Chapter 5
The hands of the watch started moving without Lucas realizing. Lucas was too captivated by her looks that he became oblivious to his surroundings. He almost forgot to breathe until Leila called out his name for the third time.
The sudden realization made him blurt out that she looked beautiful. His face turned into dark red after he realized what he had said.
Leila was also surprised by his sudden comment but remained calm. She giggled shyly as she thanked him. He rubbed his neck nervously and laughed. He was internally screaming that it was so embarrassing but her laugh was so cute so it was worth it.
After that, it became very silent. Awkward atmosphere lingered around for quite some time.
They had no idea how to start their conversation which made the atmosphere really awkward. Lucas kept on thinking of what he should say to make this less awkward but he had too much to say.
He was being very careful as he did not want to make the situation even more awkward. Luckily, the waiter came at the right time, breaking the ice, by asking what they would like to order
Both of them ordered and passed the menu back to him. Lucas was determined to speak up after the waiter left.
"Um-" both of them spoke at the same time and broke into soft laughter. "Please speak first," Lucas beckoned her.
She smiled and tapped on her chin as she thought of what she wanted to say, "Well, I was just wondering how your day was. I heard about the heat wave."
Lucas made an 'o' with his mouth and shook his hand, "I managed to handle it. What about you?"
Leila told him that everything was normal for her but he noticed that she did not seem to really like talking about her work.
The meal came and it interrupted the conversation. The timing to continue was not perfect for Lucas. He ended up hesitating to speak up his mind. He wanted to tell her how much he loves the night sky but he was not sure if it was appropriate.
Leila glanced at him and knew that he was hesitating to speak. To give him some time to organize his words, she decided to start another conversation, "I heard that you were searching for me during the party."
He stiffened up upon hearing that and started sweating nervously, 'How did she know?'
"Aaron told me," she answered as if she read his mind. "I was just wondering if you wanted something from me," she added. Lucas wanted to hide his face somewhere.
He cursed Aaron under his breath, 'Does he have nothing better to do?'
However, it did give him the opportunity to say what he wanted to but his mouth just didn't want to listen to him.
"I really think you are beautiful," he said it once again. Out of all the things he could say, he just had to say that. He could not think of anything else. Leila blinked and laughed a bit.
She twirled her hair shyly as she thanked him again. He totally screwed it up. He was internally killing himself.
'Now, she's going to think I'm weird,' he thought to himself.
"That's not what I meant. I mean you are but don't think I'm strange or weird. It's just that I think it's amazing how a beautiful lady like you produced a beautiful piece of art in the sky."
Lucas stumbled over his words. He had never been this nervous before. He had conversed with many ladies before and it was done smoothly. However, this time, he felt really weird and definitely did not want her to think of him strangely.
Opposite to his prediction, Leila actually listened attentively to him without any judgment, "You are great with your words."
It was amazing how she remained composed. She appreciated all the compliments Lucas gave and knew that he really meant it.
The conversation continued until they finished their meal. They clicked off really well and had similar interests as well. They decided to take a short stroll after eating so that they can digest their food before Leila headed back to work.
Lucas suggested stopping by a place called Rose Garden which is a park full of roses with river that is breezy just like the ones on Earth. It is a suitable place for picnic, biking or even just taking in some fresh air to relax. It was made indoors so that Galaxians could appreciate the similar scenery of those in the human world.
The place was usually crowded but weirdly it was empty that day. Lucas did not really seem to care since they had the entire garden to themselves.
He really loved this place, especially because it had the presence of the mysterious Angel.
"I heard a myth that said that this place was built by an Angel and a Guardian. I always adore that angel. She's so lucky that she even get to go to the human world."
Leila walked slowly without saying anything and just listened to him. Noticing that she was being extremely quiet, Lucas asked if anything was wrong. She stopped along the way and looked at him.
"I was just wondering ... what if everything is not as it always seems."
Lucas processed what she said but still did not understand it. He asked her what she meant by that. Leila just shook her head and smiled to make him stop thinking about it, "Don't mind me. I always think of stuffs like that."
Although she said that, Lucas knew that there was something between the lines. He thought about it in his mind as they continued to walk down the path.
Without them realizing, time had passed and alarm rang from the watch. Lucas glanced over at his watch and did not know what to press to stop the sound. While he was busy searching for the button to stop the sound, Leila looked around the garden and noticed that people had started to enter the garden.
"I need to leave then."
Lucas stared at her blankly. Time passed so fast. He wanted her to stay a bit longer but it was not in his ability to choose. He grabbed her wrist as she turned to leave.
"Can we meet again?"
She gave it a thought and nodded, "One day for sure."
One day? He wondered if it was possible. After all, she was banned from interacting with any one. If she were to be caught, both of them will be in trouble. But it was his last hope and he really wished to meet her again.
"One day for sure then."
He responded although he wanted a more precise answer. He knew she was rushing so he decided to respect her decision and let her go but there was still one more thing left, "What about the watch?"
Leila walked back towards him and did something to the watch which stopped the sound as well as the moving hands, "It's a gift. The time we meet will be the time it starts moving again."
Lucas nodded as she said that. So, this will help me meet her. He hoped for that time to come really soon. They walked out of the garden together and Leila was walked down the path instead of teleporting.
He stared at her confused as she was not teleporting. "Are you going to just walk back?" It's a long way back and it would be better to transport straightway. After all, she won't be able to make it on time if she were to just return using her legs.
"Yes, I'm just going to walk back. It's not like I have a choice."
He did not understand what she meant by that but decided not to ask any further questions. He believed that it was better to stop asking questions since she was running out of time.
He walked her back to the entrance and watched her leave first before he transported back to his own room.
He stood in the middle of his room and stared at the space. He still could not believe that he met and talked with Guardian of Night that he had been wanting. Plus, she was such a very beautiful lady. He wondered if she made it on time.
He opened the surface of his roof to look at the night sky. As expected, it was extremely pretty like always. He sighed in relief since it meant that she arrived on time for her duty. He wished for another meeting to come soon.
Thinking about Leila made him wonder why she was never seen anywhere else. Well, she is a busy Guardian for sure but it was still strange. The only people he knew that saw her before were the Heads and Jacob who caught a glimpse of her.
He recalled the rules stated during the orientation. The Guardian of the Night was not to be interacted with anyone and her office was banned from every other Galaxians unless upon approval.
Too much thoughts in his mind exhausted him. He stared at the moon up in the sky and sighed.
It's such a waste to have such a beautiful lady to be stuck in that office. He wondered how she managed to bear it. He wouldn't be even able to stand a minute alone in his office. He knew there was something more than just her duty and he was dying to find out about it but it had nothing to do with him. He threw his hands up in the sky and dropped onto the bed.
He knew it might be almost impossible to meet her again but deep down inside, he felt that a miracle might happen. When he heard her say that one day they will meet again, he felt like she was being serious and that he could trust her words.
He had waited for such a long time and he was not willing to give up now. He really wished to learn more about her now. Something about her just attracts him.
He looked at the watch that Leila gave him and smiled. He decided to patiently wait for another opportunity to meet her again.
"One day for sure then."
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