9- I Want Justice
---- Thursday 3:10 PM ----
The brunette took a deep breath walking around the hospital. He needed to take a few busses to get here as it was quite far from his dormitory.
Trailing the halls, the determination coursed through his veins allowing his anxiety to skyrocket as the sterile smell and the cold, impersonal atmosphere surrounded him. But sucked it up as today was different, this was the weekly trip he always made to visit his dear best friend.
Clutching the flowers in his hands, he scanned the pale walls; he hated being here. Every time he had been in a hospital, it never felt inviting to him. A few years ago, he would constantly be in and out of hospital. His mind drifted to his past; the memories filled with fear, uncertainty and the heaviness of his own emotions threatening to show.
But he shook his head as today his heart felt light as despite the bleak circumstances, he had the opportunity to be there for his friend.
Reaching the right wing of the hospital he located the room. Outside the door, he took a deep breath, clutching the flowers close to his chest. Turning the handle to the door, he hesitated, seeing a silhouette in the room; he couldn't exactly make out the face, but he knew the hair and general demeanour as his good friend Eddie Kaspbrak. They had been close, but slightly drifted after Richie being placed here. Eddie never blamed Will for what happened to Richie, but it just happened as they moved to different schools.
The brunette didn't want to disturb their alone time, deciding to find a seat nearby to wait patiently. His leg bobbed up and down; anxiety from the surrounding areas filling him. He lowered his head, not to make eye contact with any passing nurses or doctors.
"Will?" A voice called
The brunette looked up, "Oh hey Eddie!"
"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while!" The neat boy grinned ear-to-ear taking a seat beside him.
"Yeah crazy, right?" Will smiled, nervously scratching the back of his neck still feeling guilty for everything.
"So, how's Hawkins college?" Eddie asked, genuinely curious.
"It's good... I guess" the brunette mumbled, "How's veterinary school?"
"It's the same as always... it's like normal nursing school but with cute pets!" The neat boy enthusiastically replied
"Well, I'm glad you like what you're doing!" Will grinned.
Suddenly Eddie changed the trajectory of the conversation, almost as if he was burning to ask this question, "Are you still getting revenge?"
Will was taken off guard by this comment, "I- how did you-"
"The news..." The neat boy cut off.
"It's not revenge... its justice!" Will whined
"But is it really?" Eddie asked
"It is... I'm sure of it!" The brunette avoided eye contact.
"Will..." Eddie's voice was soft, his words hinted urgency, "You need to stop this... it's not good for any of us! Not for you, not for me and not for Richie!"
"But-" The brunette attempted
"It isn't what Richie would want!" The neat boy passed a weak smile, "I know you're only getting revenge for the society who wronged him... and the man who wronged you, but this isn't the way to do it!"
"I can fix it!" Will answered quickly, fiddling with his fingers
"Oh, come on... you can't! Don't be a stubborn child Will!" Eddie advised, "Are you planning on killing everyone who does something wrong?"
"I can try!" The brunette mumbled
"You can't just walk around with a bazooka shooting all the bad people!" The neat boy joked,
"That's a good idea actually!" Will answered.
"Will... I'm being serious!" Eddie spoke calm, once again turning this conversation serious. "There is soo much more you can do... it's like you're missing out on your life"
"What?" Will furrowed his brows, offended by the notion, "I can't just forget my best friend!"
"I'm not telling you to forget him, I know I can't!" the neat boy passed a sympathetic smile, sighing, "What I am saying is your coping mechanism isn't healthy for you..."
Eddie spoke soft, continuing, "When we were little, you always wanted to move to college; have this whole college romance, fall in love with your roommate, go on dates, move to an art school, try different foods... I still want you to have all of that. But for that to work, you NEED to stop this revenge!"
"I guess my life has taken a different path..." Will grumbled
"But seriously..." The neat boy placed a hand on his shoulder, "Move on... please!"
Will remained stoic, feeling as a tear threatening to fall. Eddie reminding him of all his hopes and dreams sent a shiver within, he still wanted all of that, but his pursuit for justice was interrupting him; not to mention his own past experiences. That's when his thoughts cast back to Mike; poor Mike, he wanted to let him into his heart... but couldn't. Maybe if Will never trusted his ex, things would be different...? No, he knows it would be different.
