5- Here Comes The Popo
---- 9:06 PM ----
All sound was muffled as the brunette rushed home; he couldn't think, he couldn't breathe. It felt as though his whole world would come crashing down within a matter of a few minutes. He didn't know what this was about... obviously he had an idea; it was about the murders he's been committing, but the question lingering on his mind is... which murder?
Will kept his eyes out the car window, covering his mouth worried he might snap at the next person who talks to him. The car ride was sombre; Robin and Steve exchanged glances, offering to stay by Will's side the whole time. They knew something must be wrong, but what? They had been so careful; never been linked to any of their escapades before. Did something go wrong? Erica didn't know what to do; this was her first year at college, and although she was a bit terrified for the brunette, she was ready to cuss an officer if they so much as cast Will in a suspicious light.
The presence of police kept the small boy on edge. No, he didn't like nor respect the police after what they did to his best friend, but he was still scared of them using... less then ethical practises to coax a confession and attain a false testimony... he knew it all too well.
His pounding heart felt a mix of fear and confusion, the urgent call from Mike only placed his pulse higher, hearing the terror in his voice.
The apartment came into view; the cop car parked carelessly outside the building blocking the way for the population on their daily commute. Steve parked the car into the student parking lot. Together, they rushed up the stairs as the elevator took too long; they needed answers and the needed them now; huffing up the last flight with the others right behind him.
Entering the room, Will found Mike waiting anxiously by the entrance pacing around in circles and biting his nails. "Where have you been?" The ravenette whispered approaching closer.
"Sorry, traffic!" The small boy lied; a wave of anxiety washing over. Two police officers stretched out on their couch; exchanging a glance with his friends. Their mere presence filled the room with a thick tension. Suddenly, one of the officers slowly turned, pushing himself up with a grunt to stomp over to the small boy.
The officers stood over him, one a stocky man and the other a thin woman with a crooked nose. "Are you William Jacob Byers?" the man asked
The brunette nodded, his voice slightly trembling; not from them, but the things they could do. "Yeah... that's me. W-what's going on?"
"I'm sorry Mr Byers, but we can tell you alone!" The lady officer answered professionally
"Alone?" Mike blinked
"Thats a bunch of bull!" The youthful girl stepped forward, ready to call them out.
"Erica!" Steve gritted through his teeth, knowing her hot temper would only escalate the situation, attempting to grab her backpack to pull her backwards.
"Excuse me?" the male officer asked.
"Don't mind her officer!" Robin nervously chuckled never being one good at social interaction.
"And who are you?" He asked
"I'm Robin, I'm a friend of Will's" The blue-eyed girl rambled
"Okay 'friend of Will'!" He mocked, "We need to take Will for questioning!"
"Why? You can't just take him without telling him what he's being questioned for!" Steve argued
"Yeah!" The youthful girl joined in, "He doesn't know his rights!"
"Fine... there's been a murder and we need to ask some questions!" The man sighed defeatedly.
The brunette nodded, a knot forming in his stomach realising the gravity of his accusation; sure, it was true but getting convicted didn't make things any less scary. In fact, the prospect was even more terrifying; if he got caught and they found evidence to pin the blame on him; he would definitely face the harshest punishment...
"That's still bullshit!" The youthful girl crossed her arms.
"Erica... it's fine!" The brunette stopped her, placing a hand to the air, "We can talk in my room!" Will didn't feel safe allowing these buffoons into his room, but he had no choice. They wanted to speak to him alone, and it was one of the only rooms with four walls... and it was better than discussing murder in the bathroom.
Leading them to his room, the door slowly shut behind him; small murmurs could be heard from the other side of the door as Will attempted to retain composure. Taking a deep breath, he was ready to deny any accusations they throw his way. When he was younger, his mother said he would dream of becoming an actor; in the back of his mind that would be amazing but... it seemed a lot further every single day... Being famous would just lead to rumours and accusations; some of which may be true.
He placed a sympathetic look on his face; keeping his cool. He was not prepared to loosely give up any information. He sat on the bed as the two officers loomed over him; standing to the side.
The officer shot an accusing glance, ready to release a barrage of questions, focusing on the whereabouts and potential involvement in the case they were investigating. Out his bag, he pulled out a photo holding it to the air. "Do you know this man?
The brunette fidgeted his fingers, scanning the photo. Instantly recognising it... it was Eric Braxton, the man he murdered yesterday; how did they link him to this? He didn't leave any evidence, and wasn't reckless. "He looks familiar... but I don't know who he is!" he lied
"Well, this man was brutally murdered yesterday!" He announced
"Oh..." Was all the brunette uttered in reply; of course, he already knew this information, "What does that have to do with me?"
The officer sighed, asking his own question, "Are you familiar with the name Eric Braxton?"
"Eric Braxton? Eric Braxton?" Will pretended to ponder, repeating the name as though it was on the tip of his tongue. "No... I don't think so!"
"He was your tutor! You don't know?" one of the officers asked, suspiciously raising an eyebrow.
"I don't have a tutor!" The brunette scrunched his face.
"Yes, you do... we saw the texts between the two of you on Friday!" The woman retorted.
