The music was loud, it was also bad, as was typical of such parties. Precious thought of it only as a long stream of rhyming profanities. She never could understand the appeal the genre seemed to have, nor had she ever understood how anyone could get lauded for coming up with such drivel, albeit one that rhymed.
It was a good thing everyone was not like her she thought, else these so called artistes would not have had the chance to even get to being bankrupt as they’d not have even had bank accounts to begin with.
Out of curiosity, she’d tried listening to one of the songs hoping to hear what it was the others seemed to be hearing, but alas after five minutes, and half of another song, she come the obvious conclusion that such songs weren’t her cup of joe.
As the music continued playing, she looked around at the crowd and wondered again what she was doing in such a crowd, nor could she for that matter figure out how her twin had dragged her here. It was always like that though, Tina was the outgoing one with all the friends and admirers, while she was the reclusive book worm quite content with her solitude.
Despite her many friends, Tina had still been her best friend as well as sister. Always looking out for her, like she was now. She knew her sister meant well, but a man wasn’t her problem. She did not desperately need a man to fill any vacuum, she’d never been envious of those girls who clearly wanted her to be envious, as they flashed their ring finger every chance they got. She did not need a man, except maybe for procreation, and she’d told Tina she could have children for the both of them, that way her mother would have to end the ‘I want grand babies’ chant. Speaking of which, she wondered where her boisterous twin was, she didn’t know anyone at this party, the expression sticking out like a sore thumb did not come close to doing justice to how much she stood out in this crowd, and not in a good way either. She had tried to mingle, but had ended up making a mess of it, not by any conscious effort though, she just could not fit in with such a crowd. She found them as strange as they did her.
As she went about the house, looking for her sister, she came in contact with the one who had thrown the party.
“Ah kiki, I see you still haven’t discovered contraceptives,” precious said, smiling pleasantly at the lady, whose stomach was just beginning to protrude.
“Precious, it’s good to see you. Tina told me you’d be coming, but I did not believe her, this isn’t exactly your scene. But I’m glad you came.”
Fortunately, she did not seem to have heard her little quip there, good thing too, as that would have required a whole lot of pacifying. Kiki was not known to be particularly forgiving.
“I’m looking for my sister, do you know where she is?”
“I think I saw her at the back, check there.”
“Okay, thank you,” Precious said, proceeding to where she’d been directed to. On her way, she sidestepped a lip locked couple who will most certainly be tumbling in the sheets before the night is over if their moans were anything to go by. When she got to the back, it didn’t take long to spot her sister. Tina was standing in a corner, in deep conversation with a man, her hands were in his and it was in no way Platonic.
A rather large head, broad shoulders and standing at over six feet, the man was Brody. Brody had been Tina’s high school sweetheart, Tina’s first love. Everyone may not have liked them together, but every one had expected them to end up together. It had come as a surprise when after three years at the university Tina had introduced Michael as her fiancé. Precious thought it had been a pleasant surprise, especially for their father. He had immediately taken a liking to Michael, and one could easily see why. For one Michael didn’t have a tattoo on both of his arms, nor did he have the propensity for being impolite.
And now he was back, it did not bode well. Tina had a husband now, a good man. She should not be fraternizing with her ex. Precious thought, as she turned round and walked back inside. She did not want to interrupt whatever it is was that was going on, but she was certainly going to have words to say to Tina later.
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