𝙽𝙰 - 15 - 𝙽𝙰
donghyuck looked at the pair of bloody scissors that was planted in the teacher's desk just behind him. his eyes then wandered to the boy on the floor, who was lying dead in a pool of his own blood, and with jaemin's beautiful writing carved on his tummy.
donghyuck glanced at jaemin who was slowly rising to his feet and making his way towards donghyuck.
"don't come near me!" he said, holding his hand forward to create an invisible shield.
thankfully, jaemin hit it, looking at the demon confusedly.
donghyuck took this opportunity to glue the boy to the wall in a hand motion before approaching him carefully.
"jaemin...?" he asked, seeing the boy looking around, as if he was trying to understand what was happening.
"d-donghyuck... what... what's happening?"
donghyuck cancelled the curse in a snap of fingers before he approached the confused jaemin.
"jaemin, why did you do that?!" donghyuck whisper-yelled.
"why did i do what?" the teenager asked. "what happened?"
"you killed him jaemin!"
"i killed who?"
jaemin looked at the direction donghyuck was pointing at, gasping when he saw the amount of blood and the unanimated corpse lying in the middle of it.
"i-i d-did that...?" he asked, stepping towards the boy, discovering his personal signature on his stomach.
jaemin fell on his knees, crying hot tears.
this alarmed donghyuck who immediately ran to him, lifting him up and sitting him on a desk.
"jaemin, shh... don't be so loud." donghyuck cupped his cheeks. "the people outside are going to hear."
jaemin bit his bottom lip, trying his best to quiet the sobs, but it was pretty hard.
as he went on fully sobbing once again, donghyuck pulled him against his chest to muffle his cries.
"why am i like this?!" jaemin asked between sobs.
"how could i know..."
"i hate myself!"
donghyuck sighed painfully.
his human was broken to the core.
he hated that.
he needed to take care of him.
he needed to make him smile again.
he needed to make him happy.
"i promise i'll help you, jaemin." donghyuck whispered. "i'll do that even if it means i have to give up my life there..."
donghyuck followed jaemin through school the next day.
both of them were stressed as heck.
the day before, they had left the place, leaving roman's corpse in this classroom.
donghyuck couldn't close the wounds jaemin had created, so now, everybody would know that NA had hit once again, and inside a high school.
his death had already been announced, but no further details were given.
thankfully, the teachers kept to themselves the fact that he had his brain flowing out of his skull and his guts to the open-air.
"jaemin, i'm so scared..." mina said, clinging more than ever onto the boy's arm.
"you don't have to be." jaemin replied nonchalantly.
"NA has killed someone in our school. less than an hour after i left... this could have been me..." the girl told.
jaemin felt sick.
all the people around were terrified by someone that was actually him.
truth to be told, he was terrified as well.
jaemin didn't really remember what happened whenever NA appeared.
he just knew that the boy got triggered, and then, NA came and wreaks havoc.
jaemin only got to know about his doings when his anger would die down, and NA would leave him alone.
and then he would see every horrifying thing he did to innocent people.
"NA would never hurt you." jaemin said. "you're too precious for that."
"how can you know that...?" mina replied. "you're not in the mind of a serial killer..."
jaemin sighed.
he was in the mind of a serial killer.
in fact, he was a serial killer.
and he truly hoped that, as he had said, he wouldn't hurt mina.
"students, please come to the auditorium. an homage to roman will be held in a few minutes. classes will start off later on the day. thank you."
jaemin and mina made their way with dozens of silent students to the auditorium.
the atmosphere was dull, somehow awkward.
jaemin could sense the uneasiness floating around.
mina asked him if it was okay if she went with some of her friends, to which jaemin nodded.
he looked at her leaving towards one of the first rows before taking a seat at the very last row.
he didn't want to be there.
he didn't want to give an homage to someone he had killed.
everything felt so wrong.
but he couldn't not attend this meeting.
that would be suspicious.
and jaemin didn't want that.
after long minutes, all the students got settled, and the headmistress stepped onto the stage, switching on her mike before wiping a stray tear and starting her speech.
"i am very sorry to announce that, on this beautiful sunny day, son roman was found dead in one of the classrooms of this school. no inquiry was needed to know that his killer was NA, the serial killer that has been eliminating people in seoul these past years... this killer has..."
jaemin tired concentrating on something else, absolutely hating all the things they were telling about him.
he wanted to throw up so bad.
he hated the fact that they were talking about him, without knowing that he was listening to every of their words.
he hated the fact that he couldn't control himself and not kill people in the first place.
he just wanted a normal life.
but it seemed to be too much to ask.
jaemin sighed, trying his best not to look like he was concentrating on his own heartbeat.
he couldn't listen to this endless speech anymore.
as he was about to close his eyes for a few seconds, something hot caressed his palm and intertwined with his fingers.
jaemin lifted his head, looking to his right and meeting donghyuck's red eyes.
the boy was seating on a chair, next to him, and he gave jaemin a small smile while caressing the back of his hand with his thumb, as if to tell him that he was there to help.
jaemin tightened his grip on donghyuck's hand, feeling secure while holding it.
then, slowly, jaemin's head tilted to the side, and with donghyuck pulling jaemin closer, jaemin's head rested on the demon's shoulder.
jaemin left his head there, as donghyuck circled his arm around the human's shoulders in a side hug.
"i'm here for you, jaemin..." donghyuck whispered, his lips brushing the boy's temple.
"thank you." jaemin replied, a tear escaping his eye and crashing right on their intertwined hands.
donghyuck looked at the boy in his arms.
his human.
he needed to take care of him.
he needed to make him happy.
and why was he this determined to do so?
donghyuck knew now...
he had fallen for his human...
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