3- Indian Food
---- Saturday 12:12 PM ----
"I'M HUNGRY!!" Max whined, laying her body down and placing her head in El's lap, sprawled across the couch, stretching her legs.
The group sat inside of Mikes dorm. The place was the designated hangout as it was the cleanest and somehow the largest of all the friends' apartments. No matter If they all lived in the same accommodation building; the room the ravenette had was obviously better. Mike and the two girls sat on the big couch while the two boys sat on the floor watching tv.
Max's legs stretched into the ravenette's lap, scrunching his face, "Excuse me, get THOSE away from me!" Mike mocked playfully, pointing at her legs "Get your feet away from my private circle; they smell like skater!"
"How dare you?" The redhead argued, "That is no way to treat a lady!" joking dramatically
"I don't think you smell!" The doe-eyed girl simply uttered playing with the redhead's hair.
"See El agrees with me!" Max retorted
"That's because she can't smell them from over there!" Mike rolled his eyes
"Why you little sh-" The redhead sat up ready to pounce
"Children! Children!" Dustin called exchanging a look with Lucas who clapped his hands together, eventually getting everyone's attention. "Can we stop this incoherent bickering, because I'm starting to agree with Max!"
"See!" the redhead defended herself, crossing her arms
"Not about your smell, that's a completely different issue which I make no comment about!" The curly haired boy remarked giggling, seeing the girl raise her fist threateningly, "I'm talking about my extreme hunger! I am literally withering away!"
"Damn! Maybe we should let it happen if you're gonna be that dramatic!" Lucas whispered, shaking his head.
"I hear the sound of haters! I wonder where that is coming from?" Dustin placed his hand to his ear in a jocular manner, coming closer to the athletic boy.
These where Mike's friends, nicknamed 'the party'. The lively group being close since they were babies in diapers; well, not literally but they like to believe it. They all had similar interests and cared for one another deeply; being tightknit. Nothing could tear them apart; no one was ever allowed to join the group, unless they had proven themselves worthy in one way or another.
Mike zoned out, hearing the amusing banter from his friends continue as they choose a place to order food from; always a daunting task for the group who had various tastes; some liked spice; others didn't. El didn't dare eat any meat that had bones, Dustin was allergic to what seemed like everything and Max was a vegetarian. Lucas was the most lax with his choices, eating anything as long as it tasted good- Mike would like to say he was the same, but honestly struggled with extremely spicy food.
Suddenly his attention turned behind him, noticing Will dressed in a casual outfit; a white jumper paired with light blue pants. He was neatly dressed as always, even wearing his reading glasses out in public. The brunette appeared eager and ready to head out, a bright shimmer in his eyes; the way he carried himself with a little prep in his step!
Curiosity peaked; Mike called out, "Hey Will!" shocking the small boy, "Can you help us?" motioning him to approach close.
"Umm... okay?" the brunette pulled a confused expression but decided to help with whatever. All of Mike's friends turned to face the small boy; he's known them for a long time and would say they were on pretty good terms, but doesn't spend time with them on account of his... quests. One by one they all waved exchanging pleasantries with the brunette, "Hey Dustin, Lucas, Max and El!" pointing at each of them to prove he remembered them.
"Hey Will!" the girls cooed in unison stretching the name, loving to playfully embarrass the small boy.
The brunette shook his head, rolling his eyes with a dumb smile, "What do you need help with?"
"We don't know what to eat... do you have any suggestions?" Lucas questioned.
"Oh... Umm how about Indian food?" Will proposed in full seriousness as that was always his go-to choice
"Oh that's... a great idea!" Mike answered, nervously knowing that he couldn't deal with spicy food, "Anything specific you had in mind?" hoping the choice was something on the tamer side.
"Well if you're getting Indian food, you should probably get something with extra chilli peppers; to get the full experience!" the brunette smiled bright resting his elbows on the back of the couch, the party exchanging glances liking the idea, while the ravenette had a troubled look on his face.
Quickly, Will giggled, unable to continue with this ruse for too long, "Geez Mike! I'm just kidding! You think we've lived together for two years, and I wouldn't know your dislike for spicy food!" playfully ruffling the ravenette's hair, "You can still get Indian food; there is this one place in the mall called Masala Hut! Robin's always talking about how good it is!"
