"Noona, are you almost- uwa..." Jimin walked in as I was getting the hat on. Yup, concert day. "You look beautiful," he ran his hands through his hair, eyeing me from my converse, plaid booty shorts, tight, white shirt, Yoongi's jacket, and then his hat.
"Thank you!" I gave him a smile and walked past him to the other members.
"(Y/n)-ah! What is with that outfit? Isn't that Yoongi's hat and jacket?" Jin-oppa arched an eyebrow as he threw questions at me.
"Ne, now let's go," I grabbed Jimine's hand, not even looking at Yoongi.
"Are you dressed as Suga-hyung?" Jimin asked, smirking.
"Well, ye. I was actually kind of hoping to grab his attention," I sighed quietly.
"But his girlfriend... that was the reason you felt awkward on the plane.." Jimin put the puzzle pieces together. Nodding, I let go of his hand, looking at the ground.
"Hyung! Why are you so fidgety?" I heard a whap, and looked back, seeing J-hope hitting Yoongi, who made eye with me contact for a moment, then turned his attention to J-hope, hitting the younger man back.
"I think it's working," Jimin whispered in my ear. Shrugging, I sighed.
"I promise, (made up name in 3, 2, 1) Nijila," I heard Yoongi. We had made arrangements to start writing another song together, but I guess he had different plans.
"I don't trust her. She's all over you!" A female, I'm guessing Nijila, yelled.
"She's not a bad person..." Yoongi trailed off. I thought that maybe Nijila walked off, but as I looked back around the corner, I only saw him, against a wall with his hands on a female's waist.
"Just stay away from her, okay Oppa~" It didn't sound like a question.
But I call Yoongi Oppa... if I don't call him Oppa, he instantly corrects me.
"Whatever you say, Jagiya," Yoongi gave her a small smile, and kissed her again. Not wanting to watch their make-out session, I quietly left.
*Flashback End*
"It's not," I replied harshly. "Besides, I don't care anymore. He has Nijila."
"Who's Nijila?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. Clutching my fists, I took a deep breath. "His girlfriend."
"How do you know?" Jimin managed to slip his hand in mine again.
"I saw them kiss. She called him Oppa. He called her Jayiga... isn't it obvious?" I lowered my head.
This time, Jimin was balling up his fists. He didn't say anything, but the obvious frown showed that he was mad.
"But he kissed you.. he even stole your first kiss..." Jimin's voice was shaking.
"Don't you think I know that? Now, you guys have to get ready. I'll be setting up the fan meet room," I practically pushed myself from Jimin and stomped off.
Taking out the box of decorations, I got started. While I was on the ladder, some guy groped my butt, but I just kicked him away and finished working.
I actually had gifts for each of them.
I had gotten them pictures of us together. My brother and I together. Jungkook and I together, laughing. J-hope carrying me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Namjoon and I reading a book together. Jimin and I dancing together. Taehyung having a snowball fight, and I was in Taehyung's arms as he lathered me in snow. Yoongi and I... it was actually a picture of us both smiling, not drunk. He was kissing my cheek in one photo I gave him (Yes, I had gotten him two), his arms around me. Another one where we were both smiling. I was on his back. We had snow attire on and Yoongi had gotten us covering in snow. The snow had made his blue hair lighter and more angelic.
I hadn't realized how long I was spacing out until I heard the guys' voices.
Setting up my own chair, I sat behind them.
"Ya! (Y/n) got us Christmas gifts! Can we open them?" J-hope gave me puppy eyes, and I nodded. All of them except Yoongi opened opened their gifts.
"These are photos of us with you..." Jimin trailed off, and something in his mind clicked. "Are you moving back to America?! IS THIS A GOODBYE?!"
Yoongi tensed up, and in a second, he was unwrapping his photos, taking in the photos.
"Ani, ani. I'm not moving... I just thought you guys would like them as gifts... but I understand and if you're like Yoongi, who doesn't like anything I do, then I'll just give you a different gift," I tried to hide the heartbreak in my eye.
"We love them, (Y/n)-ssi," Jimin said gently. This is the first time in a while he said my name.
"Yeah, these pictures are amazing!" Jungkook smiled, warmth in his eyes. Yoongi hadn't said anything for a while, until he looked at the one where he was playfully kissing my cheek and his eyes hardened. "Throw them away."
That also hurt. Jeez, isn't Yoongi hurtful?
The hurt definitely showed on my face... actually... I was in tears. I tried to wipe them away right as I noticed them.
"Hyung!" Namjoon yelled at Yoongi. Jin-oppa walked up to Yoongi, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him out of his chair. "My sister spent days on these presents. I noticed how exhausted she's been, and it's because of these presents. You can't just throw them away like they're worthless. They have so much worth, much more than you deserve."
