Chapter two : dinner's served
Your POV
I wake up to see a blue fin. It shock the starfish out of me ! the fin started wagging at us. Amanda and me ran up the window. It disappeared into the shallow water. I was in shock , the house was not in the sea , the sea was in the house ! The water leaked into the house , about to reach to our room but it moved , entering the backdoor !!! Me and Amanda's eyes winded as we ran out the door to where the water was. We couldn't believe it...
A siren. Amanda was about to scream before I covered her mouth , keeping sure it was muffled. It turned to us and smirked , swimming close to us and we backed away , trying to find something to plug up our ears. It sang in a deep voice that me and Amanda were in resistant to. We couldn't control our body's as they forcefully were frozen. We struggled but Amanda's eyes turned deep purple like she's been under a spell ! I struggled to escape but she walked slowly to the creature. It looked like a male but it was odd , the other half was skeleton. I guess he was a siren before he died ? Maybe , just throwing theory's here. He smirk got wider and waited for me , as the sea went towards me!? The necklace I was wearing glowed and the sea surrounded me!!! HE HAD THE POWER OF THE SEA!? He swam near me and I was excited and scared. For one , IT'S A FRICKIN SIREN , WHO WOULDN'T BE SHOCK AND SCARED!? and second...OF MY FREAKING GOD , I KNEW THEY WERE REAL!!!! YAY , I GET TO FINALLY SEE ONE!!!! but...NOT WHEN IT'S GONNA DO SOMETHING CREEPY!!! ( lol , come down you crazy lady ! XDD ) It sang deep but it wrapped it tail around me , making me shiver. He sang a lil song that I remembered me and Amanda were singing... " come little children. " ( pretend its in a male voice )
It reached my head. I struggled but it turned my eyes bright purple as I started feeling dizzy. We followed him to the water but I started to reach my mouth. As my sight turned dark , then my world went black...
To be continued... ( THIS.IS.SPARTA!!!!! *kicks you off the edge of the cliffhanger )
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