But he wiped his face using a hand, not wanting to show any emotions, "I'm gonna go meet Richie!" the brunette said, standing from the seat grabbing the flowers.
"I'll wait here for you!" Eddie chirped
"Oh, no! It's really okay!" Will shook his hands around to illustrate his point.
"Will! I'm not letting you go back to your dorm with this murderer running around!" The neat boy chuckled knowing the real murderer was right in front of him.
"Fine... I'll be out in a while" The brunette sighed defeated.
"Take your time!" Eddie advised
Approaching the door, Will took a deep breath for the second time, preparing himself for the sight of his best friend lying motionless on the bed. The moment he entered, the machines surrounded the room; the sound, an endless cacophony of rhythmic beeps, dings and hisses: a constant reminder of the fragility of human life. But amidst it all, Will stepped close, finding some solace in the fact Richie wasn't dead... just unconscious and ready to wake up eventually.
He would come every week just to talk to Richie, even if he couldn't respond... it was his duty after all he had done to cause this. It should have been him in that bed unconscious; Richie should be allowed to be with his boyfriend as they frolic through the flowers, or whatever couples do.
He walked over to his bedside, noticing the vase of flowers was filled with a fresh bouquet already; someone had placed them today. Looking outside knowing it was Eddie who brought the flowers; always bringing Richie's favourite. A soft smile passed his face as he took a seat on the chair by his side, scooting closer.
The beeps of the machines and the pulses of the heart rate monitor grew. Will began speaking softly, sharing stories, memories among other silly anecdotes, hoping his friend could hear. He spoke of old games they used to play, as well as newly released video games; mentioning ones he knew Richie would like. It was a one-sided conversation but being in the same room made him feel at peace in the hospital environment.
As time passed the brunette found himself opening up, "If you could speak, you'd probably ask why I'm wearing this silly scarf..." Will chuckled allowing time for a response that would never come. "It's because yesterday, I got hurt, like really bad!" he continued, his voice filled with sadness, "I got strangled and it reminded me of... well, you know who!" The brunette thought back to his ex, with a sombre expression.
"But don't worry because I made a new friend... Erica! She saved me just like you did!" Will looked down at his trembling palms, carrying his hand over to place it on Richie's shoulder, "She reminds me of you in a lot of ways! Well, she is less dirty minded I guess!" he chuckled with a painted face.
Will's fingers gently traced the marks on his neck as he spoke; a mix of pain and reflection, "But you know what else happened this week? Mike, my roommate... he asked me out," He confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't find the words to say yes, Richie. I was scared; so very scared..." A shaky sigh escaping as he grasped his emotions.
"I like Mike, I really do." He continued, his voice wavering, "But what if he's just like... 'HIM'?"
"I guess that's a stupid question because, Mike's completely different! Well, first of all he isn't eight years older, and he always cares for me!" Will looked down at his hands, hesitating for a moment. "Should... should I give him a chance? If I asked Eddie, he'd tell me to go for it!"
"Maybe Eddie's just right; it's all a bunch of bullshit anyway..." The brunette sighed, "All this justice-revenge bullshit, it's taking everything from me..."
Will leaned closer, "But Mike's been so patient and understanding with me... he waits for me until I get home because he worries, and he asks me if I've eaten, and about my day!" he giggled, a soft smiled placed on his lips; one he hadn't felt in a long time.
"I wish you would wake up..." he sighed, "You'd know what to do, you always do!". The minutes ticked by. Every time he was here, he felt all his anxiety washing away; surprisingly the place he hated the most, was his favourite with his best friend by his side.
With a final breath, the brunette whispered, "Thank you Richie. For being here, no matter what state you're in..."
Slowly rising from the chair, Will took one last look at Richie, his smile full of sadness. He left the room, a slight aching in his heart. He wanted to bawl out crying but never felt comfortable with weeping in front of others. He was conditioned to think that way ever since... the incident.