The fans were asking questions. Some asked about me, who had my head lowered in the back.
Some were asking more personal questions, and I couldn't handle this one question.
"Suga~ How do you feel about (Y/n)?" They had learned my name from the various of questions.
"I hate her," he said bluntly. That was it. My last straw. You could hear the chair hit the ground as I violently stood up from it. When I was walking away, Yoongi grabbed my wrist, his eyes slightly softening. I wasn't going to have any of it. Raising my head to look him in the eye, I heard people gasp. My face was red and black from my makeup and crying.
"Let me go, or so help me, I will kick your ass in front of your millions of fans," I whispered harshly, trying to yank my wrist out of his hand.
"Sit back down, byung-shin-a," Yoongi refused, his eyes narrowing me.
"Let. Me. Go," I tried prying his fingers away from my wrist. "Why do you even care if I leave or not?"
He stiffened, then pulled me closer to him. I could smell his minty breath and feel it hit my ear. "I. Don't." Then he let me go.
"Oh, and I'll take these with me since you hate them," I grabbed the photos, then walked off.
Pissed? Heartbroken? I don't know. I felt numb. And these stupid photos didn't help. With frustration, I was about to smash them, but someone ran into me, making me drop the photos and them to smash them themselves.
"Oh my goodness! Mianhaeyo!" The voice apologized. I recognized the voice. It was Nijila. She picked up the photos and looked at them, then looked at me.
"Why it's Yoongi's old bitch!" She growled, I was kneeling, picking up the glass, then she kicked me. Pieces of glass cut my fingers and palm. She kicked me in the side of my face, then walked off.
Was that all?
Usually girls like her would make it so I was on the verge of death.
I shook off the pain, the blood oozing from my hands and cheeks, and continued to pick up the glass.
It must've been a shock when I came back to the fan greeting center all bloody and bruised. Yoongi was the first one to notice me, and ran up to me, catching the attention of the others.
"Don't.. touch me..." I backed away from Yoongi, whimpering. He just backed me into a wall, and just gave me a hug. I tried to push him off, getting blood on both of our white shirts, but he wouldn't let go. "Stop, you're hurting me," I cried quietly in his ear, and his embrace loosened. The fans circled around us, holding their phones up, taking pictures and videos.
"What happened to you?" He whispered in my ear, and he was slightly shaking. I guess I would be too, if someone I'd known for almost a few months had come in all bloody and bruised, cuts all over her or his hands.
What if it was Yoongi-sshi?
"Nijila... she ran into me and took the photos... she broke the frames and.." I wrapped my hands around him, not caring that I was leaving bloody hand prints. "She kicked me while I was trying to pick up the glass... and kicked me again."
Would he believe me, probably not.
"Do you have any glass in your hands?" His arms grabbed mine gently, bringing my hands close to his face to inspect them. "I can't see because of the blood..."
"It's fine..."
"Ani! God you are seriously the stupidest girl I've ever met!" Yoongi grit his teeth. "We can't just let you bleed."
"Fine, then let's go wash my hands off," I bit my tongue from the stinging.
Yoongi grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.
As he cleaned up my cuts (after getting the first aid), he glared at me. "I can't believe I said I hated you." He sounded like he was talking to himself. "God. I really am an asshole."
"Maybe I only said that because of Nijila," he decided. Yoongi was wrapping my hands in gauze. He said nothing after that.
"She took the photos," I said quietly. Is that what I'm worried about?! "They were your Christmas gifts... I spent hours trying to find the perfect frame." A bitter laugh came out of my throat.
"I loved those photos..." I lowered my head, letting my (h/c) hair cover my eyes.
"It's all my fault...DAMN IT!" Yoongi vented, hitting the brick wall with his fist.
"Can we go back now?" I shook my head, taking his hat off my head. "And have these back." I threw the jacket and hat at him. Leaving me in a half bloodied white tank-top.
-ah - Added to someone's name if they are younger
-hyung - Indirect of Hyung
-oppa - Indirect of Oppa
-sshi - Added to someone's name if they are older (Male)
Ani - No (informal, usually said when the person is either close to you or younger (said by someone older than the other person)
Byung-shin-a - You dumbass
Hyung - What a younger male calls an older male
Jagiya - Honey, sweetie, love, darling. Used by younger couples, married or not
Mianhaeyo - I'm sorry (formal)
Ne - Yes (formal, usually said when speaking to someone older)
Noona - What a younger male calls an older female
Oppa - What a younger female calls an older male
Uwa - wow
Ya - hey (Ya! (Hey!))
Ye - Yes (Informal, usually said by someone older)
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