༄ DUNECLAN cats ༄
NAME ― dahlialeaf.
REASON FOR NAME ―the golden color of his pelt reminded his mother of a dahlia flower. the suffix was from his duty as a medicine cat and his eye color.
AGE ― forty moons.
GENDER ― male.
CLAN ― duneclan.
RANK ― medicine cat.
SEXUALITY ― biromantic bisexual.
RELIGION? ― ten / ten.
large, silky golden-white tomcat with round, olivine eyes and long legs.
dahlialeaf is a large, broad-shouldered tomcat. his fur is a silky golden-cream tomcat, with some pale ginger stripes throughout his body. his fur is very soft to the touch and long, yet hard to groom, so little parts of his fur would be sticking upwards after a large wind would blow. his ears are large and pointed, and the fur inside acts as a 'tuft', and keeps the palish ears warm. his legs are long, though he is a little plump. his tail is long and curly, so it'll stay upwards when he walks, usually. he has a short muzzle yet long, extended face, and round, bright pale green eyes. they have yellow around his pupil when he goes into the light.
dahlialeaf is a joyful, bubbly tomcat. he is outgoing, loud, and always there for you when you need him; if it includes something for him. he means well and tries his best to impress others and do his best, and he loves rescuing others, helping others, and saving their lives. herbs are his thing, and he has an easy time connecting to nature and the cats around him. he has many man vs. society issues, and especially himself because he often doubts himself. he is usually calm, though can rev himself up when he wants to pursue something. overall, he is a nice cat to talk to when you need a conversation starter, though he can be ignorant to other's around him and their feelings. he tries to have a good self - esteem level, and likes to have other's backs with emotional support. he is a shoulder and paw to cry on if he's there at the time. while he is a medicine cat, he still likes to hunt when he has free time, due to the other medicine cat. he is slow-going, calm, and loves to connect with nature. he is a soft-speaker when not excited, and would rather be alone then with others. he is reflective of other's reactions, and can be a very childish cat when things remind him of his childhood. he can be snappy, rude, and unthoughtful in certain situations when he is really agitated, and can turn cynical and cold to the heart.
kind, thoughtful, loving, passionate, compassionate, flirty, wise in some situations, a shoulder to cry on, impressing, brave, courageous, calm.
calm, easily-impatient, ignorant in some situations, soft-speaker, childish, sensible, reflective.
cynical, cold, snappy, rude, arrogant, bragger, over-confident, loud, ignorant to his surroundings, emotional, cry-baby, exposing, terrible at secrets.
sun-bathing, being with small groups, sweet tastes, grooming himself, working with herbs and hunting, smelling the fresh air and taking walks through nature early in the morning or late at night, exploring the territory, letting the sand from storms hit his pelt.
being pushed around or picked on because of his 'ignorance' , not being able to catch prey or getting in trouble because he wasn't doing his job, letting the thoughts get to his head, feeling inferior, not seeing others smile or being happy, saltiness and getting too hot or cold.
dying, leaving his loved ones, and never finding out who his mother is.
MOTHER ― sweetfern.
Γ a fragile white she-cat with green eyes. ┐
( alive, unknown whereabouts. )
FATHER ― unknown.
SIBLINGS ― maplesilk.
Γ sleek golden-red tomcat with blue eyes ┐
( brother, alive, open for adoption. )
OTHER KIN ― hollyberry.
Γ black she-cat with pale green eyes. ┐
( foster-mother, alive, open for adoption )
KITS ― none.
dahlialeaf was born to a she-cat named sweetfern and an unknown tomcat. his mother never told him who his father was; or barely even spoke to him. when she found out that dahlialeaf and maplesilk were about to be born, she panicked. she was not ready for the pressure of having kits; so she gave them up to hollyberry when they were born, and left the clan, embarrassed that she had managed to have a tom from another clan's kits. dahlialeaf grew up with hollyberry, but she wasn't such a great motherly figure to him and maplesilk. growing up with himself mostly, he took on medicine cat, and through the hard times, helped other cats. one high point in his life would be helping and healing heatpaw; who he soon formed a bond with, unbeknownst to the other clancats or anyone else. he is still angry and dissapointed in his mother, but slowly starting to heal.
