🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ
Each hour is like a box that is sealed & placed on a shelf.
On the Day of Judgement, these boxes (24 boxes/per day) will be opened & their contents will be displayed to us.
If we filled each hour of our day in life with good deeds done solely for the pleasure of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, we will rejoice. If we filled these hours with deeds done for show/worldly benefits, useless amusements & sins, we will regret to see the contents of the boxes on that Day.
How we fill these 24 boxes every day is our choice. We have no control over events that our Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala has pre-destined for us but we do have control over whether we use these events to bring us closer to Him.
Once these boxes are sealed as the day ends, only اللّه
Subhana Ta'ala has the keys to unlock them on the Day of Judgment.
May we realise the great value of time & use every precious second wisely .
Aиϑ more especially in these first ten days of Zul Hijjah.
Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Umar رضي الله عنه related that Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam ﷺ said:
“No days are as weighty with
aиϑ so liked by Him for
good deeds than the first ten
days of Dhul Hijjah.
So on these days increasingly
La ilaha illallah,
Alhamdulillah aиϑ
Allahu Akbar.”
(Musnad Ahmad)
(based on a lesson of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah rahmatullah alayh)
1. --Our Knowledge--
Wasted by not taking action with it.
2. --Our Actions--
Wasted by committing them with out sincerity.
3. --Our Wealth--
Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr (reward) We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah.
4. --Our Hearts--
Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah , & the feeling of longing to go to Him, & a feeling of peace & contentment. In it's place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else.
5. --Our Bodies--
Wasted because we don't use them in ibadah & service of Allah.
6. --Our Love--
Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah , but towards something/someone else.
7. --Our Time--
Wasted & not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds
8. --Our Intellect--
Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detremental to society & the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.
9. --Our Service--
Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunyaa
10. --Our Dhikr--
Wasted, because it does not affect us or our hearts.
"Work for ur world as if
u are going to live forever
aиϑ work for ur hereafter as if
u are going to die tomorrow."
My Lord, I ask You for the good of this day & the good of what follows it.
اللهم إني أسألك خير هذا اليوم وخير ما بعده
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