Eddie promptly jumped from his sitting position passing a small grin as they walked together in silence. The void filled the air; the hospital visit hung heavy in Will's mind, and it was apparent to everyone, including Eddie, who respected the brunette's need for quiet.
As they settled into the car the aura carried with them, continuing for the whole ride until they reached the dormitories. The air held a heaviness, but the understanding between them was shared as Eddie broke the void; his voice soft and caring, filled with empathy, "Take all the time you need Will. I'm here for you... no matter what!"
The brunette nodded, hearing the words come out his mouths relieved him, always worrying that the neat boy hated him for technically putting his boyfriend in that comatose state, "Thank you Eddie!" Will finally whispered, his emotions spiralling as he left the car raising a hand to the air.
The moment Eddie left, the gut retching feeling he felt within him lingered; the solitude of the elevator ride overpowered all his senses; moving on autopilot. Upon reaching his floor, he walked down the familiar halls, the ones he's travelled multiple times.
Fumbling with his keys he turned the handle, pushing the door open; instantly hearing the roar of laughter and music spilling out from the living room. He scrunched his face; he could hear Mike's friends' excitedly joke with one another.
Feeling emotionally drained, Will simply raised his hand in acknowledgement, quickly passing the living room with his gaze fixed to the floor. He could feel eyes on him, but didn't care, continuing to his bedroom as his own thoughts threatened to overwhelm him.
In his bedroom, the muffled sound of hyper adults blared from the living room. The brunette slumped to the floor leaning against the frame of his bed, bringing his knees to his chest. Plugging his earphones to let music fill his void, he created a temporary shield to the turmoil he felt.
The brunette buried his head deep into his arms, finding a calming aura with the melodies being produced. It was in that moment when Will felt a presence enter his room; from the corner of his eye, it was Mike settling by his side.
The ravenette could sense the weight of Will's emotions, and wanted to do whatever he could to help his friend, even if he was rejected a few days ago. Mike took one of the earplugs out the small boy's ear, placing it in his own; a few minutes passing in this way.
Suddenly, to lift the mood, Mike spoke, "Who is this?"
"Its Mitski!" Will whispered, his eyes half closed
"She sings very slow!" Mike scrunched his face
"I know... its cathartic!" The small boy smiled
"I don't like it!" The ravenette jokingly crossed his arms, "It's way too slow!"
"Well don't say that in public..." The brunette joked, "The Mitski stans will come for your head!"
"Really?" Mike deadpanned
"Yep, really!" Will rolled his eyes,
The silence returned; this time it felt intense, both having thoughts they couldn't tell one another.
"Is everything okay? I mean because you came in looking very sad and I didn't mean to intrude, but I wanted to help," The ravenette rambled.
The brunette softly smiled, "I just came back from the hospital!"
"For your neck?" Mike squinted his eyes
"To meet my friend... He's- He's in a coma." The small boy explained
"Is that what the flowers were for? I'm soo sorry for getting annoyed- I didn't kn-" The ravenette struggled to find the right words to apologise.
"It's fine Mike!" Will cut off, looking down at his trembling hands, "I don't like telling people. It just makes them feel bad for me"
"I won't treat you any different!" The tall boy promised
"I know... I know!" the small boy whispered, closing the distance and gently resting his head on Mike's shoulder. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he savoured the warmth and comfort; one he only felt from his closest companions; it felt right and natural. "I wish it could always be like this... I don't want to leave my room."
"I'm not complaining!" The ravenette softly uttered, their heartbeats synchronising.
"Mike..." Will whispered, his voice barely above a breath, "I'm sorry..."
"What for?" The tall boy asked
The brunette answered, "Having to deal with me all the time; like coming home late and stealing your snacks."
"And I'd still choose you to be my roommate..." The ravenette softly giggled.
Eddie's voice echoed in his mind; reminding him to not hold on so dearly to the past... he needed to make the first step forward, "Mike?" Will lifted his head, his gaze fixed on the boy by his side. And then without hesitation, the brunette tilted his head upwards pressing his lips against Mike's.
2499 Words
I am said Mitski stan <3 (Respectfully)
Stay Safe <3
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