― dahlialeaf is allergic to catmint.
― he can't keep secrets for long.
― he has had a large romantic interest in only one cat.
― dahlialeaf's mother couldn't keep him because she had too much to deal with, and the stress was too much for her, so she handed him and his brother away and left.
― his theme song would be 'this isn't the end' , by owl city.
OTHER ― none.
NAME ― marigoldmask.
REASON FOR NAME ― she was birthed near a couplet of marigold flowers, and her thick pelt as a kit reminded her mother of the leaves. her pelt was. the -mask part came from the dark shading on the side of her eyes and the 'ticked-tabbiness' of her face.
AGE ― fifty-six moons.
GENDER ― female.
CLAN ― duneclan.
RANK ― wayweaver.
SEXUALITY ― bisexual.
RELIGION? ― four / ten.
marigoldmask is a thick-furred blue-grey she-cat with clear blue-green eyes and a smaller build.
marigoldmask is a thick-furred, sleek russian blue she-cat. her fur was thick and well-groomed, with a slight fluffy look to it, though it is short-furred. her fur looks almost ticked with smallish silver-grey flecks, and it gives off a tint to her face and the style of her pointed muzzle. her ears are large and small-framed, and she has long legs, with a small body-build and a well-muscled structure. she is fairly pretty, with long whiskers and round, clear pale blue eyes. around her iris there is slight pale sea-foam green tinting, and her tail is long and very skinny. her pelt smells of marigold flowers.
marigoldmask is a slow, easy-tempered she-cat. she is kind, nice, aloof, and very bubbly with cats in her own clan and others. she is always there for you when you need her, and even when you don't. she seems to be very ignorant with some tasks, but tries her best to figure things out. she isn't the best comprehend-er, but is intelligent and quick-minded in many situations, and puts her all into everything. she can be bipolar and switch her themes sometimes, but rarley does so. she can be tricky and mysterious, and loves fooling with others to have a laugh. she is articulate with her speaking, and makes herself known to others. she can be sarcastic, flirty, and an overall goof when she wants to, but really loves her clan and everyone around her. marigoldmask is hard to persuade to do something, but can get emotional, and holds a grudge for a very long time. she has slight ocd and likes to keep things organized. she would do anything for you once she forms a bond. she forms bonds with those who she likes, and although she may not seem like the type of cat to cut you out of her life, she would if she really had to. deep down, she won't tell you anything unless you are very close to her. she also loves nettlenose with all of her heart.
bubbly, funny, kind, generous, easy-tempered, intelligent, loving, compassionate, loves fooling around.
aloof, ignorant, needy, grudge-holding, persuasive, quick-witted, mysterious, sarcastic and flirty at times, bipolar.
tricky, manipulative, too emotional, grudge-holding for a long time, sarcastic and rude without knowing, likes to do things with others, clingy.
hunting, smelling, fighting through storms, rough weather, nice cats, staying warm and cuddling against others, making her nest every night and in the morning, having things perfect, watching the early morning sunrise everyday, looking into the sky to trace the stars, listening to the sounds of the forest, and purring.
fighting, rude cats, getting emotional over something small, others picking on her, doing her task wrong and getting in trouble, letting sand get in her eyes, berries, fish, getting distracted from the task at hand.
marigoldmask fears death. she doesn't have a big belief in starclan, so she thinks that when she dies, she won't go to starclan, and just become nonexistent. she also fears that one day, someone will break her heart.
MOTHER ― rainycanyon.
Γ a large blue ticked tabby she-cat with green eyes. ┐
( deceased from an ailment, starclan. )
FATHER ― sandrock.
