Jill POV
It was the third week of school and they were finally having interviews for candidates into the sorority. Of the many students on campus, five attended their Rush, but only three were granted interviews.
First up was Anika Miles, a sophomore. She was on the dance squad at ISU, and a co-captain, which was a big deal because there were only two African-Americans on the squad, the other a junior. Anika was very popular and was on the honor roll and in the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. She was also one of their scholarship recipients last year.
"Anika, why do you think you should be considered for membership into Mu Alpha Chi Sorority, Incorporated?" Jill loved that question because she could determine how serious they were about joining MAX, and hopefully, they did not say anything dumb like "I like the colors," or "You guys have the best parties," or "I don't know."
"I studied all the sororities when I first started here because I was familiar with some, but not very with Mu Alpha Chi. So I did my research and I felt that your mission and goals were something I could align myself with. Furthering my leadership skills, as I hope to go into politics one day. Nothing big like becoming President or anything, but who knows. Black women are running things like that now." Anika took a breath as she was talking a mile a minute. Nerves always got to candidates, she remembered that. Jill talked about herself for about ten minutes straight before they stopped her.
"Anything else you would like for us to know about yourself and your qualifications?" Sherry asked.
"Uh...no, but thanks so much for the opportunity. Thanks for the scholarship, and even if I don't make it in, I love you guys."
They smiled and thanked her for her time. She was let out through the front door. After she left, they had no time to discuss in between, the next candidate came to their back door. Zavrina went to let her in.
Essence Watkins was a sophomore as well. Jill did not know much about her but looked over her application well. She was Vice President of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society and that was a hard feat to accomplish for an African American student. She had a G.P.A. of 3.8, well above the 3.0 needed, and she was in several other organizations on campus.
There was a list of questions they asked each candidate, but Jill loved the last question. "Essence, why do you think you should be considered for membership into Mu Alpha Chi Sorority, Incorporated?"
"Well, you have the highest G.P.A. on campus, that's including all fraternity and sorority organizations, your focus is not on social functions, but leadership, and you further assist your Alumni beyond graduation. I want to be a part of an organization that builds me up, not breaks me down. I think I have a lot to offer your organization." She smiled sweetly at each of them and spoke calmly, not nervous in the least.
"And is there anything else you would like us to know about yourself and your qualifications?" Sherry asked.
"I'm a hard worker. I think I said it all in my essay. I would be honored to be a part of your sorority one day. Thank you very much."
Jill jotted down some notes as Sherry lead her out the front door. That was two strong possibles, and she knew the third was Lark who tried hard to be on her line last year but just missed the G.P.A. requirement. Zavrina went to let her in.
As Lark was seated in front of them, they started with their list of questions. All the ladies pretty much had the same answers to the first several questions. What were some of the programs Mu Alpha Chi was known for? What activities had they attended in the past? What types of programs would they come up with if they were a part of the organization?
It was that question where Lark blew everyone else out of the water.
"I always felt like there should be more for students on campus who struggle academically, not because they are lazy, but maybe there is a disability, like myself. I have dyslexia and I have to study differently than most just to stay afloat. Sure, I get teachers to modify tests for me or give me additional tools, but I think I would like to design a study system to help students like myself, so we don't fall behind. I do well with the right study system, something that took me time to learn. That's what I would love to see."
They all were busy jotting down notes, but Jill looked over at Zavrina who was grinning ear to ear. She knew they were friends, so she was sure she helped her prepare for the interview.
Then she asked her favorite question. "Lark, why do you think you should be considered for membership into Mu Alpha Chi Sorority, Incorporated?"
"Well, I know I don't have the highest G.P.A., and I know MAX has the highest on campus, and I would hope that everything is taken into consideration. My years with the Black Student Union, as Treasurer, getting us out of the red for the first time in three years. As Vice President, still maintaining that budget. And now as President, I hope to balance that with being a member of your sorority. I know I can do some of the same things I did for the BSU with your sorority. Finance is my passion, and I would love to bring that passion to MAX."
Again, those nerves were getting the best of her and she was babbling, but they never held that against them.
"Is there anything else you would like us to know about yourself and your qualifications?"
Lark took a breath, before speaking. "You all know how bad I want this, have wanted this since my freshman year. When you work as hard as I have for something, you will not take it for granted. As your Founders said, when they created this amazing organization, I have the strength, bravery, and courage and exemplify the strong leadership required to do the job. Thank you."
They thanked her and Sherry led her out the front door. Jill was busy with her notes when Zavrina jumped up and screamed.
"Y'all hear my girl?"
"Um, you gotta be unbiased," Sherry said to her.
"Why? Y'all know that's my girl."
"We know, and we can tell," Jill replied to her. "She was like a minion of you, spitting out rehearsed lines she knew we would love."
"What? Girl, don't play," Zavrina declared. "Why the hell would I do that? I did not coach her. I did not tell her what to say. That was all her."
"You sure about that?" Sherry asked.
"Why would I do that, neo?"
"Everybody knows you groomed her from day one to take over BSU. She's been your shadow for years," Jill said.
"I resent what y'all saying," Zavrina told them. "First of all, I'm not that close with her. Yes, she was treasurer when I was BSU President sophomore year and we bonded, and yes, she was interested in MAX then and could not pledge with me. But I have never groomed her. All she said she has done for BSU, she has done. The girl is good, I will vouch for that."
"Yes, but she's a senior already," Sherry stated. "We have two viable candidates that are sophomores."
"Right, so let's look at the other two candidates." Jill looked at her notes. "Essence and Anika."
"I like them both," Sherry announced.
"Because they are sophomores? You know that is not how we do things. We take the best candidates, period."
They had already decided they were taking in two candidates, so here was their dilemma. three applicants right now. Which one were they not taking?
"Well, Anika and Essence also have the highest G.P.As," Sherry explained to them.
"Look, we're not going to play that game either," Zavrina let out. "You just heard Lark say she worked hard, all these years to get that G.P.A. and you're going to discriminate because of it? No! The best of the best. No one worked harder than Lark, I will vouch for that."
"True, I do like that about her," Jill added. "My G.P.A. was a struggle as well, it doesn't come easy to me." She had the lowest G.P.A. of the three a 3.2, while Zavrina was at 4.0 and Sherry at a 3.8. Grade point average was not the only thing they looked at, thankfully.
"And what about this Essence chick? Who is she? I have never heard of her until she came to Rush," Zavrina asserted.
"She doesn't come to BSU or hang at the Union with us." Sherry was referencing hanging with the Black students on campus. "But again, we can't hold that against her."
"I mean, she's trying to get into my organization, I want to know more about her, and not just what is on paper."
"She's a small-town girl and doesn't hang out much."
"I liked her," Jill shrugged, looking back at her notes. "Soooooo, we ready to vote?"
"Lark and Anika," Zavrina stated.
"Essence and Anika."
"Oh no, we are not about to do this," Jill shouted, standing. "I need y'all to be fair and impartial, not picking favorites."
"Be the tiebreaker," Zavrina told her.
"Not if I say, Lark and Essence, then it's a three-way tie!"
"And as Dean of Pledges, you get the final say-so," Zavrina said with a grin. "I hope we know what we are getting into with Essence."
A/N: I have pledged several lines as a student, an Alumni member, and also as the Advisor of my collegiate chapter. This is the most stressful time, on both sides.
I know readers who don't understand Greek life and pledging don't get it, but hang with me. This story is about so much more than this sorority. Leave a comment and hit the star for me!
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