| Rules and Payment |
Be Nice:
Be nice and civil to everyone in here. No kind of uncivil acts will be tolerated her. Any kind of hateful or bashful comment will be deleted and the user will be blocked.
Give this book a shout out and add this book to your public reading list as it will help in the growth of my graphic shop.
No Shop Hopping:
Don't ask me to make a graphic if you have already requested the same in another graphic shop. It would be utterly disrepectful and I absolutely hate it.
Be Patient:
Don't message me continuously asking for the graphic once I have accepted your order. Please understand that I have a life ouside wattpad too so it might take me time to complete the order.
Completion of payment:
Once your order is accepted by me you have to complete the payment listed accordingly. If you ignore the payment or undo the payment once you recieve the graphic then you will be blacklisted and blocked by me.
Use the graphic made by me for atleast two weeks that is 14 days before changing. It had taken me a lot of time to edit the graphic and it would be a total wastage if you do not use it.
I will only accept the request of books which are published due to plagiarism issues. Password is your favourite song.
i. a permanent follow (never undo).
ii. credits on the description or on the 1st chapter of the book.
iii. vote on this chapter (so that I know you have read this chapter) and the chapter on which your graphic is posted (I can make sure you have collected the graphic).
iv. do read any one of my books.
a. Agami
b. Her Cursed Fate
c. Filhaal
d. His Vicious Love
(don't forget to leave a comment or vote in the book, so that I can know you have read the book)
v. fail to do any of the rules and payment mentioned above then you will be blacklisted and blocked by me.
Vip List
i. Jaexstyles
iii. dramalover1227
iv. lovelovisphilp
It's a thin line between all this love and hate.
And if you switch sides, you're gon' have to claim your place.
Black List
(as of now the list is empty and I hope this remains the same.)
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