Γ cream mackerel tabby tomcat with amber eyes. ┐
( deceased from drowning, starclan. )
SIBLINGS ― duskpaw.
Γ large, stocky grey tabby tomcat with green eyes. ┐
( deceased, killed by an adder, starclan. )
Γ large, dark brown & mixed tomcat with amber-yellow eyes. ┐
( alive, played by me)
OTHER KIN ― wheatwind.
Γ cream, scratchy she-cat with round brown eyes. ┐
( grandmother, alive, open for adoption. )
ROMANTIC INTEREST / CRUSH ― tanglestar. ( havencala- )
KITS ― expecting,
scorpionkit, darkkit, & dawnkit
born on a windy, rainy day inside one of the canyons from rainycanyon and sandrock, marigoldmask was soon alive. she and her brother duskpaw were always hanging out during their kithood and apprenticehood. while their mother and father didn't speak often, one day while sandrock and rainycanyon weren't watching duskpaw, he wandered off into the diamondback area, and was soon killed by an adder, a bite to his paw which spread through him. marigoldmask blamed her father and mother, and though she speaks to them and is nice to them, she will never forgive them. then, nettlenose was born, along with three other unknown kits. rainycanyon and sandrock were apparently not back together, so the father of nettlenose was unknown to marigoldmask. as a flood came on during their warriorshiphood, marigoldmask watched her father drown in a river on the side of their territory during so, and tried to help but failed. as she lived on and finally forgave herself and her parents, rainycanyon fell sick with a disease, and passed away, leaving only marigoldmask and nettlenose together, the two cats having to fight for themselves. somehow, she manages to keep a happy attitude; but death scares her now. she does not know about her half-sibling, or her dead half-sibling.
― her mother birthed her in a rainy canyon, hence her name as a coincidence.
― nettlenose is the polar opposite of marigoldmask, but she loves him still.
― her theme song would be ' young, dumb & broke' , by khalid.
― marigoldmask has had many previous flings with cats because she so easily falls in love head over toes.
OTHER ― none.
NAME ― nettlenose.
REASON FOR NAME ― his dark brown pelt reminded his mother of nettles, and the suffix nose is for his amazing sense of smell and leader-like personality, as a cat leads theirselves with their noses.
AGE ― exact age is unknown. around 36-39 moons.
GENDER ― male.
CLAN ― duneclan.
RANK ― warrior.
SEXUALITY ― heterosexual.
RELIGION? ― ten out of ten.
a large, dark brown-bronze tomcat with thick fur, broad-shoulders and muscles, and round, amber eyes.
nettlenose is a very large tomcat. he has dark brown, bronze, and tan colored tabby fur with pale amber-yellow eyes. his eyes are rather round, and he has huge ears, taking after his father. he is a dark brown tabby, with very thick fur and a very thick and large tail. he is very well muscled, and has broad shoulders and a good sized body. he is beefy and rather large for his breed. he has very long whiskers, and a slightly bigger muzzle with long legs, like his sister, and a sleek looking pelt, although thick. his markings resemble that of a tiger, and his nose holds a lighter shade of brown, as do the base of his ears. the tip and a little more of his tail is pure black, and he sheds fur a lot as well.
nettlenose is hard to understand. he can be happy one minute, and mad the next. some people used to think he was evil, but only because they didn't like his father. nettlenose is the only one who knows about his father, and tries to hide it from other people. he doesn't have bad intentions, but can sometimes become carried away in fights, and is overly confident. while he can be calm, nice, and cool with those he likes, as in his mate, towards others who he doesn't care for at all, he will lose his head and get angry. he is known to ramble on, and can be passive-aggressive. he gets mad easily, and is hot-headed, snappy, fiery, and grumpy. his whole aura is from his past, and the smallest things seem to irk him. deep down he really is a nice cat, you just have to show him and offer your trust. he was twisted into thinking things by his father, and some stuck. you kind of have to get to know him before you can judge him. he is protective, overprotective, and will do anything for the ones he loves because he can't bare to lose them. he is very cautious when around certain cats, so you must prove your loyalty to him. he holds grudges, and has never felt comfort in his life, because he was lied to, mentally abused by his father, and left out to be on his own. he describes his past as crude and terrible; and has carried on some of the traits he wishes he never did. nettlenose is trying to be a better cat, and has formed an unbreakable bond with his sister.
