"That's kind of what I'm afraid of. This one female I knew, she beat (Y/n)-ah because she I were getting closer. Then there has been some nasty comments towards (Y/n)-ah... I just don't want her hurt," he squeezed my shoulder.
"There have been pictures of you two kissing, cuddling, hugging, you know, couple things."
"No kissing. We have fallen asleep next to each other on many occasions, and (Y/n-ah)'s clingy, so she snuggles up to what's ever closest. We do hug, but not in a lovey dovey way, more of a goofy way," Yoongi grabbed his phone back one he realized I was paying attention to the interview. I frowned at him. I am not clingy!
"So you're okay with (s/n)?"
"It's fun to see what people create, using video and picture evidence. It's adorable," I poked Yoongi on the cheek, and he grabbed my finger and gently bit it playfully.
"So a few days ago, you two said you hated each other. What happened?"
"When I saw bloody (Y/n)-ah, it was... scary. I realized that I could've probably prevented it," Yoongi made direct eye contact with the man.
"But you two have gotten closer in the little bit of time you've been in America."
"We've actually been really close. There are pictures, videos. Whatever."
"What is your favorite picture, both of you?"
"Mine is a picture that Jungkook got when we were starting our duet. We were both focused, our heads together and our hands touching. We both had smiles."
"And mine is one when Yoongi and I were playing in the snow. Jungkook had asked us to pose. It was... cute? Sweet? We both had big smiles and snow all over us," I looked down, remembering that Nijila took the photo with her, and I have no idea where the stupid female is.
"Both taken before America?"
"Ne. We actually played in the snow a lot. (Y/n)-ah literally dragged me out of the house," Yoongi's arm trailed back to my waist, pulling me in closer. I didn't mind. I liked the attention I was getting from him.
"You two sound like best friends. How long has it been since you met?"
"Almost a month."
"Are you both okay with me uploading this as 'Interview with (Y/n) and Suga'?"
"Ne," Yoongi and I replied at the same time.
"This was fun. It was good getting to actually meet and talk to (Y/n)," the man paused. "And one more question. Would you start a relationship if you two didn't have to worry about fans, careers, BTS, and brothers? Honest answer please."
"Aniyo," we both said in unison again, and laughed together, but mine was forced, along with my smile.
"(Y/n)-ah's face tells a different story." Dang, he caught my fake smile.
"Aniyo... I'm confident with my answer," I tried not to blush as Yoongi looked at me. His legs were crossed, and him rubbing my side and waist wasn't helping.
"Ah, well I'm out of time. Good talking to you," the man finally left.
-ah - Added to someone's name if they are younger
-sshi - Added to someone's name if they are older(Male)
-hyung - Indirect of Hyung
Aigoo - A negative oriented OMG
Aniyo - No (formal, usually said in formal occasions or by someone younger)
BTS - Bangtan Sonyeondan, Bantan Boys, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, 방탄소년단. They are a South Korean boy band formed by Big Hit Entertainment. There are seven members: Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Rap Monster (leader), Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.
Ne - Yes (formal, usually said in formal occasions or by someone younger)
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