Suddenly Will knew what he had forgotten this time. His eye flinched but he retained a steady heartbeat; not showing any emotion. "Ohh... that was him?"
"Yes, it was!" the woman spoke
"Listen kid, we know someone like you couldn't have done this crime!" The man pointed at Will's body, indicating that the reason he couldn't have committed the crime was due to his proclaimed 'small' size. It honestly didn't make sense considering he was physically strong and at the very least average height but also due to his 'feminine' mannerism; homophobic pricks...
But knowing this was no time to argue, the small boy remained tight-lipped allowing the stocky man to continue. "We just want to know if you saw anything that night?"
"I didn't! I told you; I didn't see him... I was supposed too, but decided not to last minute!" Will retorted, trying to prove himself without casting suspicion.
"Why's that?" The woman remarked, poise to write in her pad.
The brunette hesitated for a moment; could he really say what Eric was really like? Well at least it would be like a 'told you so' moment, "... from what I've heard, he was interested in... younger men and woman!"
"How young?" The man asked, scrunching his face.
"High schoolers..." Will stretched his words.
"Eric Braxton? I don't believe it!" The woman crossed her arms over her chest, denying the notion entirely, "He was an asset to the community, these baseless rumours are tarnishing his good name!"
Will knew it! Of course they didn't believe him... why would they? They've failed him once, and they only did it again. It's not like anything could persuade them.
The man gave no answer, but the brunette could see the look on his face; he didn't believe what Will just said as he continued talking, exchanging a short glance with his partner, "That will be all for now Mr Byers!"
The officers swung the door open, loud shuffling and groans could be heard from the other side. "What are you guys doing?" the officer asked.
Will jumped up standing in his bedroom doorframe. Covering his mouth to hide a chuckle, seeing all his friends -including Mike- on the floor, probably pushed by the force of the door swinging open. It was quite clear what they were doing; they were eavesdropping; their ears probably pressed against the door, straining to catch snippets of the conversation.
"Umm..." The four on the floor hobbled to their feet not knowing what to do, "I umm lost my earing!" Robin nervously chuckled, an unconvincing smile on her face.
"Yeah, we were looking for her earing!" Steve added, trying to back up her point.
Erica facepalmed. She could say something, but guessing this probably wasn't the best time to make a joke, she fought against it.
"We'll get going then! Thank you for your cooperation, Mr Byers!" The officers quickly stomped out the apartment.
Immediately the front door slammed closed as the group took a collective deep breath; A few seconds passed before the friends' asked questions. Mike seemed very on edge, before just walking off to his room without any rhyme or reason.
"What's with him?" Steve motioned
"I have no clue!" The brunette scrunched his face, shrugging his shoulders.
---- 10:50 PM ----
Will and his three friends relaxed for a while, using the living room as a communial hang out spot, but eventually his friends had to leave. Hearing grumbles from the youthful girl as she looked down at her watch.
"Ugh, I have to get home before my dorm's Robo-cop locks me out!" Erica complained
"We'll get you home!" Steve stood up with Robin by his side, bidding farewell as they made their way out the apartment. Waiting in the doorway, Will waved over slowly closing the door behind them.
He then decided to knock on Mike's bedroom door, notifying him of his friends' departure,
Knock! Knock!
"Umm... Mike?" Will called, "My friends have gone, so you can leave your room now!" but hearing no response in return, the brunette shrugged walking back to his own bedroom.
However, Mike gathered his courage seizing the opportunity of being alone to rush out his room, "Will!" the ravenette called, making the small boy turn around slightly raising his eyebrows surprised by the urgency in Mike's voice.
"I know that you are innocent!" The ravenette proclaimed confidently.
That's a bold claim... and a very incorrect one, but the brunette needed to act innocent, "What?"
"About- about the police accusing you... I know that you would never do such a thing" The tall boy stammered his words, his eyes flashing with relief and concern.
"Really...?" Will mumbled as he knew the truth of the situation.
"The thing is... I just realised I could have lost you!" Mike continued
"Lost me?" the brunette furrowed his brows
"Yeah! It's just that... that guy got murdered, right? And if you went there that night... would that have happened to you?" The tall boy couldn't comprehend the words coming out his mouth, he didn't like to think about Will being attacked by the murderer, but to him it was a grave possibility.
"I don't think you have to worry about that!" Will chuckled at his own joke, knowing he wouldn't be a target for his own rampage.
"It's not funny Will!" Mike snapped
"Geez... Sorry!" The brunette mumbled, raising his hands to the air.
"I can't stand the thought of losing you!" the ravenette blurted, "You're my friend! We've lived together for over two years and... if I let you go one day and you didn't come back then..." struggling to finish the words he wanted to say, his throat closed up. The words came from his heart; not only because of his crush on Will, but the close friendly relationship they shared.
"Mike I-" The brunette started.
"Wait!" The tall boy cut off, "I've been contemplating in my room. I told myself I would say what I want before it's too late..."
"What?" Will questioned, scrunching his face
"Will... I- I like you!" The ravenette turned a reddish hue, "I was wondering if you wanted to date... me!" the words now lingering in the air; a palpable tension surrounding them.
A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Will's face, he knew he needed to give an answer, "No..."
2122 Words
Stay Safe <3
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