confident, sweet, kind at times, hopeful, tries to be optimistic, loving, compassionate, generous, calm and nice.
articulate, snappy, fierce, bold, hot-headed, grumpy, not trusting.
snappy, arrogant at times, cocky, overly protective, standoff-ish, courageous, cold at times, serious, stoic, revengeful,
he specifically likes the darkness, cold, and watching the sunset. he has always had an attraction to nature and things referring to it, whether it be real or not. He also loves fire and water, including the elements, and wishes he could swim.loves his family and would never stop loving them, except his father, and hunting. he loves the smell of autumn as well. he likes redpaw, being with other cats when needed, and kits as well. he loves kits, although he may not seem like the type.
staying in the sun or getting to hot. he holds a burning hate for his father, and also can't stand getting his pelt wet, even though he likes the water. cats staring and talking back irks him. he also despises his father, and wishes he died earlier than he did. nettlenose can not stand the smell of bugs, or being without food for too long.
he has cynophobia [ the fear of dogs ] and fears he will become like his father.
MOTHER ― rainycanyon.
Γ a large blue ticked tabby she-cat with green eyes. ┐
( deceased from an ailment, starclan. )
FATHER ― blizzardclaw.
Γ plump, buffed brown tabby with yellow eyes. ┐
( deceased, killed by nettlenose. )
SIBLINGS ― marigoldmask.
Γ thick-furred blue-grey molly with clear blue-green eyes . ┐
( alive )
OTHER KIN ― half-siblings, finchkit and maplepaw, deceased.
ROMANTIC INTEREST / CRUSH ― redsky. ( havencala- )
daisykit, canyonkit, coatikit, tigerkit, amberkit
nettlenose was born to a terrible, verbally obtuse father, yet a calm, loving mother. his father was always in a bad mood, slightly twisted in the mind, and always called his own son names, like ' weak ' , a ' foxheart ' , and things like that. rainycanyon did not know that his father was like this until after nettlenose was born, which she then found out. nettlenose, at the time nettlekit, would be scratched by his father, and forced to find out about the dark forest equivalent, because his father worked for them. when nettlenose grew older, almost to the age of an apprentice, his mother was pregnant with two other kits, finchkit and maplekit, from a different father. when blizzardclaw found out, he flipped on rainycanyon, and right when finchkit was born, he killed her, but missed maplekit because rainycanyon defended her, pretending to once again ' love ' him to save her kit. after rainycanyon died, he hid it from marigoldmask that he thought his father was the reason that she died. he never got along with his father, especially after what happened. he wishes death on him all the time, and when maplekit grew up to be maplepaw, nettlenose watched his own father kill her, leading her into a stream away from the territory. he could only watch, before making the move and killing his own, murderous father in front of his old best friend. nettlenose had to hide this all from marigoldmask, in fear she would reject him as a brother.
― his theme song would be "father" by the frontbottoms, or "silence" by khalid & marshmallow.
― he hates fish and cannot swim.
― nettlenose had a previous mate, named berryspeckle, but she called it off when she found out that nettlenose had his eyes on someone else.
OTHER ― none.
NAME ― kangaroopaw.
REASON FOR NAME ― he has very long legs and is very muscled.
AGE ― 11 moons.
GENDER ― male.
CLAN ― duneclan.
RANK ― warrior apprentice.
SEXUALITY ― bicurious.