"Speaking of Robin..." The brunette continued his rambles checking his watch, "I need to get going!" Patting the tall boy on the head before turning to the shoe racks. Sitting on the stool beside the door, he attempted to wear his outdoor shoes, tying the shoelaces.
Mike sunk into his seat; a small reddish hue forming on his face. He bit the bullet standing up, his friends raised their eyebrows in confusion and ignoring their curious gazes, he hurried over, "...Do you want to join us? Like for lunch?"
"Oh shoot! I wish I could... I already have plans today, maybe next time!" Will answered jumping up from the stool, passing a sympathetic smile before checking his keys and phone, ready to turn the handle of the entrance door.
Although disappointment was evident within Mike, that didn't stop the worry within him, "Will...?" He called
"Hmm?" the brunette turned around, letting his grip from the handle go.
"I just... umm wanted to tell you to be safe out there! And if you do come back late, please text me, alright?" The ravenette urged, concern lacing his words.
Will, suddenly taken aback by Mike's soft voice and caring demeanour, nodded awkwardly. "Sure Mike! I'll let you know!"
"Promise?" The ravenette added.
"I promise!" The brunette playfully repeated, "Now I do really need to go! BYE GUYS!" He said waving to the rest of the group, hearing them call back; his voice quietened, "I'll see you later Mike, Bye and yes I'll text" continuing on his way out the apartment and down the hall disappearing.
Mike sighed rejoining his friends. They couldn't help but notice the sudden change in behaviour; the soft gentle voice, the slouched down shoulders to reach the brunette's eyes and the casual lip glances he gave. "Okay! What the HELL was that?" Lucas began the questioning, saying what all of them wanted too.
"What was what?" Mike threw his hands in the air.
"You were acting weird!" Max answered as everyone turned to look at her, "Oh come on... we were all thinking it!" rolling her eyes
The ravenette initially brushed off their inquiries, trying to play it cool, "I was just making sure Will is safe, you know all the murder going on!"
But his friends weren't convinced. El rolled her eyes, scrolling through her phone to a picture she took a few seconds ago; one of Mike talking to Will. "Then explain this?" she confidently added
"Oh my God!" Max covered her mouth stifling back a laugh, "You've got heart eyes!"
"No, I don't!" The ravenette complained
"Oh, come on Mike! We've known you for years; it's clear there is something going on" Dustin raised an eyebrow,
The ravenette knew he was unable to fool his friends for any longer. Besides, they wouldn't give up until they got a logical answer. He sighed hesitating... was he really going to say this? Well better now, than later, "Fine, you've got me! I have a little crush on Will!" He confessed, his cheeks turning slightly red.
His friends exchanged glances with one another. All excited; the grin simultaneously growing on their faces and bursting with questions, but not wanting to be the first to speak.
"Well, I guess there is only one thing we can say... THANK FUCK!" Lucas exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, "It's about time you figured it out!"
"Excuse me?" Mike blinked.
"Not to be a bitch..." Max looked both ways continuing her words, "But like... we already knew!"
"HOW!" The ravenette questioned
Max exchanged a glance with El, beginning to speak, "Me and El have just been noticing some... compelling factors!"
"I'm not that bad!" Mike crossed his arms
"HA! You think?" The redhead mocked.
"Anyway..." El cut off, her tone gentle and full of support. "I honestly think you should go for it! Will is an amazing guy... I think you'd be a cute couple!" audibly cooing.
"Hell yeah!" Dustin added, nodding in agreement already clapping.
"NO! No way!" the ravenette reinforced
"Come on Mike! You deserve to have a boyfriend! Don't let fear hold you back!" Lucas supported
"Think about it: the worst he could say is no!" Dustin explained
"It's not that! It's just that he is my roommate, what if I ask him out and it gets weird?"
"You've lived with him for like over two years; I don't think one confession will make things awkward, and besides... maybe he likes you back?" The athletic boy reasoned.
"...Like's me back?" The ravenette repeated under his breath; with a small smile on his face, he decided to attempt it. Their words of encouragement filled his heart, filling him with new found determination. His friends just wanted to genuinely see him happy.
Maybe he could do it... All he needed was a sign
1651 Words
A little cute chapter
Stay Safe <3
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