17- Would You Tell Me If You Love Me?
---- 6:54 PM ----
Will slowly stirred awake; apparently at some point he had fallen asleep. The feeling of a soft blanket flooded his senses; it wrapped his body swaddled with plush as he felt the cushioning of the pillow beneath his chestnut hair. Slowly raising himself to an upright position, he blinked, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Scanning the room, he felt completely disoriented; what day was it? And what time was it?
Confusion clouded his mind; it dawned on him that Mike was nowhere to be seen. He attempted to recall what had happened as he placed a hand on his throbbing forehead. His head pained, a headache swirling in his mind. He remembered dozing off on the couch, with his head in Mike's lap providing safety and assurance. But where did Mike go? And how did he end up in a cozy blanket and pillow?
Just as thoughts started to spin, the sound of the front door caught his attention. The brunette turned his gaze toward the entrance feeling his heart skip a beat; as the jingle of keys filled the quiet room, the door swung open revealing the ravenette, a warm smile illuminating his face.
Mike hobbled in the door, carrying a plastic bag filled to the brim with Tupperware containers. The fragrant aroma of food filled the air; the smell making Will's stomach rumble with anticipation. His confusion instantly dissolved, replacing with mix and delight.
"Hey there sleepyhead!" the ravenette greeted, his eyes sparkling with affection; his voice low and gentle, "Sorry I left without saying anything! You looked soo cute while sleeping!" a soft chuckle graced his lips.
The small boy curled his lips into a smile, "What's that?" he asked, gesturing to the bag.
Mike placed the bag on the table as he walked over to the couch extending a hand to Will. "It's Indian takeout! You seemed sad, so I thought I'd get your favourite!" he softly chuckled.
The brunette smiled tenderly, his heart swelling with gratitude. "Oh Mike! I can't believe you remembered!" accepting the hand to be hoisted up.
"We've been dating for a year Teacup!" the ravenette jokingly rolled his eyes, leading him to the table "Of course I remember!"
As they sat down Mike prepared the table. They indulged into the flavourful food sharing laughter, Will smiled, almost as though the events of the past disappeared. It was moments like these when he felt loved...
The Indian food provided a burst of flavour, tickling their taste buds. It was clear the food was a bit spicy for the taller boy, but he would never admit it! "Do you like the food?" Mike breathed blowing air into his mouth to alleviate the burning feeling.
"Yeah!" Will bashfully uttered, "How's your spice problem?"
"Spice problem? There's no spice problem!" Mike tried his best to remain calm.
"Sure thing bebs!" The brunette jokingly rolled his eyes, "We both know this is too much spice for you!"
"I guess you could see right through me, huh?" The ravenette chuckled.
"Thank you by the way... for everything!" Will reached out, his hand finding Mike's over the table; he brought the hand to his lips to plant a small kiss on his knuckles before letting go. Even after a year of being together, the butterflies never ceased to exist, making their hearts flutter.
As they finished their meal, the small boy felt a lot lighter; his demeanour changing drastically. the worries and confusion from earlier dissipating as they stood in the kitchen, washing dishes and clearing the table.
Will picked up a plate and nudged Mike with his elbow. "You know..." The brunette teased, a mischievous glint in his eye as he washed the dishes, "You're not too bad as a dishwashing partner!"
The ravenette grinned, grabbing a towel to dry the freshly washed plates. "Is that so? I have many more hidden talents!" he winked.
Will chuckled, pretending to inspect the plate carefully to hide his blush, "I like the sound of that!"
"Do you?" Mike dried the last dish, feeling a surge of affection for his boyfriend. He set the dish to the side stepping closer, sneaking up on him with a mischievous smile. He leaned closer without warning, unleashing a playful flurry of kisses onto Will's cheeks and forehead.
"Ahh Mike!" the brunette giggled, shocked by the action but he couldn't help but feel a bright blush exploding within, "I need to finish cleaning!" bursting into laughter as his heart filled with pure delight. He squirmed and giggled, attempting to dodge the playful onslaught of kisses. Each peck was soft, filled with affection and an undeniable sense of joy.
Amidst the echo of laughter and gentle clinks of dishes, the playfulness continued as the small boy's cheeks flushed a rosy hue "I surrender, I surrender!" Will exclaimed between fits of laughter, trying to catch his breath. "You win!"
Mike stopped, stepping back as his eyes sparkled with adoration, "I guess I got a bit carried away..."
The brunette's laughter subsided, replaced by a genuine and warm smile. He reached out, taking Mike's hand in his own. "Don't worry, I liked it!" as he slowly tiptoed kissing the ravenette on the nose. "That's revenge!"
A soft blush tinted the taller boy's cheeks as his face produced a clumsy smile, "If I knew that was revenge... I would have done that more often." Mike stood behind Will placing his chin on the small boy's shoulder, every once-in-a-while, planting a kiss on Will's cheek while wrapping both arms around his waist.
"You're such a dork sometimes!" The brunette chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes.
"I'm your dork!" The ravenette tightened his hug from behind.
"Well, I guess that's why I love you!" the words escaped Will's lips, his heart stopping as he realised what he said; he had been dating Mike for a year and let slip his deep affection. However, when he felt the ravenette's hands loosen from his waist, the brunette panicked, turning around.
Mike had a stunned expression; he said no words stumbling backwards. He retreated to his bedroom leaving the small boy feeling confused and hurt in the kitchen. Will questioned whether he had said something wrong, or if he misread their stage in the relationship. Self-doubt crept into his mind, casting shadows on the love he thought they built together...
---- Next day: Monday 5:54 PM ----
As the next day came, Will continued his day as normal; well, as normally as he could. He went to all his lessons and now stood in the kitchen as his boyfriend laid on the couch. The brunette looked down at his promise ring, nervously fidgeting. His mind cast to the previous night in his room; he was alone and lost in thoughts. He and Mike had not talked since the accidental confession; the silence was deafening, amplifying his doubts and insecurity. He longed for clarity, a resolution if they had to mend their relationship or end it altogether.
He looked like death, his eyes where sullen due to a sleepless night; it wasn't the reaction he anticipated when he thought he would express his true feelings of love; they were dating for fuck's sake and Mike definitely showed a lot of interest in him... did the ravenette not like him anymore?
Unable to bear the weight of everything, Will's phone rang, interrupting the heavy silence. He glanced at the screen, seeing Robin's name flash. He took a deep breath, bringing the phone to his ear, "Hey!" He spoke; his voice quiet as always.
"Hi Will!" The blue-eyed girl spoke from the other side, her voice chirped. "We're outside your apartment building! Hurry up!" she chuckled, "Erica is already in the car!"
"Yeah, hurry up Nerd!" The phone crackled as the youthful girl mocked from the other side.
"Yeah, yeah!" The brunette sighed, "I'm on my way!" and with that he switched off the phone. He knew his friends were waiting for him to meet someone else from Will's past before they went for Billy... he hoped it would be helpful.
Despite his lingering sadness, he wished the change of scenery and short time with his friends would change his mood or at least distract him for a while. He looked over at Mike who sat on the couch; softly he said, "I've got a call from Robin... they want to hang out so I'm gonna join them, okay?"
The ravenette's response was a simple nod, an unreadable expression; Will felt his heart sink a little further, but he mustered a fake smile as he made his way to the door...
Hearing the door gently close behind him, he sighed, the frown returning as he muttered, "What did I do wrong?"
1471 Words
Stay Safe <3
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