" but, what if there are other gods besides us cats, y'know tom? "
long-legged, white tom with blonde & orange patches & green-blue eyes.
kangaroopaw is a very tall tom. he has thick fur, which makes him look shorter, but is taller than all of the other apprentices. he has a thick, silky white pelt with dark orange patches on his forehead, and lighter, cream-colored patches on the rest of his body. his whole tail is a blonde-cream color. he has round, very distinct eyes, which are a green-cerulean color, and look as if they could be broken like glass. around his pupil there are yellow-green rings as well. he has very long legs, and muscles hidden underneath his pelt, which can be seen when he walks. although he seems skinny and fit, he has a big gut, and is sort of chubby, but still in shape, and you can't see his stomach anyway because his fur hides it and makes him look skinny.
kangaroopaw is usually outgoing and overall fun to be around. he brings the fun and lightness to the party, and every cat in the clan swoons over him. he becomes the hot-shot easily, and tries to use his charming skills to sway others, and persuade them to give him things. he is energetic, and doesn't sleep a lot, always having energy, and is usually very loud and can be rather obnoxious. he often is seen as being happy or conceited. he brags about himself a lot, and can become very cocky when he is brought up in conversation, and can compare himself to others easily. while generally cool-toned and easy to get along with, he doesn't have many friends, although he is the hot-shot of the clan. certain cats who like him so much don't realize how he acts sometimes, and none of them ever want to stay. he is a sweetheart, and once he falls in love or forms a connection, he will be forever devoted to them, and do everything to impress them, and shower them with affection & attention. he is always cheerful, but sometimes he can become sulky and seemingly sad when something doesn't go his way or something bad happens. kangaroopaw is obsessed with justice & can be very protective of others once he forms bonds with them. although he is very easy to get along with, kangaroopaw has some issues with anxiety and forms self-conscious ideas about himself, about his weight, and about how he performs for the clan & what he does for them, thinking it is never enough; although he is generally never in one of those moods. he becomes clingy and needs attention even though he gives it a lot as well. kangaroopaw is aloof sometimes, and becomes flighty & out of it. he feels bad if he misses a time or promise, and can become snappy when others test him. he is arrogant at times, and is very gullible yet lovable, making him an easy target to manipulate.
outgoing, kind, gentle, humorous, easily lovable, a sweetheart, showers others with affection, compassionate, protective & loyal, cheerful, gay.
ignorant at times, unsensing, easily manipulated, blind to certain situations, possessive, clingy, sticks his nose into other's business, very energetic, conceited at times, loud.
cocky, arrogant, always wants justice and for things to be settled the right way, merciless, dumbfounded easily, and can be snappy and sulk a lot.
hunting & getting food for the prey pile, showering others with attention, curling his tail around others and curling it in the air ( a force of habit ), spring & summer, hot weather and the clan that he lives in, being dominant over submissive cats, being the winner, watching the sky change at night and counting the stars, sunsets and the color orange, the sounds that birds make, and eating.
kangaroopaw hates when others dont get the punishment they deserve, seeing others in his clan harmed or hurt in fights, ridgeclan cats and how cocky he thinks they are, being disobeyed or ignored, being proved wrong or beaten, rainstorms and siroccos, and water.
he fears seeing others hurt only.
Γ shaggy-furred orange tabby molly with green eyes. ┐
( unknown. )
Γwhite & cream tom with black patches & blue eyes. ┐
( unknown. )
Γstiff-furred orange tabby tom with green eyes. ┐
( deceased, unknown ailment. )
Γcream molly with blue eyes. ┐
( alive, open for adoption. )
ROMANTIC INTEREST / CRUSH ― soon, foxpaw? ( merakki-)
MATE / SIGNIFICANT OTHER ― none as of now.
KITS ― none.
BRIEF HISTORY ― to be announced.
― his theme song would be "middle child" j. cole or "every breath you take"
OTHER ― he is closeted bicurious & confused.
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